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Tronhammer NZ

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Posts posted by Tronhammer NZ

  1. 31 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

    You can’t take unique units that’s correct. 

    Could you let me know where this is mentioned? It's driving me nuts.

    EDIT: In fact, it's implied you CAN take Unique units because at the top of p. 315 it says that you don't take injury rolls for units that are listed as Unique.

  2. Some of the previews leading up to release said you can't take unique units in your army. I could not find this in the rules at all, except for that Unique units can't be the warlord. 

    I take it Unique units are OK in PTG armies?

  3. Rule 6.1 says a unit cannot receive more than one command per phase. So there is no stacking Shield Wall with Bludgeon, or Endless Duty, or Still Their Breath. You get to choose one of those. 

    Katakros' aura still gets to stack with other abilities though because it is used in the hero phase rather than combat. And Counterstrike is in the charge phase.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    Oh wow that's some ancient website "design". They badly need someone who knows how to do stuff this century.


    Jeff is a one man show, and spends all day making and designing  bases. Real good ones, too - been buying off him for almost a decade. Can't help but be rubbed up the wrong way by that comment.

  5. 8 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    My initial wave of Bonereapers has arrived. Now, unless I want to stick with my normal plain basing scheme, I need to look for a company that does resin bases in the full range of sizes that come in this model range.

    Anyone got suggestions?

    I've been using Dragon Forge Design for my entire Death Collection so far (Broken Wasteland set). I have an order in place for everything in the OB range.

  6. Got shared this nifty bit of math-hammer about what it take to get rid of Morket Guard with Harvesters nearby. That healing being able to stack makes things pretty crazy. Particularly if you have multiple Mortek units conga-lined within range and just bounce models between units.

    Apologies for not being able to give credit for the below - if it was you, thanks!




  7. 10 hours ago, DioRa said:

    I'd assume you could've casted the shrieker on a support wizard like the soulmason? Sure the -1 to cast hurts him more than Arkhan (thanks to his own buffs to casting).

    I like the carrion on paper for Arkhan and Nagash. But also like the shrieker a lot just to help out our units. Not convinced on the predator sadly.

    The Carrion only heals the caster who is soul-linked with it, and Arkhan was the one getting into the thick of it.

    The shrieker I didn't get to cast because the Soulmason was doing the Relentless Discipline spell and the Soul Guide Spell as his two castings each turn. Next time around I would not give him the RD cast (which is so crucial) so that he can do a soul-linked spell.



    You may of course, sharing is caring!

    Mark 2 of the list would bump up the size of the Guard, and maybe swap 1 unit for some Deathriders for the objective grab. I'm not sure Morghast are best use of points, or that you would need all those endless spells, but that is the fun of trying things out. 

    Ah, new army releases are such magical times. 

  8. Units of 10 were almost enough for the job actually, they tanked quite well. But more bodies would be better.

    Morghast were so-so, not heloed by getting caught on the backfoot by Hand of Gork. The extra attacks and reroll 1s to hit were cool. Had I got the double turn I would have had them around longer thanks to heals. 2 Archai withstood a charge from 10+ Boar Boyz without losing a model.

    I only got to use the Carrion, and that worked a treat in the right place. Very good for 20 points. Arkhan heals so much between this, his own ability and his 3 heals. He went from 7 wounds taken back to full health in no time. I combo'd it with the Protection of Nagash, which meant he could still heal regardless of where he is on the battlefield. And you get to place Carrion anywhere on the battlefield! I imagine it is a must for Nagash too. The minus to hit from soul linked is tricky, need to remember to cast it last. And having cast it, means he can't cast any more soul linked spells. 

  9. Had a game last night against Da Big WAAAGH.

    List I ran was:

    Arkhan 360
    Liege 200
    Soul Mason 140
    Mortek Guard x 10 130
    Mortek Guard x 10 130
    Mortek Guard x 10 130
    Mortek Crawler 200
    Mortek Crawler 200
    Morghast Harbingers 210
    Morghast Archai 210
    Shrieker 30
    Carrion 20
    Predator 40


    Big take-aways:

    Mortek Crawlers should almost always make their points back.  Opponent gave me first turn and I took 360 points worth of models off. Cauldron shot into arrow orruks killed 10, and the normal shot removed a unit of Gore Gruntas. Later in the game I got a Cursed Stele off having taken 10 wounds and killed the general. I will be taking at least 2 in every game going forward. If anything gets nerfed, it will be these things. 

    I did a big mis-play by allowing Hand of Gork to teleport big threats into my backline, so wont make that mistake again. Took the Crawlers offline early. Next time I would take the Ballisteri.

    The durability as Petrifex is insane. The Liege in particular was a total tank., but he did end up going down once his Gore Gruntas got the extra damage buff.

    The Carrion is a really cool spell!

    I kept forgetting all the buffs I had available, you really need to manage it. 

    My opponent won by just, having won 4 out of 4 priority rolls. We played Penumbral Domain out of Forbidden Power. Cannot wait to play the army more, it was a LOT of fun and was absolutely stoked with how they withstood the green bois.

    • Like 4
  10. 9 hours ago, Overread said:



    Our first proper look behind the trebuchet! Wider and you can clearly see the platform now at the back where there's the loader and fire commander ready to get the arm pulled back and ready to fire. 

    That Arch-Kavalos is on a round base, right? Certainly not a 90 oval.

  11. I was hoping so. One of the leaked images from the book apparantly shows the Kavalos guys have a command ability that adds 1 attack in the shooting phase. Wondering if that's just for the Crawler, or if any of the currently revealed units have non-modelled missile options like gazes or breath attacks?


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