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Everything posted by Aezeal

  1. Haven't played stormcast and haven't even played against the ballista or lord ordinator or knight incantor yet so hard to command on this list
  2. I meant the waystrider hero, sorry.
  3. I'm going to try sylvaneth first but I guess I might try a pathfinder army after that, My only fear is that an opponent who know what he's doing will just spread his army out very far so there is nowhere usefull to teleport too. It's a shame we can't use the batallion ability in the turn we enter the table though. Adreal: I was wondering how you rated the wayfinder and the arcanum (the rest of the army is mandatory so no need to ask about them). Will you use the wayfinder next time or just fit another waywatcher in? And the lord arcanum what did it bring that you liked, or will there be yet another waywatcher and maybe some more troops or endless spells? I can see another mage being usefull but and with endless spells another spellweaver might not be completely useless.. though maybe another mage might be a better idea (to bad branchwraiths need wyld woods for summoning else they'd be an autoinclude (well they'd be auto include in every possible army then I'd guess).
  4. Maybe he realm wanderered next to them? Though it seems odd he didn't mass charge him then in his own turn.
  5. If you look at my list.. you'll see I'm all in favor of dropping the 2nd wraith.
  6. 10 wounds on general and killing 3 warmachines. ... did you have good dice or is that juat average?
  7. Well that would depend (on the battleplan, units involved etc etc)... if it prevents him from taking turn 1 VP's then it can be worth it. Or if it's a unit of dryads that gets in cover and can stand a beating, or a TLA with oaken armor and gnarled warrior...
  8. Move your troops out of his way, use the ability so he can't shoot you... that sort of stuff? Move units on objectives in the middle so he can't claim them 1st turn?
  9. Carmine dragon is a good alternate for EVERY dragon since it's just an AWESOME dragon model. ..
  10. The warscrolls are pretty terrible though. Waywatchers are the only exception. The hero... have no command abilities.... lots of other stuff is overpriced. The hounds are expensive dryads with less abilities but a min unit size of 1 that can possibly be slightly useable. The lords on eagle and stag have lots of wounds for their value and decent movement ofc and are certainly worth it and I guess that the sisters of twilight might be somewhat useable ... but for all these models the problem is there isn't a real army to use them so while some models could be useable.... it would only be the case if they could be included as an ally choice in any army.
  11. I see your points.. but I have actually thought about it before going this way and came to other conclusions. I'd be happy to discuss this. The first important point is that I can cast 9 spells each turn. 2017 I played gnarlroot too, but without a wraith ofc and then I noticed that I OFTEN couldn't even cast myh 7 spells since stuff would be out fo range.. no targets for healing etc etc. Also I noticed that not having a damage spell on every caster can be annoying if he's just in range of a nice target that need 1-2 MW to be removed. Especially since shield and bolt are completely nerved it's nice to have enough spells to fill the magic phase with. I think that without the endless spells it might even be difficult to make gnarlroot worth it (which is part of the reason I stopped using it last year). On casting all spells can ofcourse be dispelled but not all armies will have 9 dispells. The endless spells aren't necessarily the best spells I can cast (looking at summoning dryads, Alarielles damage spell and in some instances the reaping, summoning a forest or the native spell of the wych which can be great spells for our army) so if they dispell them I can cast other stuff. Once the endless spells are in play the pendulum will move one way and can be avoided (and if it seems to be going nowhere it could be dispelled and recast even) The geminids do damage and can stack -1 to hit which can be some what synergetic if needed. If an opponent dispells an endless spell in play then he has a cast less which is not a bad thing.
  12. Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Mortal Realm: Ghyran LEADERS Alarielle the Everqueen (600) - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth Treelord Ancient (300) - Artefact : The Oaken Armour - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth Branchwych (80) - Artefact : The Silverwood Circlet - Deepwood Spell : The Reaping Branchwraith (80) - Artefact : Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell : Verdant Blessing UNITS 5 x Tree-Revenants (80) 20 x Dryads (200) 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) -Scythes/Swords 10 x Dryads (100) BATTALIONS Household (100) Gnarlroot Wargrove (130) ENDLESS SPELLS Balewind Vortex (40) Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40) Aethervoid Pendulum (40) TOTAL: 1990/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 88 LEADERS: 4/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 3/3 ALLIES: 0/400 So I think I'll take this my next game. Endless spells and artefacts are up for debate... anyone see any improvements in that department?
  13. I'd say... MW her back with gnarlroot? I also say she's... pretty low on points for her abilities...
  14. I prefer the latter too but.....It says instead right? That means either from hero or -A- (literally wording in faq so not from several at the same time) unit of hunters. Which is why it is a lot more restrictive.
  15. I'll bet your MVP where the Hunters.....
  16. The big picture is that we can defend out own objectives but cannot really take objectives the opponent holds very well. Yes the cavalry is fast.. but your story about the steamtank is anecdotal... most big stuff would chew them up in a single turn (and big stuff in this regard is almost anything that is bigger than a unit of 20 goblins)
  17. I acutally think WW is not overpriced, and EG is nicely priced now.. but WWR, WR, SoTT, SotW and probably even GG are still 10 points too expensive. (yes everyone is always happy with the GG.. but for just a single volley of rend 3.... everyone - see above - talks about deleting units with them... but that isn't REALLY what happens… unless you target a very small unit :D). I don't have my books with me but I'm betting waystone is overpriced too... especially considering the annoying requirements it has. And we just LACK stuff... like something big (I'll admit we have good ally options) and elite melee... now I COULD look pass that.. I mean I want this army to be shooty.. and I've played them with only shooting models several times But then we should really be the TOP in shooting to make up for the things we don't have... and basicly we aren't even top in shooting (not bad... just not top) except for the fact that we are almost FORCED to take tons of shooters so we make up what we lack in quality in quantity.
  18. Hey I hadn't noticed the new Hunters change on envoys of the everqueen: no more armywide reroll 1's? now it's measuring from the Hunters INSTEAD of from the hero.... And what are you allowed to do if you have 2 hunter units and a (one of our 2) AoE ability?
  19. I agree... and I'll just say it... I just don't think wanderers are even slightly competitive. The point reductions are not enough for us... I mean my sylvaneth got more points reductions and they already where more competitive and didn't suffer from getting the army abilities gutted. Last year I started with Sylvaneth and when I had a few games I tried wanderers... I'm not even sure I'd switch to wanderers this year... it's just a bit to masochistic.. I like winning.. but I generally think I don't mind loosing that much... but I lost all games with them and only against other terrible armies I got even close to being equal.
  20. Hey just asking in here since I might just have missed it (I've been looking in the malign sorcery book a bit uncooridinatly) and making a whole topic about it just to hear I've not read stuff well enough isn't all that: How does moving endless spells work. Some have rather large bases and a limited amount of movement. What happens if you can't clear a unit? (I see that usually you could wheel a bit just to pass over it minimally so you'd have to stop in front of them). But how does it work with the pendulum that cannot wheel.. if there is no room he just has to stand infront of his target? (also the pendulum seems rather easy to avoid once cast ... certainly for the caster but also for the enemy in the 2nd turn - luckily gnarlroot wiill allow us to dispell it and then recast :D)
  21. Currently I'd make them 6 scythes, 3 swords and 3 bows too. Swords have their uses and in heavy magic lists (endless spells) you can deal with heavy armor by inflicting MW.
  22. GG are MUCH less of a target, especially if you think their only value is in that single attack.. it's still only 30 dice... this are 61 dice at better hit and wound rolls that will hit in the enemies combat phase too. But maybe the WWR are acceptable as all purpose killers at their current price point.. we'll have to see.. their armor save just makes the rather vulnerable considering the target they have on their back. But they will certainly be worth their points when put against monsters.
  23. No self respecting opponent will let them reach their lines intact. There is literally no reason for them to target anything else if you have such a unit on the table.
  24. Yes they are too expensive for those stats... they are better but still a niche unit that needs to be put against monsters. General damage output should come from somewhere else I'd say.
  25. I think the changes to mystic shield kinda killed SotT at their point cost.
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