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Posts posted by Ben

  1. Hi Guys, 

    I'm a bit late to this thread seeing as the previous one started as my own army blog!  

    I'm torn between playing Legion and Daughters at the mo.  Morathi is so cool its hard to not go there.  

    I'm loving the new Legion updates though and will too be trying out the Execution Herd list.  I also fancy playing large units of Fireborn backed by endless spells to buff them.  

    Thanks for posting all your lists.  some inspiring stuff in here.

    • Like 1
  2. errrr. I think 6 have been sold already to early bird tickets!!! hahah .

    It seems your people from last year all want to comeback.  

    8PM This evening tickets are on sale.  

    I'm currently posting rules packs for the events to the website

  3. 21 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Hi @Ben

    I'm very excited to be going organising a big group of friends going to Blood and Glory this year, playing several different systems. Will tickets for the Blood Bowl and Necromunda events be going on sale on Sunday too, or will it be just the main AoS, 40k and Horus Heresy ones?

    Also who's running the Necromunda event and do they need a board or two's worth of nicely painted scenery? If so, feel free to put me in touch. :) 

    Necromunda is still TBC. I will be in touch! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bananaman said:

    Good call on sorting out the price of food and drink to be more reasonable. T’other than that I really enjoyed last year. 


    Any narrative or more laid back gamers I would highly recommend Warhammer Achievements- Stevey Wren always run a good event and the terrain and player packs are exceptional. 

    Thanks Timmy

  5. 1 hour ago, Bosmer Nightblade said:

    How does this work for narrative then? I see you mentioned "Warhammer Achievements", but how many games is this? I presume this is an alternative to the matched play event?

    @Stevewren will fill in the details but it’s 2 daysof narrative battles. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Entry Lists will all be eventually found at the Blood and Glory website, but for now, here is the Age of Sigmar Championships so far.

    148 Places for the AoS Championships and another 24 for Warhammer Achievements.  

    Thats 172 Age of Sigmar players all playing at the same time!  

    Aaron    Hazell
    Aaron     Walters
    Adam    Hughes
    Adi    Macwalter
    Adrian    Dowey
    Alex    Bruce
    Alex    Jones
    Alexander    Hansen
    Andrea    Schwandt
    Andrew    Bryan
    Andy    Scott
    Andy    Dunn
    Angus    Brain
    Ash    Liddington
    Ben    Booker
    Ben    Harper
    Benjamin    Savva
    Brad    Schwant
    Bryan    Carmicheal
    Byron    Orde
    Callum    Slater
    Carl    Smith
    Carl    Hewson
    Carl    Martin
    Carl     Kennard
    Charles    Fryer
    Charles    Sealey
    Chris    Green
    Chris    Myhill
    Chris    Hibbins
    Chris    Cook
    Chris    Tomlin
    Christopher    Nobbs
    Collin    Collar
    Craig    Namvar
    Craig     Chesters
    Dan    Mitchell
    Dan    Shaw
    Dan    George
    Dan     Heelan
    Daniel    Scott
    Daniel    White
    David    McElroy
    Donal    Taylor
    Doug    Fazzani
    Eirik    Lanes
    Forrest    Wilhoite
    Gary    Cherrington
    Harry    Sanderson
    Ian    O'Brien
    Ian    Spink
    Ian     Ralph
    Jack    McQuiggin
    Jack    Mayland
    Jack    Davenport
    James    Tinsdale
    James    Grant
    James    Grant
    James    Houston
    James    Allen
    James    Eveleigh
    James    Karch
    Jamie    Harmer
    Joe    McGough
    Joe    Clark
    Joe    logan
    Joe     Purcell
    John    Yates
    John    Southgate
    Johnny    Armstrong
    Jon    Barwise
    Jon    Green
    Jon    Williams
    Jonathan    Redmond
    Justin    Waine
    Karl    Bryning 
    Kieron    Allender
    Laurie    Hugget Wilde
    Lee    Badcock
    Lee    Bromley
    Lee "TUGGY"    Kay
    Leo    Rautonen
    Les    Martin
    Lewis    Swan
    Liam    Cook
    Luke    Power
    Luke    Whitehead
    Marc    Wilson
    Marc    Pavey 
    Mark    Busby
    Mark    Paddon
    Mark    Curtis
    Martin    Clarke
    Matt    Robertson
    Matt    Tinsdale
    Matthew    Robinson
    Matthew    Goulesbrough
    Matthew    Thompson
    Max    PEarson
    Maxime    Julian
    Michael    Stewart
    Michael    Wilson
    Miles    Hewitt
    Morten    Winkel
    Nick    Hyland
    Nigel    Chorlton
    Oliver     Lockwood
    Owyn    Abram
    Paul    Cook
    Paul    Whitehead
    Paul    Coram
    Paul    Haley
    Paul    Buckler
    Paul     Berrudge
    Pete    Bradley
    Pete    Scholey
    Philip    Jenkins
    Ric    Myhill
    Richard    Arnold
    Richard    Fitzmaurice
    Richard     Morley 
    Ricky    Mee
    Ritchie    Mcalley
    Rob    Nixon
    Rob     Peck
    Rob     Boyce
    Robert    Bradley
    Ross     McGowan
    Russ    Veal
    Sam    Watson
    Sam    Sendell
    Shaun     Lang
    Simon    Holmes
    Simon    Froley
    Steve    Curtis
    Steve    Hursell
    Terry    Pike
    Thomas    Landy
    Tim    Cragg
    Tom    Mawdsley
    tom    lambert
    Tom    Lees
    Tom    Mawdsley



    Andy    Davies
    Andy    Woods
    Ben    Johnson
    Ben    van Buul
    Chris    Nielsen
    Daniel    Barwick 
    Declan    Waters
    James    Warth
    Jason     Hodgkinson
    John     Harrison
    Jon    Flindall
    Joshua    Steele
    Laurence    Filtness
    Lawrence    East
    Martin    Onderdonck
    Matt    Brett
    Matt    Dawson
    Matt    Gherardi
    Patrick    Taylor
    Rob    Noyes
    Rob    Brunton
    Steve    Foote
    Tom    Linington

    • Like 1
  7. Last year at Blood and Glory we handed out feedback forms and we had a huge number filled in and returned to us and we spent a long time looking a them and seeing where we could improve the event for this year.  

    Overall the feedback was pretty amazing.  I was blown away by some of the comments about the event and the support we got from the players, especially 40k and Heresy when these are traditionally not a ‘Bad Dice’ game that we are familiar with.  

    There was one massively overwhelming amount of feedback that was on almost every single sheet that we had returned.  I would say 95% of the feedback sheets (over 150!) mentioned the food and drink in some form or other.  Most of this was to say that the Bar and Food were expensive for what was being offered.  

    The food was something that was not handled by ourselves, so we have limited control over.  We chose this route as organising an event for 350 attendees has its own challenges without also having to thing about catering.  However, after the overwhelming feedback received we have ben back to the venue and agreed a set menu and bar prices that are entirely more reasonable.  

    Here is a 2018 Blood and Glory Bar and Food menu. 





    Additionally we will be ensuring that free tap water is easily avaliable in all areas of the venue.  


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. Hi everyone.  

    I want to share with you all the details for Blood and Glory 2018.  

    Image from iOS.jpg


    ——BLOOD AND GLORY 2018——


    This is the 6th year we have ran Blood and Glory the event is being turned up to 11!  Last year we had a  brand new spectacular venue and will be continuing expanding to include not only Age of Sigmar, 40k and Horus Heresy but also a full range of Games Workshop game systems.   

    If you have been a member of this community for a while you will have seen my post about how I feel about Warhammer and TGA.Community, well this is the exact feeling that we will be bringing to Blood and Glory.  

     This event is set to be the biggest and best Bad Dice event yet.  We have an amazing new venue that can hold up to 700 players and we intend to fill it!

    The Age of Sigmar and 40k Matched Play GT’s are going to be huge but we also have plenty going on for players who prefer Narrative and Open play.

    Warhammer Achievements is a Age of Sigmar Narrative play event and we are welcoming the Imperial Truth team who are running a Horus Heresy narrative event.

    So if you want to test your AoS and 40k skills against the best players in the world,  see amazing painted models and hang out for a weekend of gaming then grab a ticket before they sell out.

    Event Information

    Date: 2/3/4 NOVEMBER 2018
    Systems: Age Of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k, Horus Heresy, Necromunda


    Warhammer Age of Sigmar

    AoS 2 matched play
    2000 Points  
    5 games, 2 day event.
    Bad Dice Rankings Event

    Screenshot 2018-08-29 22.00.11.png


    The Blood and Glory Age of Sigmar rules pack is here.  

    This pack is 100% set in stone, there will however be an ADDITION to the pack to regarding TIEBREAKERS as a 200 player event with 5 rounds will result in a high number of players being on the same points totals for each bracket.  

    We are working on a secondary objective system that will be in play in each of the games in the AoS Championships.  

    These secondary objectives are still to be confirmed.  This will not change the result of a game, the battle plan will still decide that, but they will be the difference in who will win the event when 2 players are on equal battlepoints.

    I want to post these by the 1st October but we 'Might' leave it until registration to ensure they are properly tested.  

    Warhammer 40,000

    New 40k Rules
    5 games, 2 day event.
    ITC Event

    Horus Heresy, Warhammer Achievements, Shadespire, Necromunda, Titanicus, Bloodbowl and more details to be released soon.  

    Seminars, specialist games, Painting Contests and lots more to be announced. 

    More information to be revealed in the coming weeks.

    It’s worth underlining the Bad Dice Team’s aim for this whole event. It goes without saying that we want everyone to leave having had an amazing weekend. We also want to give players new to the tournament scene the chance to jump in without feeling total out of their depth while giving the regulars an event that they will be more than happy to recommend to their friends and can’t wait to attend again the following year.

    We want to celebrate all areas of the hobby but keep the competitive edge that is part of the fun of tournament gaming. My personal highlight from most of the events I have attended over the years is the social side. The events that stick in the memory are the ones that offer lots for the players to do and keeps them gathered in one place in the evenings. We will make sure that no matter your preference for a tournament evening, we should have something on offer to keep you entertained and having a great time. Between the Bad Dice team, and our huge list of advisors, helpers and contributors we have attended and organised 100’s of events, this lets us see what works well, what we like and dislike and what we want to bring to Blood & Glory.

    The event is taking place at the Roundhouse in Derby.  A beautifully renovated listed building that is the perfect setting for a gaming event.

    The Bad Dice event ethos is firmly in place here, we want to see amazing armies on the best gaming tables with game mats and terrain on each board.  Gamers of all levels of experience are welcome from total newcomers to the hobby right up to grizzled veterans, we have something for everyone.

    Here are some photos from last years event. 




    Check out the video below for a better look .



    If you have any questions at all about this event feel free to get in touch.

    You can contact Ben all over the web!
    Email – bencurry@baddice.co.uk
    Twitter @baddice_podcast
    Facebook – facebook.com/baddice
    Instagram – @bencurry

    Blood and Glory 2018






    • Like 2
  9. Thanks for the comments so far.  

    Hopefully we can have some discussion around this for a few weeks then I can put something in place.  

    At the moment I'm thinking a combination of:

    a couple of banner ads that are removed if you become a premium member (including one advertising premium membership).

    Premium members get a few benefits and access to giveaways/upgrades and an off topic area but actual 'content' is always free.  

    Premium membership can be an ongoing subscription or a one off donation for a set time period.  


    I'm pleased there is a positive reaction to this.  thanks for your support.  

    • Like 5
  10. Hi TGA.



    LINK - 




    Back in feb (see below for original post) I gave a shout out for help to this amazing community which ultimately resulted in me being told the many varied and wonderful ways that you would all like to support the site.

    The gist of this is that the site is getting very expensive to run (I’ve paid out over £3000 in the last 12 months) and as the community grows the costs are ever increasing.

    I previously wrote about this in detail so I won’t go into it all again, but the response was just amazing!

    Its taken me another 6+ months to get around to it, but over the next few weeks I will be introducing a 3 ways that will help cover the running costs of TGA.

    I’ll talk here about how we will be doing this, and why I have chosen each of them.


    1. Advertising. 

    After thinking about this long and hard, I have decided that I WILL be including display ads on the site.  I was initially very much against doing this as the last thing I want is for the site to look like many other places online where you get bombarded with Ads.

    However, if done right I think it can work very well.

    I will be finding advertisers that are relevant to our community and working with them to help their business, which in-turn will better the community.  It will also be a way for to support the site without forcing anyone to pay.

    The amount of ads will be tiered.  Guests will get lots,  Registered members less.  There will also be an option to ‘turn ads off’ by joining one of the premium membership groups, which leads me nicely onto the next bit…


    1. Premium Membership. 

    Available right away is just a single membership group. I hope to expand this in future to offer higher and lower options for those that would like to give more and receive move value in return, and also for those who would like to support the site but are limited in what they can afford (or are willing) to pay. That is a further cost to get implemented so fo now we have a single membership group.

    TGA Members - £5 per month

    • Fuzzy Feeling – a warm and comforting glow from knowing that you are actively contributing to TGA’s success
    • Less Adverts - We reduce the adverts to members around TGA
    • Unlimited Likes - Unrestricted amount of likes available per day (MOST REQUESTED FEATURE!)
    • Club Badge – special forum badge to show you’re a proud supporter in your posts/profile

    Sign up here - https://www.tga.community/subscriptions/

    1. Donations

    Donations are a simple and fuss free way of contributing.  A one off payment, of any amount you like, however often you like.  

    Donate here - https://www.tga.community/clients/donations/








    In April I will have been running the The Grand Alliance Community forums for 2 years and in this time we have gone from a small group of users to an ever expanding membership that is currently flying towards 10000 total members.  

    As I type this we have 80 members logged in and browsing and another 100+ guests.  Age of Sigmar communities from all over the worlds are using the site and contacting me with exciting news from their local areas all the time (AoS Maters evening in the Philippines is the latest!!!)

    Because we are all nerds and love stats, here are a few highlights and some stats from google.  

    The Leaderboard - http://www.tga.community/topmembers/

    Biggest Thread -

    Screenshot 2018-02-21 08.03.53.pngScreenshot 2018-02-21 08.01.29.pngScreenshot 2018-02-21 08.00.42.png


    So the crux of all this is that its getting expensive to run.  

    2 years ago I started the website on a £30 monthly cloud hosting plan that included the cost of the software.  I did all the work myself and hired in some help here and there where i needed to.  During this time we have had some problems crop up here and there.  Image hosting became an issue.  The sheer number of photos that people were sharing exceeded the bandwidth that the cloud hosting offered so I had to set up Amazon hosting for the images, long term members might remember the loss of images but this has been resolved for quite some time now.  

    The next major obstacle was email.  I set up a gmail account to handle all email that the forums send.  This includes notifications and registrations.  after a while i started getting emails from people who were unable to register.  I traced this down to the fact that free accounts only allow so much email per day before placing a block so a proper transactional email service was brought in.  Mail chimp and Mandrill.  This is now costing as much as the actual forum software to maintain.  

    Where we are at now is monthly running costs of over $200, rising up every few months as the number of active uses on the site increase.  

    Costs at the moments are (all in USD):

    Forum software and hosting.  Currently $130 USD
    Email service $63 for the plan and first 25000 emails.  Further top ups of $18 per 25000 emails.  most months this is 1 top up, but last months it was 2.  
    Amazon AWS S3 Hosting this varies on the amount of up and downloads but is usually $15-20

    Total is somewhere between $225- $250 per month and varies a little month to month with the trend being a 25% increase each 1/4.  If the rate stays the same as it has for the last 2 years in 12 months time it will be entirely unmanageable without help.  

    What I am looking for is suggestion and ideas from the community of covering these costs.  

    There are a few obvious options

    1. Advertising.  
    I could easily load up the site with adverts and end up looking like Bell of Lost souls.  There is a reason the site has had not ads from the start, and probably that same reason why its become so popular, no-one really wants this, it does however pay the bills.  

    This would like like selling banner adverts to anyone interested, and also promoting affiliate links. 

    This would also be quite labour intensive of chasing advertisers and making sales.  

    2. Members section.  
    I could open a premium membership level.  It would have a monthly subscription. £2 per month.  100 members would see all the bills paid.  thats 0.01% of registers users signing up.  

    What you would get is the features that the forum has available already but i don’t have the time/skills to put in place.  I can spend time/money to get it set-up and it would be paid for by the first month or 2 of subscriptions, after that the bills will be covered each month.  

    More likes, better reputation system.  better titles/profile system.  Members only ‘off topic’ chat area. Groups and clubs system. Most of the things that regularly get requested.  

    Importantly this would be ‘bonus’ stuff.  Not things that are essential to enjoying the community.  

    3. Patreon system.  

    4. A kickstarter

    5. a mixture of all of the above. 

    6. any other suggestions?  

     So I am totally open to suggestions and ideas and would prefer the community to decide the best way to approach this.  

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