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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. To answer your question slightly seriously. They’ve been doing the three tiers of starter for a while now. I wonder if they found that the scenery one sold best. I would also expect them to make fewer boxes this time around. It wouldn’t surprise me if this sells out far quicker than Dominion but doesn’t get a mention in the financial report as it actually sells fewer copies.
  2. I'm genuinely surprised anybody likes these. If I was making a personal top ten of worst gw sculpts these guys would be in there with the razorgor, old Nagash and the current bullgors (who definitely win most disappointing as I love monitaurs as a concept).
  3. I tweaked the contrast a bit to make it clearer. Those two steelhelms are in a spot of bother. That does look like a new Skaven character. Are we still worried about 4th edition art? Both these pieces are great.
  4. She's an elite varanguard who themselves are elites who haven't given themselves to any particular god. The body horror, cosmic mutated stuff is more associated with the particular gods. Check out the recent Tzeentch Underworlds warband as an example or any nurgle model ever. Also when it comes to Abraxia check out her leg armour and compare it to the other Varanguard. It's definitely more feminine. I also agree about the breastplate and the face.
  5. The rumour mill has said you might not be able to play. GW have said nothing at all so far which is its own kind of frustrating. If this turns out to be true I’m 100% on your side in saying this is a terrible decision that benefits absolutely no one, but we don’t know anything for sure yet.
  6. There are two confirmed Stormcast kills on the video with suggestions of a couple more. This is a flash of a stormcast getting killed. Here's another of a prosecutor getting shot by a Jezzail. There's another couple of Stormcast who probably don't come out of the day well. We don't see what happened to the one burned by the rat ogre, or what happens to the one shot up by the rattling cannon.
  7. Here's the original comment. It looks like they're trying something new with this set. It's interesting that it's still being called a launch box in the video. This sounds like a product that should be a permanent range item.
  8. I thought I'd heard this news before and after a quick I discovered it was something @Whitefang back me up said a while ago. With that rumour and Ben's comment it does seem likely that there will be terrain in the box.
  9. How did I miss that? I just went back and checked and Ben did say that terrain is going included in the launch box. I'm going to revise my guess then. No acolytes, no Stormcast warmachine, only two heroes for each side but three sprues of scenery. That would give a similar total contents to Leviathan.
  10. Swap the paladins and the prosecutors. The video had a unit of three paladins and a unit of 5 prosecutors. The big sprues each have room for an extra hero. The dominion stormcast sprue had Yndrasta, 3 annihilators and the banner. The Kruleboyz one had the Gnashtooth, 3 boltbotz and the banner. It's worth pointing out that GW has never done the same layout twice. Trying to match the Leviathan contents, I see about one extra medium sprue for each side overall. Will GW go big for 4th edition? I hope they do. My outlandish predictions for the box are. Stormcast Ruination lord on crow 3 ruination paladins 5 prosecutors 10 liberators Lord relictor Foot ruination hero Ruination warmachine (this one is a bit wishlisty) Skaven Claw lord on wolf rat Grey seer Warlock engineer The big rattling cannon 20 clanrats 3 Jezzails 3 rat ogres (I know there's just one in the video but GW tend to do legal units now and even stormfiends cone in threes) 5 skyre acolytes (again this is the wishlisty option.) That's still fewer minis than were in the Dominion box and nowhere near Leviathan.
  11. As I said earlier, I'm pretty sure the retirement of John Blanche had a lot to do with. How many GW artists were taking a pay cut to work with a legend? Now he's retired, I'm sure quite a few artists were wondering what was keeping them at the studio. The slightly good news for AoS 4 is that these artists probably all contributed some art to AoS 4. The art for the core book will have been completed about a year ago. Also Kevin Chin is still there I think. He might be my favourite GW artist of the last 10 years. He painted a lot of my favourite pieces.
  12. No. It hasn't happened yet. It's a problem with previewing the next edition before book 6 is out. The events of book 6 and the shorts will lead up to the appearance of Skavenblight. From 4th edition onwards Skavenblight will be there in the same way that the nature of the realm of death is reversed permanently after the events of Malign Portents
  13. I definitely think they shouldn't retire Duardin and Aelven kits until replacements are ready. The idea that you can't use the same kits in both games is ridiculous. It's my worst fears about the old world coming true. They have the exact same deamons models in AoS and 40k with different boxes. Do the same for the old world.
  14. I just rewatched the old cinematics. Only the leviathan trailer has every mini. The was no Yndrasta or Belcher banner in the Dominion video, no bikes in the Indomitus trailer and no terminators or dreadnoughts in the Horus Heresy trailer.
  15. I do think it's a fundamentally different issue for 40k and AoS fans. 10th edition was kind of the AoS 1st edition moment for them. Lots of people continue to be angry about the loss of points for weapon options and the encouragement to build units only as the box suggests. AoS players have been through this. Now that the Old World exists there's an opportunity to clearly differentiate between the two. Let AoS be more of a beer and pretzels game. If you want to get lost in the minutiae of weapon options and unit builds then The Old World is right there. I'm actually pretty excited about trying Spearhead.The way it's was described with the cards sounded potentially exciting. Ranges going away to make a faster combat phase sounds like a good change. I'm glad that they said a LIMITED number of USRs. There's plenty of potential there that I'm excited to investigate.
  16. That is a fantastic model. The highlight of the show so far for me. I do love them wackiness of the cities warband too. The new slayer is great but I'm not so sure about the kingon the shield. It's a bit too chunky.
  17. I don't particularly want a John Blanche painting on my wall, but the Mordheim rulebook is one of the most evocative, atmospheric things I ever seen. As for his influence on Warhammer, it's not just his own art you need to consider. I don't think it's a coincidence that Paul Dainton left GW shortly after John Blanche retired. He was the head of the art department for many years. Would Karl Kopinski, Adrian Smith or Mark Gibbons ever have worked for GW if John Blanche wasn't overseeing things? I don't know if he hired them directly but he was definitely their boss.
  18. Was trying to get some sleep before the preview only to be woken up by a pretty big earthquake. The Skaven aren't supposed to be undermining my house!
  19. They've added an extra private video for AoS so there are now 4 or 5 videos. There are also now 4 private 40k videos and 2 for kill team.
  20. One of those is a deleted video that's been there for ages. If you sort by newest there's three hidden videos at the top.
  21. Not doing too bad with my guesses so far!
  22. One good thing about the reveals is that it's finally motivated me to finish my Dominion box.
  23. Yeah I'm saying Devoted of Sigmar for Underworlds. It's definitely too skinny to be a Stormcast character.
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