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Everything posted by Aezeal

  1. Against 3+ it's equal... lots of monsters don't even have that.
  2. I think this could be very good for 1K actually. I'd probably loose the wych though if you have someother stuff you'd like unitwise. I think Drycha, hunters, units of 20+ dryads and a single wraith are good choices from our army list. Maybe going 20 x dryads would be a good idea.. but not sure it's that much better really.
  3. It's a missle weapon with a shooting attack... that activates as an ability which has that wording.
  4. No. The ability just says all units for flitterfuries there is no disclaimer that it's otherwise.. it's an AoS ability. Even for squirmlings I don't think line of sight is needed myself it says pick a unit and that is all that is relevant. My reaction to that argument would that you are right.
  5. I had to charge him. Then I did 4 wounds and they rolled a few 6s and killed one of mine. Next turn he hit me first and I lost another one after which I killed one of his....That left me 1 vs 4..... And I fled (strategically to claim the starfall behind him).
  6. My Gnarlroot struggled (I lost) against a hordy nurgle army 2 days ago.. and my rolls where pretty terrible.. but those chaos marauders (40) and blightkings are nasty for their points. I've been against blightkings a few times now and everytime I put a few hunters against them and the hunters straight up loose to that cheaper unit (blightkings having more wounds and doing more damage).
  7. Well... not with a full shooting list I fear. Ally drycha I guess
  8. And often games aren't even won if you defend all your objectives.. you need to be able to clear on objective of the opponent.. preferably early in the game.
  9. All of them in the wargrove can cast 2 spells. It's even in a faq or designer commentary I think.
  10. Wow... if you have costum places for forests I'd accept that just to play on these...
  11. Yeah Aarom I'd always go squirmlings.. battleshock em by massive damage on a single unit or make them burn CP for it.
  12. If you use Drycha it should really be about dealing damage with her shooting attack and being a back up caster.. combatwise she's certainly not equal to hunters.. so Drycha is obviously more dependant on what your enemy brings (units of 20-40 1 wound models would be awesome) and movement and positioning.. hunters are more allround and more point and click. For all comers Hunters might be the better choice I guess.. however we have nothing else that can clear objectives as quickly as drycha if a unit of 40 goblins is on there, she's a tool we otherwise don't have (well no one really has that tool). Last year I've used her a lot and just getting a few shooting attacks on somewhat bigger (10 + models) elite models makes her usefull though. I'm not currently using her since I'm putting Alarielle in Gnarlroot and that seems to be working wonders: I doubt anything in our army can beat her point for point, she's useful in every phase and has awesome mobility.
  13. Low being an extremely broad term in this case since at 3+ they are still equal.. plenty of armies who hardly even have 3+... against the majority of wounds in ANY game (4+ or worse) swords will be better.. so yes.. swords are great.
  14. Well then I'd just start with Dreadwood and gnarlroot and try what suits you better I guess.. I myself have not played dreadwood (Thematically I strongly prefer sylvaneth with lots of magic)so can't say much more about it but I'm not 100% convinced it's strongere than gnarlroot so I'd not discount gnarlroot too quickly unless you really think you like the dreadwood playstyle better. Gnarlroot doesn't stand a chance against gore pilgrims in my oppinion but most other matchups aren't that bad. I think dreadwood probably has some tough match-ups too.. I can imagine that armies that have lots of chaff and are well deployed (which seems a given when playing strong opponents) might make your alpha strike nearly useless and then you have less to fall back on in comparison to gnarlroot.
  15. I mean the whole idea of that post (not yours) is ridiculous: I heard some player did great in a big tournament (so.. a pro player with a pro army) so please tell me how to copy this in 1-2 posts on a forum.... I do hope he means he only has 2 sylvaneth games behind his belt and not 2 AoS games total
  16. I severly doubt this is a list that is simple to play and master. If your alpha fail or you leave key troops vulnerably after the strike it might be very hard. I'd say a list without wargroves with 1-2 units of 20 dryads, Alarielle, a wraith and a few units of hunters is probably easier to start with (and builds into a gnarlroot easy enough if you want to).
  17. Are you set on the acorn? Wouldn't a Ranu's Lamenteri on the Verdant blessing wraith have almost the same reliability for a forest on the first turn but a lot more added use in later turns? Why the Durthu and 3 more hunters and not an Alarielle who summons a TL? I really think that in flexibility Alarielle is way stronger due to added magic (3 cast and a damn strong spell), dispel, flying, healing .. well you know it all (I think she'll get a sharp points increase next year if rules are the same).
  18. A wargrove is quite a bit more than 4% of your army though... mine are mostly 10% (excluding taxes).. and it also means you can't react very well to your opponents deployment. I think wargroves are priced well at their current point.. you really need to include their bonus, artifacts and the lower drop in your strategy to make them worth it... otherwise another unit of Kurnoths is a more straightforward problem solver for the points.
  19. No it's about the list as a whole. I think in general hunters are probably better than TL, so IF you want to go with treelords I'd certainly take alarielle to make sure they keep high wounds (TL as a monster has a rather sharp drop of in damage output in comparison to newer monsters I think). Also Alarielle can summon one of them ofc which makes it thematic. The TLA's command ability has been severely nerved and mystic shield does the same now so it's not as much as a reason to take him as last year. Also: AFTER you deduct the points from a TL from Alarielle (chances she's dead first turn, when you should use this ASAP) she's not THAT much more expensive than a TLA.. but if you compare them the difference is pretty big (3 spells for her with a very very good warscroll spell), 3 dispels, higher combat damage, more wounds AND the already mentioned healing everywhere. Also: I'm not convinced about bow hunters and I'm not sure what 3 of them are going to accomplish. I like the idea of Branchwraith - Ranu's Lamentiri + Verdant Blessing Branchwych - Circlet / Reaping But I have to try it against some less annoying opponents than my latest matches. In between some dryads in the centre of the table the wych should be able to do some damage with her spells... And considering the often limited areas for forest bases I think acorn and verdant blessing might be a bit overkill. The thing about option B is that you'd often need to have both casters together to place the dryads in a summoned wood (or keep the wych near your nr 1 forest but if it's placed in the middle it's often filled with a unit of dryads all ready and enemies might arrive there so you can't fit 10 of them in the forest but outside 9" of enemy) I agree 100% with point 3 and 4 btw. Personally I'd even go 1x3 scythes and 2x3 swords.
  20. I must say I'm not convinced about that list at all.. I think I'd try to remove the TLA and a TL for Alarielle (probably need to cut another 10 dryads too).. to keep that big creature vibe and several hunters (I'd make them melee though) and have them healed by alarielle. In my experience my opponents suffocate my trees... I can usually place a 2 base forest near the middle somewhere... but after that I'm lucky if I can place another 2 single base forests during the game. Have no mercy when placing forests I'd say. If you CANNOT place a 2 base forest at the start of the game I'd just demand terrain gets moved (hasn't been needed yet I'll admit). The problem is that the TLA ability needs 3" room around it which makes that ability while easiest available very unreliable for placing forests. Often when I roll a 4+ I just can't place even a single forest base.
  21. I would not say I know more about the army than anyone. Personally I must say I think the appeal of your list above my own Gnarlroot list (with Alarielle) are your tons of hunters. I'd personally sooner cut 10 dryads for some endless spells than those hunters.. they are beasts. I would consider going all melee hunters: what is it you want your bow hunters to do and do you think 3 of them will be able to do it?
  22. I don't think Alarielle is needed, she certainly has vulnerabilities (in a double turn getting 6x d6 MW from 3 slaughter priests)… but she's strong: her spell is an awesome character or high armor sniper. Her healing is good, the summon is good. Her damage output usually isn't all that but it's certainly not bad.# I personally DON'T think dwellers is a really good spell and while the reaping should be good I've had trouble actually doing much damage with it on a wych , I think I might try a circlet/reaping TLA general with gnarled warrior myself one of these days (next to alarielle though so I can have some extra healing there) after I try it a few last times against less magic resistant armies (last opponents being Tzeentsch and gorepilgrims). I think endless spells are very good options for damage dealing especially in gnarlroot. I've been happy with my pendulum and geminids damage dealing (just target a few clustered units, preferably characters behind troops and say the geminids move a small circle just going over a few bases).
  23. I didn't think that scythes where better in 1.0. They weren't even better in the majority of situations (only against very very rare high saves) but that is what people took them for anyway. It is KNOWN when swords and scythes are better against which saves and then scythes have a range advantage. For myself: I play a lot against lower save armies and in my 2K gnarlroot build I have other sources of damage against high saves (magic, alarielle, TLA, TL) so I'm going swords for now.
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