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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Why do you need it? Ushoran is €90. So is the Norn Emissary. The Norn is £70 and $115 US. Ushoran will be that price too. This is how GW always does things. If product a and product b are the same price in one country, they will be the same price in every country.
  2. Unfortunately the Kurnothi Whitefang hinted at was just that one figure. That's why Whitefang said that Kurnothi aren't all like the Underworlds warband. I do hope they explore in that direction eventually, but I don't think it's happening any time soon.
  3. A Lumineth army tops out at about 60 if you don't use any expensive units but you can build a legal 2000 Lumineth army with less than 20 minis.
  4. There aren't any events within 1000km of me. GW didn't get the memo. Event minis are supposed to be decently average alternative sculpts not amazing works of art.
  5. That’s a fast 180. Darkoath sneak peek?
  6. This isn’t true though. Most of the characters we know now were introduced in the nineties. The first army book didn’t come out until Fantasy was 10 years old in 1993. The first novels featuring those characters didn’t come out until the 2000. Nagash and Sigmar didn’t get a novel until 2008. Tyrion and Teclis didn’t get their own novels until 2011. Almost all characters got a page or two of lore in the army books and that was it, which is pretty much the same as it is now.
  7. I think the upcoming schedule for AoS, underworlds and Warcry is pretty clear. February is Dawnbringers 4, soulblight underworlds and Warcry Lumineth vs Nighthaunt. Thats quite a lot of AoS related stuff due in February (winter). I wouldn’t be surprised if something slips until the start of March. March will be Dawnbringers 5 which we have seen, nothing for underworlds or Warcry. At Adepticon and not before we will see the next war bands for Warcry, the next starter for Underworlds, Dawnbringers 6 and maybe something for 4th edition. April will see Dawnbringers 6 release as well as the next underworlds box. May will see the next Warcry warbands. Then in June we get the 4th edition preorders. The big question is Warhammer Fest. With the next Golden demon after Adepticon not happening until October in Germany, is Warhammer Fest cancelled this year. Was last year such a s******w that they have given up this year? I would have expected Warhammer Fest to be the big coming out party for 4th edition as it was for 2nd edition but that’s pretty up in the air now. All this is to say that I wouldn’t expect to see much for AoS on any upcoming Mondays. If the Darkoath update is substantial, we might get a Monday preview of a character at some point.
  8. Oops. Sorry the screenshot I took was legible.
  9. Here's the contents page from Dawnbringers 4. Taken from the 'this week on Warhammer' video.
  10. Seb Perbet did the gnashtooth, the belcha banner and the boltboyz. Joe Tomaszweski did the gutrippas and the killaboss on foot. Christian Hardy did the shaman. Sergi Torras did the hobgrotz. Courtesy of White Dwarf 467.
  11. The only part of the studio that overlaps is the designers. The ironjawz Maw Krusha and Mortarion were designed by the same person. Darren Latham mostly does 40k but he also did the shadowstalkers underworlds warband and Eternus. Seb Perbet did many of the big centrepieces for AoS and also designed Abaddon and Guilliman. The specialist studios has a separate team that does all their stuff.
  12. I simultaneously have too many minis but not enough minis. I live in a small house in Japan so storage is a real problem. I wish I could focus on just an army or two but I'm too much of a butterfly. I've only just started building a cities army but I'm already excited about the prospect of new Skaven. I've never sold a mini, but I may have to start simply to make enough space for something new.
  13. Yeah, this is a good example of something that GW did a lot of about 10 years ago but has largely stopped. Detail isn't the problem. It's the addition of elements that break the sillouete of the model. The more modern models have a much better sense of balance with finer detail than before. This is an area where a lot of 3d printed minis get it wrong. There's a lot of detail for details sake rather than in service of the overall aesthetic of the model. As for things getting impossible to paint, I've been painting for more than 30 years and it's only gotten easier as time has gone by. Models are easier to assemble and convert. Primers have improved. The recent addition of contrast and speed paint has made painting highly detailed models easier than it ever used to be. In fact contrast likes details better than flat surfaces. To get back to the rumours, I do wonder where GW go from here. There's has been a marked improvement in the quality of the sculpts over the last 40 years mostly due to improvements in the tech that makes plastic minis but I'm not sure what they do next. There's room for improvement with Archaon but how do they make a new Morathi that's actually better and not just different? What does a mark XI marine even look like? Within the next 5 or 6 years, they will have updated every faction they want to keep. New and improved sculpts have been their business model for so long. What do they do when they can't improve anymore?
  14. Possibly the most boring rumour engine ever. It's a cloak. It could be almost any faction in the game.
  15. DoK already have a warband. They were the first non chaos faction to get one.
  16. Yeah but this is GW. They have an established format for dates. If they say Spring it means March to May. They never say q1 even in their financial reports. I’d expect a new underworlds box in April (like last year) and the Warcry war bands in May as a stop gap between Dawnbringers and 4th edition.
  17. The results are on best coast pairings. You can see some of the lists if you are a member. I'm not but it is true that the top two were cities. Overall I'd say the tournament paints a pretty encouraging picture. 7 different factions in the top 8 and the only faction not to go at least 4-1 was FeC.
  18. That makes no sense. If something's not selling, you drop the price. The reason it's not selling is probably because of the over production of Dominion. It's already pretty easy to get hold of Kruleboyz for a pretty low price. I fully expect 4th edition to have a much smaller production run. This in turn would make hachette much more appealing.
  19. Skaven are definitely coming, but they will probably be in a hachette magazine in the future so if money's tight you could go Kroot now and Skaven next year when they are cheaper.
  20. Realistically I'm hoping for infantry, cavalry and some kind of mounted hero plus the lady of Ruin who I don't expect to be Darkoath themed.
  21. With book 4 coming in February, I think we'll see book 5 in March, book 6 revealed at Adepticon and released in April and 4th edition teased at Adepticon with a full reveal at Warhammer fest.
  22. Very happy with what was shown. It answers one of the biggest questions I had about AoS in 2024. It looks like we're getting a 6 book series. That's great. Was very pleasantly surprised to see Callis and Toll dragging a squad along with them. Lady Verentia is the star of the show for me. The pet, the pose and the half mask all oose character. Awesome to see a new novel coming too even if it isn't written by Nick Horth. The underworlds warband strongly reminds me of an AoS novel I'm currently reading. The crone is another great model. I really like her pose. Ever so slightly disappointed by the Kroot. I was hoping more a few more dynamic poses, and just a touch more integration with rest of the Tau range. I think I'm going to get a warshaper just to paint though. It's an awesome model. Even more Kroot on the way is interesting as they've already pretty much covered every preexisting model except the big forge world stuff. The war cry units booth look very cool. I especially like the two heroes. I was also a bit disappointed with the solar auxilia. One of the things I liked about the resin models is that they really pushed the boat out in some unconventional directions with the giant telescope guy, the surgeon and the big fire axe unit. The new models look a touch too conventional. Overall I'm very happy with the show. I'm pretty convinced we're getting more than one Darkoath kit with book 6. That would be a pretty good way to sign off the edition.
  23. Front page of the Warhammer site had updated. Is that a DoK hero in the centre? There's definitely a Kootox and something heresy in the background.
  24. But isn't that one of the major points of having two games? Id be happy to see AoS get more streamlined as there is now an alternative for those who prefer something more complex. I think third edition has tipped over into being to complex for my tastes.
  25. Not expecting anything for AoS, when gw themselves have said there's something for AoS, would get your picture next to the dictionary definition of pessimism.
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