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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. As much as some people are dying for spiderfang or Seraphon, I kind of hope that there are some new destruction warbands that are completely new in the way the chaos warbands were. Seeing the Unmade warband for the first time was a genuine WTF moment. I'd love to have that again.
  2. Lots of pictures of the old butcher. Are they trying to make the most of it before it is replaced?
  3. The destruction warcry profiles are coming today. I wonder if we will see any new models in the art. It's happened before with warcry.
  4. Some of the YouTubers already have the physical book. There has been some kind of shipping problem that has delayed the book. I'm sure it was originally intended to release alongside the box set. There is nothing in the book that won't be on the pdfs. The only reason to get the book now is for the convenience.
  5. Wow, they really must have had a problem with the compendium! These are directly from the book. They even have the page numbers.
  6. To an extent I agree with you but it's Kroot! The Tomb Kings have had a major update more recently than the Kroot have had anything more than a single model which you can only buy as part of Warhammer Quest. The last full unit for the Kroot came out 21 years ago!
  7. So gw just did a preview of an awesome new kroot model. (I would buy a destruction AoS army with this aesthetic in a heartbeat.) It included this info: "This fantastic new expansion for the finest sci-fi skirmish game in the galaxy is right around the corner, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community this week for more news about Kill Team: Into the Dark." GW mentioned that we would see more about the future of Warcry this week too so there may yet be a GenCon preview of sorts.
  8. https://tabletop.events/conventions/nova-open-2022/schedule/274 There's a gw preview show scheduled for Wednesday August 31st. I searched the GenCon schedule and so no similar event. They may still just have things on their booth but it looks like this year's GenCon news will be minor at best.
  9. My ideal scenario would be a 4 year edition with all army books out by the end of year three and a broken realms/ psychic awakening style series of books in year 4. Then if they decide to do a big change at least everyone got a full year or more with their army. With AoS, 40k, kill team, Warcry, Horus heresy, Necromunda, epic, the old world, bloodbowl and Warhammer quest, they could put all of those on a 4 year cycle and still have more than 2 major releases per year.
  10. The complete lack of GenCon talk in the article plus the middle earth preview show makes me think gw aren't doing a GenCon preview this year. I hope I'm wrong.
  11. The last Underworlds warband of this season will be Khorne.
  12. I went back and watched the stream again. Eddie said "later on the edition" which could mean any time. My personal bet is that we will get at least a launch box next winter.
  13. This was the exact quote: “Organising the fractious Free Cities is no easy task, so the full release is still quite a way off – but we don’t intend to sit around and wait. Over the coming months, you can follow those who take up the Coin Malleus – a sacred, symbolic payment given to members of a Dawnbringer Crusade – and join us on Warhammer Community as we journey through the Warhammer Studio’s development of this jaw-dropping project.” There is no mention of any kind of release window. They do specifically say that we won’t be waiting to see more. We’ve already ready been waiting two and a half months for news so it does feel like it’s high time they showed us something new. I think that whatever we see will be on the community site as we have seen for Leagues of Votann and not only part of a preview event. I’m still hoping for a battle sister bulletin style series of articles.
  14. Last year they announced quite a lot. Underworlds Harrowdeep, a kill team box, a bloodbowl team, black templars, a necromunda warband and teased warcry red Harvest. It was at the end of September last year which might make a difference. .
  15. I'm 90% sure that the Legionnaires aren't part of a box set. They are a separate release who will probably come alongside the compendium. Check out this quote. It doesn't sound like 3 months later.
  16. I'm curious how this is measured. Does it include audible and sales in independent stores? In the last 6 years I've read or listened to more than 50 Warhammer books but I only bought one direct from the black library website.
  17. I remembered that gw put out this set for Kill team. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/kill-team-starter-set-2022-eng?_requestid=27634715 It's really a pretty decent deal. I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar box for Warcry with the two launch warbands and some scatter terrain. For those who are keen on getting into Warcry but are put off by the launch box price, it would be a pretty good option.
  18. Every codex except Imperial Knights has launched with at least one new mini. A lot of the details of the chaos Deamons book have leaked and there's no sign of a new mini but it's always possible that an existing mini will get a resculpt. I was under the impression that they are the next book out, before Leagues of Votann. If there is a mini coming, it's surprising they haven't announced it yet.
  19. Profits are up again. Regarding AoS they admit that delays robbed AoS of some momentum but claim they have some exciting releases in the pipeline.
  20. I watched the how to play video. It really does look like the only major change is reactions. They also said they'd be talking about the future of warcry next week. Hopefully we will finally get a hint towards some warbands from other grand alliances.
  21. The thing about warcry is that it genuinely is a very fun game. For me it is probably the most enjoyable game that GW makes. There's a small part of my brain that thinks I should buy the box simply because I really want this game to succeed and have continued support for years to come. On the other hand, I have a couple of the official warbands and enough AoS minis to make 9 or 10 more. I will watch the reviews with interest and if the changes are minimal as seems to be the case, I might just make do with the compendium. If the game is meaningfully improved, I might pick up the rulebook too.
  22. That's how they get you though. If this was Seraphon Vs Skaven the scenery depicting the inside of a Searphon temple, I'd find it very difficult to resist even at this asking price.
  23. I think I REALLY need to love a box set to pay that much money for it. This set doesn't quite cut it. Didn't the original warcry box cost £95? A 50% increase in three years is quite something.
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