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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. Grim dark is probably the thing that first drew me into warhammer. If GW ever goes Blizzard cartoon style I will run away from them as if the devil himself chased me.
  2. I thought about this idea a while ago but I'm not sure if it's still possible when we have some insects already present in other factions (Sylvaneth, Nurgle, Spiderfang Grots).
  3. As for the battleforces this year, sadly i expect them rather to be replaced with new toys + 15yo-or-so-minis-allies. Sure we want those. BUT if they keep sanity and make it same as last year (which in the end i bought 3 boxes) then with no doubt we will see Tzeentch. The second box for sure will be stormcasts. We just can't wait to see more so this time it's the Vanguard Chamber. If they make a third box it's probably KO. I don't expect more boxes. I'm only interested in the second option (1 faction box) and if it's KO then I'm in.
  4. I think they should have made a list on their site. This way it is confusing whether they have already ended the event.
  5. Did they announce winners of that paint set for those who downloaded the app in the first week?
  6. I'm usually careful with my expectations just not to be disappointed too often but I was definitely expecting Nurgle tome along with new minis this year due to Blightwar.
  7. Well, that guy is me. It's not a rumour, just my thoughts. I suspect that the extremely negative reactions we had at AoS lunch might have had an impact on management and thus AoS future. I wouldn't be much surprised if GH1 was a turning point in AoS future and without it AoS could have become LotR in term of sales and support.
  8. Again i think gw begs for criticism. We really need 2 stormcasts and 2 bloodbound bands at the very start of the game? They make the game more interesting rather than elves, grots or other chaos forces? I just don't get it.
  9. Sir, you gave me one more great reason to start an army of them.
  10. Well, it can still be released earlier but also aimed at Christmas. We will see. Hope they will stick to battleforces which are just awesome.
  11. Hope you are wrong. I mean even for a second i haven't thought of these boxes to be replacements for battleforce boxes we had last Christmas. I expected Tzeentch and maybe Fyreslayers or Kharadrons. But since they had so little releases this might be true. I have zero interest in both old minis and mixed factions so it is seems Christmas will be frugal for me this year.
  12. All those scenarios you write about can be created and will remain logic. It's just I would've left that for RPG games or maybe video games with plot-driven action. AoS is for me a great number of distinctive, creative and beatufil armies of models which I adore each and every discretely rather than a blend of them. I'm still amazed what they did with generic dwarfs when they created Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords. I don't want them to turn back. Think what they can do with Aelfs.
  13. That way I can come up with a scenario for Stormcasts-Khorne alliance or Dwarf-Orkz. There can always be a greater evil that needs special alliances to be made.
  14. Even despite their story they are way too much different in design of minis. Pirates and winged paladins? Nah.
  15. Can't agree. This anvilgard box is really anti-thematic. Especially if we remember what emotions where between old empire and dark elves. Yeah I know that now they are in the same grand alliance but just look at them. They don't match. If i ever buy this box it'll be because i need stormcast minis and privateers minis for my two seperate armies. Somebody who came up with allies mechanic earned GW a lot of money. It's almost obligatory if you want to be competetive and they sell old minis. It wasn't made to let people make more thematic armies.
  16. Certainly don't like the direction wich is to mix armies. Firstly this ally mechanic from ghb2, now this. I'm afraid we might be seeing less thematic armies like Fyreslayers and Kharadrons in favour of some big, old, boring dwarfs empire. Hope this is made as somethind additional to new concept armies.
  17. Yes! Is it a starter box? Nurgle vs Stormcasts?
  18. I remember when they announced Tzeentch in Tzanguary and wrote something like "a great aos release and we are still in january! Expect greatness in 2017!". It's understandable why people wanted more even shortly after Kharadrons. Hope that GH2 isn't the big star of this gencon for AoS. It's barely a second breakfast for this community hunger, especially after all those rumours.
  19. If they do show stormcasts at gencon I will swim all the way through the ocean, find a man responsible and put a stardrake in his ass.
  20. Tomorrow is gencon. I will be enormously disappointed if no new faction will be revealed. And i'm not talking shadespire.
  21. Because you have a different opinion than swarmofseals it doesn't mean that there are not many alike. It turns me off as well to see another stormcast coming when there are factions that beg for attention or others that are still waiting for announcement. I don't want AoS to be SC vs the rest. It's boring and unfair that players of one faction get all the tools to be able to counter all the others.
  22. I don't think that's a good news. I believe most expected slaanesh to have completely new models with a proper introduction as previous armies had. This suggests that it will be just a repack.
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