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Everything posted by CoffeeGrunt

  1. I'm thinking I'll use the Mortis Engine as a chariot for him, with some heavy modification. I haven't had much success with it, so using it for that might save the model for me. Got five more Grave Guard painted to round out the last of my 20. I really like these guys, they're quick and fun to paint in small doses, plus I nicked some bits from Ironbreakers to make the Seneschal:
  2. Yeah, the reason I don't use Summoning is that when you take into account Casting Rolls, etc it's simply not very reliable. If your Wizards die then you've got no ability to use those points.
  3. You just described the Blood Tithe system from 40K Khorne Daemonkin, more or less, which is awesome.
  4. Two tiny updates as I've been playing more than I've been painting lately. Still, after seeing a nice tutorial by a guy on the Age of Sigmar group, I thought I'd try out a new way of painting ghost models to make them a little more visually-interesting. Here's a couple of Mantic Skeletons I used as test models: Also got myself an "Aglæca, Drēaguth Champion" from Mierce Miniatures, whom I am sourcing a ride for so they can be my counts-as Settra. Love the Celtic style on these miniatures, really reminds me of the LotR Barrow Wight minis, and the detail is astounding:
  5. Black Coach needs rethinking from the ground-up, and the Mortis Engine needs to be Nighthaunt.
  6. It has Reavers and Hellions in it. No new models, and none of them have that harpoon. It's also much brighter than any Dark Eldar scheme.
  7. I'd love to see something akin to the Dwemer Constructs from Skyrim:
  8. I think the resulting storm of vitriol was probably worth it to them, though.
  9. Starts to get a little complex at that point, though. I like the idea of General-based Battleline, though it does leave things a little more open to abuse.
  10. Doesn't fit the colour palette for Mechanicum or Dark Eldar, though.
  11. Looks like Devoted of Sigmar get a nod. Here's hoping they get a little something in response to it, would be nice to see Humies get a faction book.
  12. Oh yeah. I loved it so much I got two of them, haha.
  13. Yeah, I don't want to overdo it, but once they're all assembled in their 40 man squad it'll help give a bit of variation without looking ridiculous. Also got my Wight King with Infernal Standard painted up, just stuck a Black Knight banner on him to represent it. I'd really love to get my hands on the official Forge World model some day, but it's sadly very scarce since it went OoP. Now only 300pts of Death left to paint!
  14. 10 more Skellingtons done over the Christmas period, quite pleased with how they came out. Realised after assembling the forces for a 4.5K throwdown that I only have about 420pts unpainted, so close to completing my forces for the first time in forever! Well, I do have 6 Spirit Hosts and 20 Skeleton Archers on the build pile, a plan to repaint my ghosts and ideas for future conversions...but still closer than I've ever been.
  15. The lower-down aspect is just positioning, it's an aspect of art that goes back to David and Goliath. The defiant little guy with the massive evil towering over them.
  16. I might be biased as I play the army that only functions if you ignore individual factions and play as a Grand Alliance, but having different factions or races work together in sensible ways seems like a good idea to me. It doesn't mean that the individual factions themselves are now meaningless.
  17. I do think Death operating as a GA could be a cool move for the faction as a whole.
  18. On the one hand, it'd be damn sweet. On the other, I don't like to hope for specific fluff things to happen, because they probably won't go the way I want them to. For example, the Space Puppies are still alive...
  19. Quickie paintjob completed. A Necromancer/Liche Priest/Tomb Herald depending on what the list needs when I write it up, (it's funny how GW's theme of "leader guy with stick" makes them all so functionally-identical.)
  20. Good shout. I already have Prime for watching the Grand Tour and a few other benefits, might as well make the most out of it with this as well!
  21. Personally I think the variety in how shields work adds flavour though.
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