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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. The most boring one to play, indeed. ☺️
  2. Nighthaunt will be like 3 evenings to paint with an airbrush. Yeah, I take it just because of that.
  3. I bet that cinematic sorcery will be something like we got in Idoneth battletome - couple of units need to be close to cast a spell or start a ritual that might take more than one turn to activate or it can be more powerful the longer it is being cast.
  4. Didn't expect that. New edition. I like the undead rider. Not so sure about stormcast mount which looks like those from vanguard. I prefered those dracothian mounts.
  5. Please share some details when you receive them. ?
  6. Do you know more details? What esthetics can we expect for Slaanesh and Moonclan?
  7. This is exactly how I wanted AoS Nurgle to look. Serious, scary and disgusting at the same time. If this was an AoS release that probably would have been my main army. Instead we received "funny" and amusing models maybe except for the pusgoyle blightlords and maybe the GUO. I accept that some people might have wanted Nurgle that way but it certainly pushes me away.
  8. The last faction will probably not be Moonclan but new Stormcasts.
  9. https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/2883 More Idoneth leaks.
  10. I still believe that they are making a mistake by pushing Stormcasts so much but maybe their numbers tell them differently. If for Example Ironjawz had as many releases as Stormcasts, be the second wave be oriented around cavalery like boars and third around weird boyz then I think they would receive as much customers' attention. Some people just choose Stormcasts being sure that they will have constant releases for their army and be always up to date with balance and rules. Can you say the same about BCR or Daughters of Khaine? It is much more likely to see two more SC chambers than seeing more of those guys. That said if I were to decide I would release 1-2 new units for each so far introduced factions. It would certaintly rise the interest around those "old" factions like Ironjawz or Fyreslayers. And I think that since elven players me included are quite satisfied right now with latest releases they should now appeal to Destruction and Death players. Pretty sure there are some. Was there any rumour that Darkoath are on their way? Or those are just forum suspicions?
  11. If I were to guess I'd say new aelves are more likely to happen in 2020. We already have 3 aelven factions (Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin) while there are still needs in Destruction and Death. This however doesn't have to prevent Slaanesh from appearing. Nobody said there must be a Slaanesh - Aelves campaign.
  12. Battleforce boxes are a December release but the other are released through out the year I think.
  13. I've just realised we are probably having 5 new releases this year and for the past two years we only had 4 battleforce boxes per year. As a person who has so far purchased four of those boxes I expect that either all new factions will receive their box in December or if there's got to be 4 boxes this time they will omit stormcasts who already got two boxes and not Deepkin or Daughters.
  14. Just when I believed ghb17 to be the worst thing that happened to AoS they come with this. It might be the end of AoS for me as well.
  15. Stormcasts got more battletomes than Death. There is a chance they will have total more units than Death altogether. It's time for Stormcast Grand Alliance. Just joking while being relaxed. Why relaxed? I think I'm pretty much satisfied with those releases I waited for. Sylvaneth, Kharadrons, Deepkin. Will have enough minis to paint by the end of 2019. Only two releases of I can think that I wait for is Malerion and new Light Elves. Sure, I want great factions for all those Destruction and Death players that are waiting.
  16. Is there any info of how Scourge Privateers relate with Deepkin? I thought that SP would be incorporated to Deepkin.
  17. Honestly, couldn't care less. Not, that I don't like Wh40k. I've never understood people's love for sisters. Wh40k is much too conservative for me in terms of evolution. Same factions all over again.
  18. Thank you Games Workshop. This is how a 10/10 release looks like. Deepkin are great. You can count on me and I'm picking two battleforce boxes in December (this and DoK) and expansions for my current forces (Stormcasts, Bloodbound, Sylvaneth and Kharadrons).
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see nothing at Adepticon as well. It's still a bit too soon since Daughters of Khaine. April for the announcement and May for the release imo as for the Deepkin.
  20. I hoped more for those rumoured sea horses and an octopus centerpiece rather than sharks and a turtle (won't the turtle centerpiece be to much similar to Everqueen and the Beatle?). But then I wanted Kharadrons to be dwarfs in mechs and not in sky-ships and still they turned out great and I bought battleforce with them (more purchases after I paint the box). Also I still don't think Taradrel and Mistweaver are from the same army. Their style is too much different. I'd rather expect Mistweaver to be a part from light elves.
  21. If I were to guess April is a bit to early since DoK. If I remember correctly there is a big event for GW in May and my bet is they will introduce sea elves then. Furthermore looking at 2017 I wouldn't ecpect so many releases except Deepkin this year. Maybe some stormcasts OR 1 other faction. Remember that GW runs also 40k and few boxed games with expansions. There is no room for 6 AoS releases a year.
  22. I was just joking. GW - make ONLY STORMCASTS! We love'em! Don't need anything else. No aelves, no death, no grots. If you really must - for each non-stormcast mini create one SE mini. Long live Stormcasts!
  23. If I was to speak openly what I think about GW making another SE mini I would certainly be banned. Restrained version - GW, please stop. Listen to community.
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