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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. Aelf player here. No BT yet. Get in line! 😄
  2. Man , i just want my FIRST book. Hey GW, look at Aelves, we do exist!
  3. All the high Aelves factions could be united. Swifthawk will lose a lot of models, the others are already full plastic.
  4. All the High Aelves could be mixed togheter. Swifthawk will lose a lot of models, the other factions are all plastic already so... Just need da book
  5. I just want a book for my Aelves. Plz Gw.... with a cherry on top...
  6. I hope KO gets a new book. It is a shame for such cool army and ships not hitting the table as much as it should.
  7. Also, they could keep the microfactions inside the bigger factions. For example they may in the future release a few Moulder models for Skaven. Skaven players rejoice, those who enjoy that special side of Skaven will be even more pleased, but you reach a greater audience. Both groups of player can use those models.
  8. Yup. Swifthawk will be losing Seaguard, High Warden, Reavers and Swordmasters probably going away as well. It is a shame, some really nice models.
  9. That isnt exactly a good point. Were people buying moonclan before the book? where they buying Beastman? People wont buy Aelfs because they are almost unplayable. Order Draconis- 3 Warscrolls Phoenix Temple have 4. And currently those are the best options. It is inviable and cause people not to buy those kits. Give it a book, traits, options and people would buy. There is a very good number of plastics on all ranges of Aelfs.
  10. I highly doubt a Dragonlord would ally with a Corsair. Even by aesthetics they are quite diferent.
  11. Imo what should be done is a separation inside a Bt of Uglu and Hyish Aelves. Those who decided to follow Malerion and those who follow the ways of Teclis and Tyrion. Wanderers have their own identity and all they need is a behemot and a BT with reviewed rules to have a full army.
  12. Aelves got it worse. We losing High Warden, Swordmasters, SeaGuard and Reavers
  13. As a high elf player i already arranged my Swordmasters, SeaGuard, High Warden and Reavers funeral.
  14. Wonder if the Spire of Dawn models are still gona be valid.
  15. As a High Elf player i dont have any idea of what the future holds. I really hope i wont have to pour my near 6k Elves into the garbage. I am ok with losing the OOp models, but the others should be used somehow. Skaven will give us an idea of what will be the destiny of the Spire of Dawn models.
  16. My second option would be: General - Volturnos Eidolon Aspect of the Storm Soulscryer 1 x Ishalen 2 x Morrsar
  17. Greetings! I started playing with the idea of making a Deepkin army. My local meta usuall plays 1250 points, and i would like to know if this list is viable. Model looks and variety to me are more important than winning but i would like to know if this list would work out. I really hate the Namarti looks so i plan on completly avoiding it. General - Akhelian King 2 x 3 Morsarr Guard 2 x 3 Ishalen Guard 1 x Leviadon Total 1220 pts. Also i would like advice on Enclave and Artifact. Thanks!
  18. It would be interesting if it was possible to ally into the same "group up" from the recent changes to Gw store page. Then create traits and voila, playable ways for tinny factions without the need of a bunch of BTs
  19. I was giving some tought about the rumor on Dispossesed taking Ironweld without counting as allies. I wonder if this is a signal of changes on ally system. It would be really cool and create a whole lot of new builds for several armies!
  20. Well, maybe they sell badly because they are split into 5 factions that are barely playable. I really doubt Order Draconis and Eldritch Council are gona get canned. Swifthawk will suffer if SoD models are removed from matched play tho.
  21. Also Gw schedulle may change or leaks can have wrong interpretation. Idoneth was rumored as Spartan Elves , Chuthullu elves and so on. Eel riders slook "spartan" and eyeless thrall can pass as chutuluish soooo... Rumors are always prone to hits and misses
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