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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Makes you wonder how many issues have been going on in the background for this to happen. Maybe Dawnbringers should have been started earlier? All I know is I want 4th edition now!
  2. I think they mentioned in the video that they are staying roughly the same as what is in 3rd now. I may have misremembered that though or thinking about a rumour, but I don't think points will change too much. GW have done this for about 30 years and it's not going to change. It's annoying with FEC how close the book appeared to the new edition but it's the nature of the beast. I'd love GW to move away from armybooks and just have source books with art and background and keep gaming stuff online there's probably just as many people out there who like having a book.
  3. I was thinking more about units being removed but just remembered Phoenix Guard have already gone. But expecting some models to be dropped in the process
  4. Well at least we get an idea of what to expect in the index stuff for Cities!
  5. No unless you make your own rules. The new edition will be new rules and any new models will only have rules to use in that game
  6. Just trying to gage interest in a TGA meetup at Warhammer World later this year to celebrate 4th Edition. Not thinking of anything special like an event but I can book a few tables and it would be cool to meet some of you in the flesh. I'm thinking it will be towards the end of August or more likely in September and probably on a weekend. So anybody interested?
  7. I think this is a complaint a lot of people have and sometimes it feels very out of focus because you could win the game if you just move a unit in a certain direction rather than claiming an objective or defeating a unit in combat. My hope is they have reviewed these as well! I suspect it will be like the Leviathan Mission Deck for 40K. You don't need it but it's just a different way of playing. Also there may be cards in one of the sets that are being released.
  8. I’m not surprised. I think they have had so many issues around supply and demand, they are trying to avoid committing too much to stuff.
  9. Ah sorry for misunderstanding! I don't think we will see anything else apart from maybe something for Heresy as it's Thursday? Based on what I can remember.... Rules have been reviewed and re-written Weapon ranges are gone. Replaced with Combat Range which is 3" I think and used for combat and capturing objectives Index rules for all armies. Any books you buy now will be out of date in a few months. I'm slightly annoyed about my Flesh Eaters! Colour coded rules on warscrolls to help with what phase they work in It's the Era of Chaos!!! Skaven have errupted everywhere. Things have gone from bad to BAD Underlining the curse of the Stormcast which is going to be shown more in this edition with more Stormcast who have been effected by the Reforging. Not sure how players will see this as it seems the point has been laboured a lot and I think players want crazy out of control Stormcast! Spearheads are a way of playing like combat patrol for 40K. Think of it like a version of the game (I'm already thinking I might be able to play at work as I know a few people who dabble!) The boxed game sounds like it will have a mat to play on? Reviewed the model ranges to workout stats by playing models in a line and grouping them. Should make more sense about some unit's having X wounds or Y armour Save for example! EDIT (due to reminder from @Flippy ) - Universal Special Rules. So Champions, Standard Bearers, etc. A lot of units have them but they do the same sort of thing now rather than wasting space on the warscrolls It's worth watching though
  10. Closer to the release we will but I can see then doing another preview show to show off the models (possibly a virtual Warhammer Fest?)
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge folks, but move all the rules chat into a new topic please Now I'm going to go back to watching the trailer again!
  12. It's reference to the Skaven Origin story. There was once a magnificent and prosperous city and the people (humans and dwarfs) decided to build a huge temple with a tower reaching up into the sky, to thank the gods for their prosperity. They struggled to finish it so a stranger appeared and offered to complete it as long as they could add their own offering. When this was done, a huge horned bell was at the top. It started ringing, bad stuff happened and Skaven appeared in what became known as Skavenblight. I'm sure people can better write that but that's what I remember
  13. Yup but we've got 4th edition soon and we aren't privy to the thinking about how the studio is run when it comes to this, so I don't think we will ever know. All I know is that I need to work out how I'm going to watch the preview and I think it will be either lunchtime tomorrow or in the evening. 😭
  14. I think that issue was a combination of the data they were getting, people weren't playing them as much and they have probably already shifted to 4th edition at the time and it's difficult to support two systems without getting confused (yes I know there are ways round it but I also know how focus changes with projects!)
  15. If I was to guess, I'd say it would be to retire the models to go off and do stuff in The Old World. If they were going to do anything with Beasts, it would probably be new range. The difference at that time, a lot of the armies were still free warscrolls and GW weren't supporting Chaos Dwarfs as they were a Forgeworld range. The 2nd edition moved the game into more of what we see today after the early days of where there wasn't much of a framework apart from just use the models you like. But I 100% agree I don't think Beasts will go. Just get redesigned.
  16. Just a nudge folks but don't get too hung up about grainy pictures. Wait until you've see the actual reveal before getting too happy/annoyed
  17. Typically they do but not sure how much detail it will go into. Should be enough to give a good idea about what has been happening though
  18. Well it's confirmed we're getting a 4th edition I know most people have guessed it's happening but it does confirm it's coming
  19. Big miss in my opinion if they aren't the 13th
  20. My two pence I know the GW studio have a lot of focus on competitive style gaming in the past as that is what a lot of people wanted. Discounting the tournament scene, people just want to be able to bring an army that is vaguely matching in size and ability to their opponent without too much arrangement of things. They tried the narrative route with 1st edition of AOS which lead to 'Mo Comp' to give a framework of how to have forces of roughly the same size. This lead to GW moving back to points but evolving the system into what we have now. I suspect we will see a more balanced approach to AOS in the new edition and may see a more narrative focus but I have no idea what this will look like. The problem in my opinion with narrative is that it's tough to sell things for it as you tend to be focused on a few factions and have to produce a lot of material. This also means you don't sell as many things as the target audience will be smaller. Maybe they will do softback books like the Osprey history books where they focus on a period or battle. Maybe stuff will appear in White Dwarf. I have no idea but that's what I would do.
  21. I know this has been discussed in the main original topic but thought I would ask the question as we will have new people looking at this and wondering (and I'm quite curious myself). What is the ideal unit size for 2000 points? I know the answer depends on what the unit is but it's just to start the discussion. I've not had any games yet as busy with Warmaster but from what I've read of the rules, the sizes I'm thinking about are around 18 to 24 in a 6 x 3 or 6 x 4 formation depending on unit size. This is a rough thought and took a lot of effort to forget about the big unit sizes of the previous edition. So what are you running or thinking about?
  22. please don't I think this is what GW have been doing for a while. It's a combination of keeping things easy for customers and probably easier for them to mass produce. Resin will be kept for smaller rangers or things you will need less of. Going back to 40K, will be interesting with Adeptus Custodes about resin as it makes up a big chunk of variety for the range. Just checking is that an assumption or something you've been told by anybody That makes sense if we are getting a nice reveal at Adepticon! Now I'm starting to struggle with picking up some Clanrats!
  23. Just have to say it took a lot of will power not to go into the GW by work on my lunch break and buy some Skaven stuff! Quite excited about it now!
  24. This is a quick information stickie about what is Warhammer: The Old World (aka The Old World or TOW) and how to get into it. This should present most of the information you need to get into the game as well. What is it? The Old World is the latest version of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, which is a game by Games Workshop that has you as the General of an army of rank and file units, set in a Fantasy world which is known as The Old World. It's classed as a 'Historical' game as the old world was destroyed in an event know as 'The End Times'. The Deities, Souls and magic that made the world ended up as the Mortal Realms where Age of Sigmar is set (Age of Sigmar is classed as the 'current' period). Why should I play it? If you like the idea of seeing two armies set in a fantasy world facing each other in rank and file units, this is the game for you. What do I need to play? To play a game, you will need the following: A copy of the Rules An army Dice and Tape measure A board to play on (typically 4' x 6' board) An opponent with an army You can get the rules from Games Workshop or any good stockists (maybe check out the advert banner above?). The rules are available as a separate rule book or within an army box. At time of writing there are only two army boxes - Bretonnians and Tomb Kings. There are also army books with the forces of Evil - The Ravening Hordes (Orcs and Goblins, Beastmen, Tomb Kings, and Warriors of Chaos) vs the forces of Good - Forces of Fantasy (The Empire, Bretonnia, High Elves, Wood Elves and Dwarfs). Other armies are available but they are currently classed as Legacy and available from the GW downloads page (Note - most players are fine with Legacy armies being used, but if you play at an official GW event you can't use them as they aren't supported). Also to add, but the Downloads page also contains the FAQ and guides to working with metal and resin - https://www.warhammer-community.com/the-old-world-downloads/ Anything Else? Just explore the rule book, pick models you like the look of and play some games. Oh and have fun
  25. Thanks. Hes a bit gobby but seems fun. My wife and son like him which is the key thing.
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