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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. At least let GW make some really distinct Chamber, nothing we've seen before. Most Dominion sce already looked really similar to what we've already known. Now they're going with rescalpts. Seriously? Okay, go with sce every year but make them as distinct one from another as Moonclan, Squigs, Troggoths and Spiderfang are. Not clones that all they differ is the weapon or helmet.
  2. Huge waste of resources. Not only I think that changes are purely cosmetic but even some like helmet or kilt are a downgrade from its previous version. Meanwhile Beasts of Chaos, Ogors, Dark Elves, Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz and like 90% of Chaos daemons beg for a refresh. Go on, refresh sequitors next year.
  3. If you always play it safe, you won't win. When considering the models I mentioned I position them in a way, that won't put them at risk in one turn. But not in a double turn. I won't put a 700 point worth model at the edge of my side of the battlefield. It is meant to take a significant part in play. It's either you waste your points playing it safe, or make a use of it taking the risk, the risk made by DT.
  4. Every single time I got double turn and gained advantage that way made me feel guilty and if it lead to me winning the game I felt like I didn't earn it Every single time my opponent gains double turn I feel like: "here goes down my Alarielle, Ironclad, Black Coach etc. that would otherwise be safe and sound"
  5. When new players first learn about the double turn, it often raises a few eyebrows, but it’s well-loved by the community at large. “I often ask competitive players, playtesters, and influencers the same questions,” says Matt. “What they’d add to the game, what they’d change about it, and what they’d remove from it. By far, the number one answer to the last question is this: ‘not the double turn!’ Our players are fiercely loyal to this concept, to the point it’s become a bit of a rallying call!” 😄😄😄 From like 10 people I know personally that play AoS, 9 od them at best hate double turn, some to the point that resigned from the game at all.
  6. Hope Wolf Riders were a one off. They don't fit at all current GSG range. Neither squigs, nor Trogghoths. Not even the shroom theme. Move "normal" goblins to the old world. That's were they belong. I own fully painted 2k Squigs and on my way to 2k Trogghoths. If GW wants to expand GSG range do it with some crazy Spiderfang. They fit AoS way much better.
  7. So no faction spell lores? That would be devastating and it would remove an important aspect of diversity across factions. Tell me I'm wrong.
  8. First Yndrasta now her... Does sigmarification make girls to lose half of their hair?
  9. If I had to choose one biggest news for me from that show, it's that Skaven are guns heavy. Skryre ftw.
  10. I consider myself Stormcast hater. It's never been the design of models or story behind them. It was always because of GW's policy of prioritizing them over any other faction. At one point Stormcasts alone had more minis than the whole Death Alliance! The funny part is that Stormcast brought me into this hobby in the first place. I still have my Stormcast models from the very first starter set (vs. Bloodbound). These were the first models I've ever painted and have strong sentiment for them. But I never wanted SCE to become fantasy versions of Space Marines. Having each year new releases of another Chapter is just incredibly boring. Literally spamming the hobby with yet another identical squad or Lieutenant. Singapore Warhound spoilers give some hope that this time Stormcast design will be more original. Even I feel LITTLE excitement for them (like 5x smaller than for Skaven but it's still something). For future releases it would be great if another chapters really stood out from each other. Like Ironjawz differ from Kruleboyz.
  11. Just thought it would be great if this unit had multiple options to assemble like Verminlord. Siege, warp weapons, pestilence...
  12. Sometimes it's really misleading. It wasn't Whitefang but do you remember this whole "Cthulhu Elves"? Idoneth Deepkin are pretty far from something I'd call Cthulhu. Both direct pics and hints are useful. I'm just more of a direct guy rather than speculation. Both approaches are ok though.
  13. Both of them are great support for this thread. Hope it's more than just one release.
  14. Mate, he deserves this. It's some real stuff he's posting. Not vague suspicions or hints but actual fotos. Outstanding.
  15. Amazing Singapore Warhound you're slowly becoming nr. 1 tga poster in this thread
  16. Thank you. Best leaks in a long time. More leaks (Skaven and other) would be much appreciated.
  17. So well, at first glance this leak was big, but to be honest it showed us exactly nothing. Not a single model, nor Skaven confirmation.
  18. Kind of weird to announce Adepticon with a conversion
  19. And that simple way Gnomes become a strong contender for minis of the year.
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