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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. If it is another stormcast release in place of much anticipated aelves, sc become my hated faction and i would be let down for the first time by GW.
  2. Well, it's disappointing. I had expected there will be none or close to none new AoS information but to be honest there are no interesting news at all. Adepticon was far more rewarding. I don't think tomorrow will be anything more.
  3. I believe there will be something at warhammer fest. Maybe not a large release but at least some repacks and a new battletome. Maybe GH and those skirmish rules.
  4. What’s in the new starter box? A new starter box? That’d be exciting! I guess we’d fill it with some awesome new miniatures… (come on, we can’t spoil all the surprises for you!) Oh I can already answear that! ... Space Marines... Not interested probably. But the news overall is good. The better GW stands, the stronger AoS will be.
  5. I bet on 40k new edition. If the announcement is really big, I can't see any other possibilities. Maybe, just maybe we will get something for AoS as they will use the occasion.
  6. I just expect them to bring A LOT of new factions to AoS after past 6+ months of constant 40k releases. I know they couldn't bring everything up in just one year but in 2017 we should at least have the most wanted factions - Steamheads, Aelves (maybe 2 factions), Death Faction (or two) and some Destruction Grots. We are full with SE now and I'd rather they spent resources where they are most needed.
  7. From lore point of view, yes, they do. But is Death really a GRAND alliance? I mean is combination of humans, elves, dwarfs, lizardmen equal to undead? Are they as powerful as Chaos? Don't think so. I think Nagash and Company didn't have so much impact in the End Times for example as those races mentioned earlier. Or did I get something wrong (know the story just from forums, not books actually)? It seems a different league to me. And that's one of the reasons they (death) get less attention. Yeah, I'd played it a lot. The one thing that didn't match lorewise was IG/Ork decks. So I expect that in time we will be having more Death factions but it still will be much, much less than other GAs have.
  8. I think that they made a mistake creating 4 alliances. They are either not divided properly or they should have been renamed. Putting ALL Humans, Elves and Dwarfs in one alliance had to lead to inbalance in players. On the other hand they created an alliance created from originally like what? 3 factions? How many death factions where previously, before AoS? So unless they intoduce new races or swap things (like Dark Elves turning again Chaos or maybe Death) things will remain same. Or maybe they change Death allaince into something different. I believe that some GW employees do read this forum and they see how much interest there is for new Death factions so perhaps they are working faster on something death related.
  9. I'd be super hyped if they make sea-cthulhu-aelves. Maybe even more than with Kharadron Overlords.
  10. As we had no aelves announced at Adepticon when or where would you expect it to happen? If I were to guess I'd say Warhammer Fest. Until then I think we might get some repacks or/and a new battletome. It would be nice to release a new nurgle battletome.
  11. That's probably nurgle 40k release. They were just teased and we will be seeing them probably in a week or two.
  12. Those are some great news. :-) Do we know any schedule or where the stream will be?
  13. I expect they will "only" reveal Shadowspire at Adepticon. It seems to be a big thing for them, with planned expansions and they will give all the spotlight to that new game, without any distractions. Aelfs will be shown further in the year in my opinion. It is also to close to Duardin release.
  14. I think it is a good decision to bring mortals and demons together for each chaos god. That separation felt a bit artificial to me. And that way we can expect forces of Nurgle to be updated soon. On the other hand I like they kept Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords seperate as the only thing they have in common is they are duardin. Everything else is so much different.
  15. Nah, i prefer it that way. This will prevent them from reducing ideas. I mean sooner or later all those duardin would blend into one. This way they will have to be creative to keep each duardin faction interesting and unique. All the Chaos factions on the other hand feel more complete when it's mortals and demons combined. Why wouldn't they if they serve the same god.
  16. It isn't a good sign that there are no duardin on march's cover if they were to be revealed that month.
  17. I just expect them to bring A LOT of new factions to AoS after past 6+ months of constant 40k releases. I know they couldn't bring everything up in just one year but in 2017 we should at least have the most wanted factions - Steamheads, Aelves (maybe 2 factions), Death Faction (or two) and some Destruction Grots. We are full with SE now and I'd rather they spent resources where they are most needed.
  18. Honestly, that another Stormcast update just discourages me from buying them and a bit dispirits me from AoS as a game. I will repeat it once again - I don't like the concept of one super faction and other minor. Some factins are screaming for an update. Many of us still wait for new Aelves and Duardin. They want more Stormcasts? OK, do them. 2020 will be about ok.
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/12/31/forge-world-jigsaw-reveal/
  20. I haven't watched the stream but from what you say I'm not sure if I like that change (grouping forces under larger labels). It's not wrong but I liked the idea that a person doesn't need 100+ figures to feel his army complete as there are only a few Fyreslayers units. Now if they are going to release "Duardin Battletome" it will cover factions that could have existed on their own. What's more I believe that could have pushed designers further as they wanted to create complete and distinctive duardin clans. Now one clan will be resposible for artillery, second for runes, last one for berzerkers or any other way. I mean - it would be bad to have 1-2 more figures released for Fyreslayers and that's all. I'd rather see Fyreslayers, Steamhead and Dispossessed each to have equal number of miniatures that can really work without mixing them eachother up.
  21. Well, I'll pass on that. From such a major revamp of Warhammer world I expect more than reboxing old factions and I say that even though High Elves were my favourite Warhammer FB faction (especially in Warhammer Invasion LCG). Glad that some people here are happy though. I personally am waiting for some new Elves.
  22. Same here. I hoped for a total revamp of Elf factions. That would be disappointing especialy with End Times story that really shook Elves' relations.
  23. So Sylvaneth from my wife. Need to find a way to get Stormcasts as well.
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