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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm about 90% certain it's Sons of Behemat and Ogors. The Honest Wargamer has been pretty confident that the destruction books are Sons of Behemat and either Ogors or Gloomspite. He initially thought it would be Gloomspite but now thinks it is Ogors. As far as I'm aware he hasn't ever been flat out wrong about a book and as an ex employee, he definitely knows people. On here the hints dropped by Whitefang also seem to suggest that a new update for Sons is on the way.
  2. Who's claiming this? It's the first time I've heard this rumour.
  3. I'm a big fan of Warcry. It's my favourite current gw game and knocking on the door of being my favourite ever. I didn't buy the box. It's chaos Vs chaos again and I already have several chaos warbands. It's more expensive for fewer minis and less terrain than the first edition starter. It really feels like the set is missing a tree. Another big watch tower sized tree and two or three more ropeways would have made a much more compelling set. Finally there are no beasts. Imagine if this box contained a set of savage Seraphon. 3 skinks, a couple of saurus and a Kroxigor. That's still fewer minis than the first edition starter which contained 6 furies and 6 killer turkeys but it would make for a pretty compelling purchase.
  4. I was trying to remember what happened in previous preview events so I did a bit of searching. Lvo had a very underwhelming preview for AoS with just a couple of minis, and then just a few days later, announced the next two battletomes and put out an AoS roadmap. If gw had just included that roadmap in the preview I think most of the people who were dissatisfied would have been much happier. For some reason GW doesn’t like to talk about books during their previews. They almost never discuss rules. It’s much more likely that the Lumineth and Tzeentch battletomes don’t get a mention at all, than gw just talk about the books and don’t show any models.
  5. There is one guarantee about the preview show. GW have never done a preview which is only books. Even when they do a black library preview, they manage to squeeze in a couple of minis. If gw says that AoS is being previewed there is absolutely no way they just show the Lumineth and Tzeentch books. It's possible we will only get the new season of war but if I had to bet my house on something, I'd say we get at least one destruction mini previewed for at least one destruction faction. I think that's a safer bet than seeing anything for Imperial Guard or World Eaters.
  6. Each range does have a lead designer. The lead designer on the deathguard was Maxime Pastourel for example. GW products have a two year lead. Two years ago was peak scary COVID time. It's not difficult to imagine that a lead designer on an AoS project was sick for a while causing a range of minis to be delayed. Just like any big company there are any number of problems that can delay a product even when COVID and Brexit don't exist. Also I'd imagine that most AoS releases need more development time than 40k. Designing a new faction from scratch would definitely need more time than updating Guardians, Bezerkers or Cadians.
  7. So it looks like a bit of confusion has been caused by people treating Dawnbreakers and the Cities of Sigmar revamp as the same thing. It's probably important to make a distinction between the multi faction lore backdrop that is the Dawnbreakers and the upcoming cities refresh. While it would be cool to get a wrath of the everchosen style Dawnbreakers book that gave interesting ways to combine the order factions, the big concern is whether the likes of The Dispossessed, the Ironweld arsenal and the wanderers will disappear. If there's one thing I'd like to see next week is some clarity on this point. Even if there aren't any new models for Duardin and Aelves, I really hope they remain part of the faction.
  8. @Vasshpit This is Norray's post. So it's old models with new cards.
  9. Ok- prediction time. underworlds. @Norray posted earlier. They are the person who leaked all the war bands from this season so their prediction of a new starter set with season 1 warbands seems a pretty good bet. We will also see the Khorne warband. Could we see the new season’s box as well. It’s possible as Harrowdeep came out in October last year but that feels like a lot for underworlds. Horus Heresy Dont care unless they do some Solar Auxilia units in plastic. Maybe they will preview the final siege of terra book; that would be cool. 40k Leagues of Votann full reveal, I’m really curious to see what their centrepiece looks like. A single kit for Imperial guard and world eaters. Maybe a new campaign book. AoS. Lumineth and Tzeentch books but no new models. New King Brodd model featuring the little guys from the rumour engine, a single Ogor hero and a new season of war book with a new Incarnate and maybe some more scenery. My dream would be some news about cities/dawn breakers and an announcement about a monthly series of articles Battle Sister Bulletin style until launch.
  10. No warcry or kill team is extremely disappointing. I could understand Kill Team as the new box might not even be out at the time of the preview, but last week's warcry tease seemed to be the perfect set up for the Nova event and the next box should be out within GW's usual 3 month preview window.
  11. The free rules for Warcry are up and it's not just a kill team style lite version. 26 pages straight from the new core book. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/18/charge-headlong-into-warcry-with-free-core-rules-to-download/ Between this and all the free warband profiles you can just play this game for free. That's pretty cool.
  12. They’ve already said the Heart of Ghur content will be released individually. The kill teams from the first three boxes are now available individually. You would have to wait about three or four months for the individual release though. That said, the Heart of Ghur war bands are already all over eBay which might actually be the cheapest option.
  13. While these guesses all seem reasonable. Heart of Ghur doesn't exactly scream Hashut Vs Nurgle. The names Red Harvest and Catacombs also don't have much to do with the warbands involved. Regarding Tzeentch, we know the book is coming at the same time as Lumineth. The new Lumineth unit was in the ghb. It would suggest that either there's no Tzeentch warband or it is coming to late to make the Tzeentch battletome. That's possible but it makes me slightly less inclined to believe in a new Tzeentch warband.
  14. That’s a Seraphon! Very exciting times ahead!
  15. Fury of the deep is £186 individually with the heroes and Arcane Cataclysm is £210 without heroes so it's a similar discount. It also contains 12 more minis than the other box. I can't remember the last time a non starter battle box had more than 50 minis. I'm not a fan of dual boxes as I usually only like one of the factions but I'm tempted by this.
  16. They said in the article that it’s 40k and Necromunda tomorrow. It looks like we will get a selection of AoS warscrolls this week. Hopefully that will include the rotmire creed and the cities warband. We were also promised an article on the future of Warcry this week. I just want a tease of the next box. It doesn’t even have to show minis. They just need to confirm that the next two warbands aren’t chaos and I’ll be happy. It’s only just over two weeks until the nova preview, I’m pretty confident they’ll show off the new box then.
  17. The imbalances are still in effect and a definitely a part of the reason why this year's AoS releases have been lacklustre. GW said as much in their financial report. Idk and Fyreslayers were definitely intended to be 2021 releases and maybe more. As we can see from the ghb we should have had Lumineth and Tzeentch already, possibly the destruction books too given that we are already in August. Going forward I think a normal AoS year should be something like 4 big releases per year plus the usual extras. Gw has done one totally new faction since launch: 2015 Stormcast, 2016 Fyreslayers, 2017 KO, 2018 IDK, 2019 OBR, 2020 Lumineth, 2021 Kruleboyz. This is definitely the thing that is missing this year. Were Chorfs originally intended to be the winter release with Slaves in the Autumn? We are definitely getting cities next year, but, as cool as that release is, it's not a totally new faction. Hopefully we do get the chaos Duardin. A lot of the rumour engines seem to suggests that the other two could be Seraphon and Flesh eaters. (Just my speculation) It will be interesting to see what else comes.
  18. It's better to compare the first year of AoS 3 and the first year of 40k 9. 40k got exactly 1 non marine or Necron in its first 6 months. It wasnt until the following summer with the sisters that 40k got a largish release. The orks and Eldar got about 10 kits each which is fewer than the Soulblight got. 2021 was a great year for AoS minis, with major minis releases for 5 factions: Stormcast, Kruleboyz, Lumineth, Slaanesh and Soulblight, Warhammer quest, broken realms along with 7 major new kits, Underworlds, and even a warcry box with Red Harvest. In 2022 40k will match that with Lotann, Eldar, Chaos, Chaos Knights and Imperial Guard. They have had several kill team boxes as well but I'd still say it's honours even. AoS is shaping up to have a slightly worse 2022 than 40k did last year; 2 mini waves s o far and one major wave for the end of the year plus warcry and Underworlds. 40k had 3 waves of minis with sisters, orks and black templars plus kill team. One thing I've noticed is that AoS often gets their big waves dumped in a single week while 40k gets theirs spread out much more. Despite only being 8 kits the Chaos marines have been split into 3 weeks of releases. There is always a lot of talk about evil corporate gw but if they just followed the money there would be a much larger focus on 40k kits than there is. I understand the frustration waiting for news especially for destruction fans but nobody predicted the Nighthaunt unit before it was previewed. There may yet be some surprises in store this year.
  19. An interesting thing I saw on twitter. The new episode of Hammer and Bolter was written by Phil Kelly. It increases the chance that some of things in the episode exist as minis. I'm sure I'd want to write about a cogfort too if I'd seen the mini.
  20. Yeah I realized eventually- see my edit. I guess the article did the trick and got me all excited for a hot second. Still it's a bit of a bummer that they'd do this when there's a glorious opportunity to do a similar book for AoS.
  21. Holy **** this is amazing! AoS Black library is really getting it's act together this year. Also some fantastic art work. Is this a sign of things to come? Edit- oh it's old world. What a bummer.
  22. If this isn't some kind of Seraphon mini or scenery, I'll eat my hat.
  23. It was a nice preview but the middle earth release strategy is exactly what everyone has been complaining about with AoS: new plastic character and very old plastic units. Unless the TV show causes the game to really take off again, I don't think we'll ever see a new plastic unit. The new Elrond is nice though.
  24. When Silver Tower came out I painted every mini except the Tenebreal Shard. The rumour was that Malerion's Aelves were coming out that year. I'd thought I hold off from painting it until I saw the rest of the army. Six years later it's still unpainted. 😞
  25. Was definitely a bit disappointed when the time ticked around and it was a second Necromunda article instead of Warcry. I'm really on the fence at Heart of Ghur. I was hoping that a peak at the next box might sway me one way or the other. At this point I think I'll just wait until the next box is announced and if Heart of Ghur sells out in the meantime then so be it. Maybe we will have a surprise later but at least we know for sure that there will be a Nova preview this month. It's not that long to wait and there's a fairly good chance we will see the Lumineth Tzeentch box before then. As for Dawnbreakers, they are definitely already done. GW is probably working on the 4th edition starter box about now.
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