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Blog Entries posted by Shane

  1. Shane
    Another friendly multiplayer day. This time it was three of us playing - Stormcast, Tzeentch and Nurgle. We used the Triumph and Treachery  rules for the first time. Battleplan was holding the centre of the board - blood and glory, I think. 
    We played without battleline restrictions.
    Here are some photos from the day. Next time I'll make notes and write a full battle report.


  2. Shane
    Slow work in progress on Tzeentch models. I'm being realistic with myself and aiming to basecoat my whole army first. Rather than spend hours on a single model. Will look better on the battlefield.

  3. Shane
    On Saturday we played a three-player game, and then followed up with two four-player games (Uneasy Alliances and A Convergence of Fate). 
    Here are some images:
    Table setup

    Game one

    Game two setup

    4 player games

  4. Shane
    The basecoat is down on Colin Dent the Colossal Squig.
    Orange seemed like a good idea at the time...only now do I realise what I've got myself into. This will be my first attempt at shading down darkened areas to bring out the orange in a more natural way.
    I will also be using a recent tutorial I found for blood effects in and around the mouth area.

  5. Shane
    I'd seen the GW blog post prior to WHF that said they'd be selling these OOP ruins again. I'd missed them first time around as Hobbit/LotR happened during my twelve year break from tabletop gaming. 
    The ruins were packaged in a plastic zip locked bag rather than the cardboard box. 
    It was the price tag that made it an instant purchase - £18.
    This was a painted on Saturday afternoon. I made a mistake during the process by picking up the wrong paint to use. It was only the following day I realised what had happened. That said, it's become a happy mistake - it looks pretty good. Looking forward to putting this down on my new battle-mat this weekend for some four player action.
    Paint scheme:
    Spray with white. Base Rakarth. Pick out random stones with a light and medium brown. Wash with soft tone Drybrush w/ rakarth/white* mix. Then dry w/ white Bronze is a bright bronze, soft wash, bronze then oxide The wood was dark grey base, wash dark tone, drybrush lighter grey, drybrush white *This is what I intended to do. What I actually did was mix Kislev Flesh with White. So the tone was much lighter than it should have been.

  6. Shane
    There are times when a hobby treat is more than just a model.
    Look at these lovelies:

    I'll be rolling 'em at our next AoS session. For which I will be running a Tzeentch force.  
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