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Everything posted by nine7six

  1. some great options to consider! thanks for that. I think i will start with 10 liberators with a castellant or 15 with relictor and see how that goes, only because I have all that painted and own the models lol if that doesn't work for me then i'll purchase one of the other options, I just want a unit I can put on centre objectives in certain scenarios and not worry about. Not too fussed about the damage as they are just to distract so I can shoot them.
  2. Looking for a tanky unit to hold objectives but can’t decide. Currently looking at ironbreakers or longbeards with runlord. Anyone got suggestions?
  3. ooo I'd be interested in some if you would ship to canada lol, thinking like 10.
  4. awesome! where are they getting hook bits from?
  5. hey everyone, was wondering how people are maxing out skyhooks in their arkanaughts units, are you buying all the extra boxes just to receive one skyhook? or are you converting them somehow....
  6. I personally dont' think any of the battlions are worth it, Rob made a comment on the Honest Wargamer that made me think, if you can't participate in the activation wars then why bother? sooo with that in mind i'm not running endrinriggers, it would be ****** to charge them but you always attack last. Instead i'm going full shooting and choosing Barak Nar over Zilfin, this way my army can focus on 3 things, shooting, unbinding and movement and with new point reductions you can fit 15 thunderers, 30 arknaughts and 12 skywardens (with drill canons) and 2 khemists giving the army a triple threat. Make that opponent decide which of the shooting units is more a threat. Having all the heroes being able to unbind and with a +1 is nice...
  7. They are in a bad place right now.... and those are some tough matchups for a beginner, DOK will turn 1 charge him so he has to start at back of the board, Nighthuant ignores rend and sylvaneth he can't shoot through trees unless unit has fly. Basics are use arknaughts for Hero's and Thunderers for regular units, I see so many people waste the +1 to hit arknaughts get against heros to shoot battle line units so against DOK focus on those Hags and Heroes, try to shoot at max distance always, if you think you are getting charged I put my boat sideways in front of my units to sacrifice it so I can shoot some more before being reached. 2 khemists is a must and an incantor as ally can't hurt, also if he's going to include any boats the only one worth it IMO is Ironclad, rest don't do much.
  8. I'd be disappointed if this is a reveal, I like to see things coming in the next few months and not what should be released the following weekend.
  9. Question... does Khazgan Drakkskewer really only move 4” instead of 12” like other sky wardens?
  10. Hate when the new warscroll links aren’t working
  11. They’ve removed it but the date of the article was set for tomorrow so we’ll find out soon!
  12. anyone see the points for the shadespire models in the app? Hope it’s not a sign of things to come.... 260 for the named khemist!!
  13. Hi Everyone, Back to playing KO after a hiatus, just wanted to confirm something as I read all the FAQ's. Can zilfin no longer deepstrike and then deploy?
  14. Does anyone know what was said on warhammer tv today? They were supposed to have a section on duardin in mortal realms
  15. I really hope there is something today for us.....
  16. currently 1 unit of 10 arkanaughts can take 3 light skyhooks, however I expect this to be FAQ'd or updated when a new tome comes out that you can only take 1 of each type of weapon.
  17. that was my original idea too but then deepstriking 9" inches away means his aura is really only hitting 1 unit since it's 10" wide and then generally it's the opponents turn and you just put your 100 point model in easy charge distance for 1 turn of rerolling to 1s to hit. Plus a good player is going to have you screened so you can only hit chaff models.
  18. I recently switch from Azyros to Venator as I didn't have a beat stick to take advantage of azyros and was finding I generally kept him in backline so was a waste. Have no regrets with Venator, that extra damage per phase of 2/3 wounds on average has been really helpful compared to azyros that didn't really see combat and just buffed. and on the occasion it's been nice to see the star fated arrow actually go off, did 9 damage to Archaon in my last game lol but don't expect that will ever happen again.
  19. so I have a tournament coming up where i'm bringing the knight venator for some shooting, what current artifacts are good for him? I know luckstone used to be the go to but was thinking glyph feather charm for the -1. thoughts?
  20. I'm happy to have no endless spells just give us aether shields or something along those lines that dispels spells on 2+ that affect units within 9" of a model (icon bearer/ships) and doesn't allow users to cast spells within that range.
  21. and to add insult to injury they FAQ'd the artifact that lets you unbind on 3D6 and instead it only gives you and extra spell you can unbind..... give me 1 unbind on 3D6 any day over 2 chances.
  22. hey everyone, I'm running an oldschool battlion, (warrior brotherhood) and have a knight azyros in the list, I'm trying to figure out what the best artifact to give him is? Playing with idea of glyph feather charm, ethereal amulet, mirror shield.. he will be used up in front lines for those rerolls of 1.
  23. based on the leaked WD cover for Feb, do you think we are getting more stormcast rules next month for vandus and crew?
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