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Posts posted by Chikout

  1. While I understand the disappointment, it is worth remembering that GW do a lot of previews these days. The next event is in 7 weeks. We have two battletomes tomes coming which aren't even up for preorder yet. Even if blades of Khorne is the only battletome we get before the end of March,  we will still be ahead of the same time last year. 

    With the combination of the hint of a slyvaneth battletome from the seminar and the previous rumour of Ko in April, I am inclined to believe that is true. 

    The exciting thing about the Khorne reveal is that it opens up all the non magic armies to the possibility of getting endless spell equivalents. 

    Then we have warcry. Dave Sanders and Co have made two amazing games with underworlds and Killteam. 

    Warcry could be something really special. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, quina2525 said:

     No it’s not. That’s just a hint. It seems the seminar was happening earlier than advertised. Someone on another forum said the seminar was due to start at 6 but they asked everyone to wait until they did a dry run, so who knows when they will actually post news. At most two hours from now seems certain. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    Really? Thought there was over 2 hrs to go?

    One of the community guys got on Twitter and said 2am gmt. I’m pretty sure he just got the time wrong. If we do see the reveals then, those actually attending are going to be pretty upset as everything will be spoiled. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, CaptainNippon said:

    How long before we can expect news from LVO today?

    18 hours from now if my time zone maths is correct. GW have been teasing 40k vigilus news. I think this will be the big focus of the event. I'm not expecting much for AoS. Maybe a teaser video for Darkoath with art and an underworlds warband. 

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  5. The best way to guess what is coming this year is to compare with last year.

    Last year aos got 1 starter set with core book, 1 expansion with minis, 1 campaign book with minis, 7 battletomes, 4 major waves of minis and one smaller wave of minis, and a bunch of underworlds stuff.

    40k had 10 or so codexes, but only 3 big waves of minis.  They also had 3 campaign boxes,  1 campaign book with minis, 3 major boxed games and a mountain of kill team stuff 

    Specialist games released two big boxed games and assorted smaller releases.

    2018 was definitely the year of the big boxed game. 11 big boxes and a handful of smaller games like space marine adventures.  

    It will be interesting to see if 2019 follows suit. We already have one with carrion empire. 

    Looking at 2019  we will definitely see fewer codexes. With most of the codexes done it suggests the rules and background team would have note time to work on aos battletomes. 

    I can't believe we will have so many boxed games this year so there will probably be more standard book plus minis releases than last year. With black legion, primaris 2,  sisters and Slaanesh alk but confirmed and gsc already finished I would expect 40k to get more big releases this year. 

    So maybe 6 40k and 4 aos. 

    So gloomspite,  slaves to Darkness Slaanesh and one more big release.  We may get one or two Dok sized releases too but not much more than that. 

    So my predictions for 2019 are :

    major releases:


    slaves to Darkness 


    one mystery book

    book, terrain and endless spells only:







    Ironjawz (this might be a Dok style release or even the fourth big release)

    there's a good chance we will get one or two more campaign boxes like carrion empire.


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  6. I expect to see a lot of black legion stuff for 40k including abaddon and the new campaign book. For AOS we will probably get either slaves to Darkness or Slaanesh and the next warhammer underworlds warband.

    My dream announcement would be a new ko battletome with a new battleline option, a new ship and a new hero. 

  7. The comparison to Lord of tides is strange. There is another command ability in the same book that is literally 3 times as good. 

    In addition the round the extra attack goes off Idoneth all hit first so you can guarantee your chosen unit will use it to full effect. The Idoneth special rule let's you keep your general alive until the vital moment, etc etc

    As for the FEC the new guy will probably be six wounds with a 4 up save. One lucky shot from the Skaven hero and he is dead. End of problem. 

    Also we don't know points yet. 

  8. Well there is a lot to unpack here. I woke up briefly at 4 this morning (Japan time) glanced at my phone and went back to sleep. A couple of  hours later I woke up again after this weird dream where gw announced a second wave of Gsc kits, a new box set, two new battletomes, endless spells and scenery all in a single week. Madness!

    Firstly the fec. I actually like the endless spells a lot. While it is clear they are using recycled assets, they all look great. For me some of the endless spells look a little goofy. The nighthaunt spells are a prime example of this. These look a bit more grounded and I really like the choice to base the design on the ossuaries that someone posted above. The scenery piece is less successful. The throne on top is great, but the little staircase does nothing for it xcept to give it some height.

    @JackStreicher mentioned the strangeness of the scenery piece appearing in each battlefield. When the staircase is included I agree. I hope from a fluff point of view that the scenery piece is the throne. I think they are imagining something like this202B1676-DB45-4848-AFC3-F1220876ECD4.jpeg.f7af05a245e0725f8dd377efaf70a9d4.jpeg

    They then put on the highest place that can find on the battlefield. 

    This feels like a pretty good idea to me. There is lots of conversion potential for those who don’t want to buy the official kit.

    the inclusion of zombies and the corpse cart would be a good fit I think. While I agree that the zombie kit is rubbish, there are many many great alternatives made by other companies.

    the gw zombie kit also looks a lot better when kit bashed with other kits. The Cawdor Necromunda kit would be an awesome but expensive possibility. 

    As for the skaven the scenery kit is great but the endless spells don’t do it for me. The rats look decent but the Necromunda bomb rats have shown the creative possibilities. These look a little plain by comparison. The bell and the warp stone are heading a little too close to goofy territory for me. 

    As for the minis the core range is actually pretty recent and are all great sculpts. The clanrats, storm vermin, bell, storm fiends, thanquol, Doomwheel, lightning cannon, verminlords and most of the heroes are great sculpts that hold up really well. It is some of the subfaction stuff that is really showing its age. The gutter runners, plague monks and rat ogres being prime examples of this. 

    Personally I kind of hope that clan Eshin gets left out of the book and gets its own tome nighthaunt style , later in the year.

    a Skyre acolytes kit would also have been awesome. 

    Overall it is very exciting for AOS. Who thought we would get three battletomes in the first six weeks of the year? It really makes you wonder what else they have planned for the year when gw thought they had to cram all this AOS stuff and a significant wave of minis for a popular 40k army into a single week. Remember when we got a single bloodbound hero as the week’s release, or when we got 4 battletomes in a whole year.

    This has really reset my expectations for what is possible this year. Can’t wait to see what they unveil at Lvo this week. 

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  9. I have a feeling that post about Stormcast was a joke. 

    It will be interesting to see how the rumours pan out. Given the number of rumours I’m surprised that there is so little info about Slaanesh and Slaves to Darkness which are the two books we are pretty confident are coming. 

    I also thought ironjawz would be highly likely to get an expanded new book this year so it isn’t strange to hear nothing about them. 

    Gw abandoning greenskins makes a lot more sense if they are being replaced by an expanded ironjawz range. 

    The lvo seminar is on Thursday February 7th at 8pm local time, so it is not long until we get the next official news. 

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  10. While I excited to see a new Seraphon book, it will be a shame if it only comes with endless spells. The saurus warriors and Knights badly need a refreshed kit. A new Kroxigor kit with the same kind of options as the rockguts and a plastic  Slann would make for an awesome army. 

    The same for the Duardin would be great. One option between infantry and monster for the fyreslayers,  one more battleline option for the Ko and a couple of interesting kits for the dispossessed would really make that range awesome. 

    A total of seven kits for three armies is smaller than the gloomspite release. Even if you add in two sets of endless spells and two scenery pieces it is still not an impossibly huge release. Unfortunately GW is unlikely to commit to this as they will be able to sell a lot of old kits if they just bring new books out. 


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  11. 18 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    Bit odd if they’re really binning a load of that Kill Team/Necromunda/Blood Bowl/AM stuff isn’t it? A lot of it only came out just before Christmas, or is it usual for things like card packs  for boxed/specialist games to be a blink and you miss them affair?

    They just put on new downloads page on the community site. It would make sense to put the card packs on there if they are not going to print any more. 

  12. From what I understand,  while it doesn't take a year to write a book, they do work about a year ahead of time. I think the books go to print a few months ahead of time. I do know the core aos book was printed in January of last year. 

    They also have to think about release slots so something can be finished but not see the light of day until a good release time appears. 


    Regarding the lacklustre sales of the Idoneth it is easy to see why they didn't do so well. I personally love the aesthetic but they were either not Aelvish or not fishy enough for some people. They are pretty difficult to paint and pretty difficult to play. 

    On top of that they came out soon after Dok which was a Smash hit. A lot of Aelf fans invested heavily in them. 

    Finally, just as they were coming out rumours started swirling about aos 2. 

    I had every intention of doing a Deepkin army but ended up buying soul wars instead. I'm sure a lot of other people did the same. 

    Fyreslayers lack variety, are difficult to paint  (too much skin) and are still one of the most expensive armies to collect despite the start collecting box. 

    I think Deepkin along with Ko are the most ambitious armies the have ever done creatively. I hope the sales don't put them off doing more like that in the future. 

  13. GW definitely has a release plan for the next several years. They also want to have major tentpole releases for spring summer and autumn/winter each year. 

    A big release of a new mortal human faction could well be one of those tentpoles.  I think GW are doing a decent job of eventually getting to what people want to see in AoS.

    There was a big clamour for more death releases,  and now we have two death battletomes and another probably on the way. Death has a major place in the setting and in the tournament scene. It doesn't feel like the fourth grand alliance. 

    There was a big clamour for more Aelves. In 2018 we got two great new factions and a bunch of awesome minis. 

    More recently there was a big clamouring for something new for destruction and now we have an awesome gloomspite battletome with a fantastic range of minis.

    If we look at what is left we have Slaanesh which is coming this year,  Skaven which is coming this year, Light and shadow Aelves and regular humans. 

    The fact that it feels that GW is working through a checklist if the most requested factions, makes me think we will see a new human battletome this year or next (probably next year)

    The other side of the release schedule is the revamping of existing battletomes. For me Ironjawz are the poster child for this. They are supposed to be the leading faction for destruction but they have under developed fluff, average rules and a small range of minis. 

    I will be very surprised if we do not see a new Ironjawz book this year. 

    While it would be nice to get some new minis and new battletome for Seraphon and Slyvaneth they are both in an OK place in terms of their rules and minis. 

    Fyreslayers could do with a more developed mini range with a choice between infantry and magmadroths. 

    Ko definitely have the most broken book currently. They have an amazing aesthetic, fantastic fluff and by all accounts are one of the better selling range of minis in AoS. A new book and a couple of new battleline options would be amazing. 

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  14. Thought it might be worth doing a little post about the current state of play regarding rumours. 

    Last year was a pretty unusual year from Gw with no less than 7 big boxed games released of which two were related to AOS. 40k had a bazillion codexes, one campaign book and 3 campaign box sets but only 3 major waves of miniatures ( I’m counting nurgle as AOS). 40k also got an absolute boat load of scenery.   Apart from Soul Wars AOS had 7 battletomes, 1 campaign book, 1 boxed supplement, 1 campaign box and 5 major waves of miniatures. 

    I think we will see fewer boxed games this year.

    I have a feeling we could get as many as 10 battletomes this year as we will definitely get fewer 40k codexes  but I will be very surprised if we get more than 6 waves of miniatures. 

    Here is what we can expect for 2019 in order of likehood

    Gloomspite book and minis 100%

    Slaanesh book and minis 100% (confirmed by gw)

    skaven: book 90% more than one mini 60%

    Flesh eaters courts: book 90% more than one mini 60%

    slaves to Darkness: book 80% minis 80%

    fyreslayers: book 70% minis 60%

    ironjawz: book 70% minis 60%

    That makes the same number of battletomes as last year. 

    Personally I think we will see one completely new faction this year as we have had one every year since launch ( 2015 Stormcast, 2016 Fyreslayers, 2017 KO, 2018 Deepkin) but that is just speculation. 

    We will probably see at least one more carrion empire style box and underworlds season 3  

    Anything beyond that is pure guesswork. 


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  15. While all this stuff about humanity is interesting, everyone has missed today’s big news. 

    In the warhammer community article, the Darkoath warband is explicitly described as being part of the Skaven to Darkness faction rather than their own subfaction. This lends a lot of credence to the rumours about a new Slaves to Darkness book this year. This is interesting because it suggests that Chaos will become a complete grand alliance this year. With a Slaanesh book guaranteed, a skaven book highly likely and this, Chaos will not have any bookless subfactions. 

    This probably also means that 2020 will be the year for a big Khorne refresh.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, JPjr said:



    you have to feel a little sorry for the AoS team as I assume most of their big reveals for today got spoiled last week, still of all the places to go next, Skaven & FEC feels pretty, pretty unexpected.

    just goes to show how little we all know. 🤪🔨

    With today being preorder day for Gloomspite I’m pretty sure they know the Gloomspite would already be revealed. The flesh eater courts reveal is a very welcome surprise and the skaven are overdue to get something new. Can’t wait to see what else is coming for those armies. Maybe a new battletome for each? This year has already been full of pleasant surprises. 

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  17. A little disappointing for those who collect them but not a surprise. I have not seen a single mention of gitmob in any AOS fiction, the models do not hold up and unlike spiderfang they do not have a strong thematic identity. 

    Dispossessed and freepeoples do have a place in the setting already and are definitely safe at least until gw refreshes the regular human range. 

    I could see regular greenskins going for much the same reason as gitmob. Some of the smaller Aelf factions that don’t have a space in the lore yet may end up going when they do new light Aelf and shadow Aelf factions. 

    I could see some of the slaves to darkness kits going when the Darkoath comes out.

    I am also expecting some big changes to come for the skaven at some point. 

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  18. 5 hours ago, Yoshiya said:

    The underworld crew will be two warscrolls too as the leader has a separate warscrolls (even though they have to be taken together) so that makes three in total.

    I counted the fungoid shaman but not the underworld guys. I do think there is some stuff I counted which probably won't make it into the book like the squig gobba and rockgut troggoths.

    It will be very interested to see what new units are added. 

    Edit. GW are wise to people freeze framing of their videos as many of the pages in the flip through are blurred out. I assume GW is very happy for us to do this kind of speculation as it fuels excitement for the release. 

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  19. Looking at blurry screen grabs from the battletome you can see the pitched battle profiles. Not counting endless spells, battalions or scenery there are 31 warscrolls. If you add the existing Moonclan, spiderfang, troggoths and gargants together including forgeworld kits you have 21 warscrolls. So that makes at least 10 brand new warscrolls. So far we have only seen two new units which are not reworks of existing units; the Loonking and the alternative build for the fanatics. Given that some of the blurry kits we have look to be new versions of mangler squigs and sourbreath troggoths, it makes you wonder how many kits are in this release. I think we will probably be seeing quite a few new heroes and several multibuild kits. 

    Blurry screenshot for referen6F7C86ED-BBBC-4993-BF07-059C940D593D.png.8e8ba00a4b9c6bd578b3147ecb865cd8.pngce 

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