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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Thank you for sharing this. Why didn't you link that the first time you posted? You've spent post after post talking about rumours that hardly anyone has heard of without explaining your reasoning. This is absolutely the place for discussing rumours but you need to to give more info if you want people to take you seriously. Linking this article is helpful. Unfortunately for you, your primary source for this is the novel Mirrored City. Josh Reynolds himself admitted he made a bunch of stuff up and sometimes got into trouble with GW for introducing lore they didn't want to pursue. Creatures from the Aetheric void is a cool idea and I'd definitely be interested if GW decided to pursue it, but right now it's nothing more than a fan theory and an easoteric one at that.
  2. We have already been over this numerous times. Since that road map was published, GW have been forced to delay legions Imperialis and move to a two week pre-order window. There is no question that they have had to change other things in their schedule. Also winter is December to the end of February or the 19th of March depending on what system you use. It is possible that we will see Dawnbringers 4 in December but it is certainly not impossible that it will be delayed until next year.
  3. I think the December 9th slot could well be Dawnbringers 4 and/or a FEC launch box. If book 4 is death themed it could well be just a couple of hero and friends boxes. That's not too much for a December slot. It has also been fairly common for gw to put out a limited box set in December.
  4. 25 AoS products in a single week is pretty bonkers! I’m going to be buying them gradually over the next few months (or years). I’m glad the Blacktalons aren’t a weird limited edition thing and I’m happy to see another short story compilation. It’s been a while since the last one.
  5. It’s not you. I’m beginning to suspect they are a troll. Even google translate does a better job of making sense.
  6. Lele are you writing in another language and using Google translate? Whatever you are trying to say is really not coming across.
  7. Noone knows what a Void thing is. You need to explain yourself better.
  8. Have you seen this scenery in the flesh? It looks surprisingly good in person. I actually much prefer it to the last season of Kill team.
  9. Honestly the main reason I want to see 4th edition set in Ulgu is that it would mean an Eshin themed launch box. I don't want a retread of Warhammer 8th edition especially if the Stormcast are updated 1st models. I'd much rather see GW do something different for the starter. Give us gutter runners but also some completely new Eshin units.
  10. Gyran featured in the realmgate wars, the sparks of hope campaign, the broken realms and now in Dawnbringers. It's the most explored realm that hasn't had its own edition. Hush featured fairly prominently in broken realms. Azyr will never feature as a main edition realm unless they decide to do another end times. Chamon featured in the realmgate wars. This week's battlereport on Warhammer plus is set there. It hadn't really featured since then though. Ulgu has been mentioned the least. I definitely think that Ulgu is the most likely setting for 4th edition, but there's a possibility that Chamon could steal it.
  11. I do think Malerion has to come eventually. He is the major god of a realm, whose faction is supposed to be much larger than DoK. Now that the cities are out, Malerion's faction is the last obvious hole in the lore. There are other factions that have been hinted at but none of them are described as being the dominant faction in a realm. If 4th edition is set in Ulgu, it would be very surprising if we went through the whole edition without getting Malerion.
  12. I think you’re thinking about it backwards. If you really like the new minis, you can build an army around them. If the previous book is anything to go by, the armies of renown won’t be massively competitive. The armies of renown are opportunities to build a themed army if you want. You can still add a single unit of the new minis to your regular army if you prefer.
  13. Dawnbringers 3 rules preview. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/10/17/summon-endless-mawpits-and-unleash-hordes-of-magmadroths-with-new-armies-of-renown/ The next book must be coming soon if they are already previewing rules.
  14. As @Draznak said Valrak predicted three heroes for Necrons but just one for Admech. In the stream Eddie said more stuff for Necrons was coming so Valrak's rumour is probably correct. Valrak's old world rumours might be wrong but his 40k predictions have been on the money for a while.
  15. The last preview of the year is usually for black library. I'm guessing we'll see Callis and Toll then. That means that we're likely to see quite a lot next month: FEC, old world Tomb Kings, the rest of the Necrons, the mystery Horus faction. We could see Dawnbringers 4, warcry, killteam and Underworlds as well if they are scheduled before the end of January. The only question is 40k. The next big release for them isn't until spring which means it probably won't be shown off until LVO next year. Just 2 necron heroes isn't much though. Maybe we'll see a little Dark Angels tease. Some of the stuff that's coming in February will probably be shown at LVO in January.
  16. Maybe. It depends where GW are with their supply chain/ production issues. One thing they might do is split up the battleforces and do the AoS ones with Dawnbringers 3 then the 40k ones with Necrons. That would give them an extra week.
  17. Just checked the article again and there's no mention of a two week pre-order this week which explains why it's a small one. I count 9 pre-order dates left this year. Oct 21st necromunda Oct 28th legions Imperialis Nov 4th cities Nov 11th kill team Nov 18th Christmas boxes Nov 25th Dawnbringers 3 Dec 2nd Necrons with 3 kits and random stuff. Dec 9th flesh eaters launch box / underworlds Dec 16th Christmas mini Jan 6th Dawnbringers 4 / warcry Jan 13th heresy stuff Jan 20th flesh eater courts Jan 27th admech and kill team Feb 3rd old world 2 week pre-order Feb 17th dark angels launch box Feb 24th black library day March 2nd orks and Custodes March 9th Dawnbringers 5 March 16th Killteam and/Horus March 23rd dark angels March 30th warcry and Underworlds April 6th tau/ Kroot April 13th specialist games stuff April 20th mystery AoS April 27th chaos 40k May /June No AoS July AoS 4th edition Even if we allow 2 week pre-orders for dark Angels and Tau, there's still more than enough time to fit FEC, Dawnbringers 4 and 5 and a mystery's release before 4th edition.
  18. I think the disagreements are kind of missing the point. Most of the roadmaps come from this spring. Since then we've had the Legions Imperialis delay and the production/ supply chain problems. The little run of two week pre-orders definitely wasn't planned since the spring. There have already been changes to the original plan. More stuff has probably been changed but they are unlikely to put out updated roadmaps as things seem to be influx over at gw right now. The 40k kill team box feels late. It would suprise me if they had originally planned box one in September and box two in December. Gw have been pretty consistent in trying to put three months between boxes. With box one coming in November, I'd expect box two in February. Winter including next year is pretty light on 40k releases so far but spring is looking pretty packed. In winter we just have Necrons with three minis and Admech with one. In spring there is dark angels who are getting a major update, Tau who look like they are getting a big Kroot update, Chaos marines who are getting bikers and maybe more, orks with at least a hero, and Custodes with at least a hero. With old world all but confirmed for February where does this leave AoS? Cities are definitely coming sometime in November. We are due a lot of kits so I'd be surprised to see them share a week with Dawnbringers 3 but there aren't many weeks left in the year. If book 4 is death I'm expecting a similar release to book three so two boxes with a hero and friends. That's not a massive release so launching it alongside a FEC box is possible. I could easily imagine they planned to launch that in December but now it has slipped to January. They could then do book 5 at the end of February with Darkoath replacements for marauders on foot and horse and maybe a manticore replacement too. I'd be surprised if we get through all of spring without anything for AoS. I'd expect a medium sized release since there's so much 40k stuff due but I've no idea what that could be. The worst case scenario is that spring is just the full FEC release after a launch box in winter. The best is a surprise new faction.
  19. A quick search has revealed that these rumours originate from someone called Mikhael on discord and not Hastings. They are largely believable but contradict the rumours that Valrak shared. I’m sure we’ll get our answer next month but I’m a bit worried about a mummy unit. That’s a concept that’s really hard to do well.
  20. My guess is book 4 will be death to tie in with the FeC release but that the book won't have any FeC rules or minis in much the same way as books 2 and 3 don't have anything for cities. There's 5 factions left to reach the magic 12. Could we see Ossiarch and Soulblight in book 4 then Darkoath heavy slaves with 3 or 4 kits , Khorne and maybe a skaven tease in book 5?
  21. Are you ok? Three of these are some of the most 40k rumour engines ever. You can see bullet holes and grenades.
  22. These are all definitely Kroot the runes match perfectly with existing models.
  23. Ok. Let’s do this. Top row from the left: Necron hero, cancelled spider incarnate, Tau character, revealed admech. Second row: imperial guard scenery, genuine mystery, kroot, Tzeentch Dawnbringers hero, ork vehicle. third row: fec hero could be chaos or dark eldar, IDK monster, imperial guard scenery, 40k chaos. Fourth row: Kroot, Kroot, imperial guard scenery, fec standard, fec monster Fifth row: Kroot, FEC judge, FEC monster, Fec hero Sixth row: 40k thing, FEC, Krootox, slaves to darkness hero, Slaves to darkness hero. I really think they might have cancelled that Spider incarnate. It’s been more than a year since the last one which was a pretty divisive release. If they were going to include it in Dawnbringers, the destruction book seems like the obvious choice. On the Dawnbringers front it definitely feels like we will get a fifth book potentially with a largish Darkoath release. It would certainly fill some of the post fec space and would set up a return to chaos as the primary antagonist for 4th edition.
  24. I think gw will eventually return to the concept of Aelven or Satyr Kurnothi but I really don't think it will be soon having seen this model, by which I mean 5th or 6th edition. Here are my overall thought. 40k stuff fine 6/10. The Necron character has a bit of a boring pose. The admech guy is weird in a mostly good way. Ionus Cryptborn. 9/10 A great suprise to see a classic model returning in such a cool way. I will pick him up when he's available separately as I've literally just finished painting up a couple of red dragons. Belthanos 8/10 The Kurnothi hunters are my favourite minis of the core range so to see a hero version is pretty cool. Just a little sad that we didn't see anything that takes inspiration from cursed city or Underworlds. New Ogor army of renown featuring Butchers but no new butcher model 0/10. The biggest missed opportunity of the edition. Dawnbringers book 3. Looks interesting 7/10. Kill team. I was kind of looking forward to seeing new striking scorpions but I not sure what I was hoping for but was pretty disappointed by how standard these models look. I'd like to see GW take more risks with their 40k redesigns but I'm sure there would be lots of annoyed 40k fans if the new models don't look just like the old ones. The scouts are fine. Old world. Pegasus 9.5/10. An excellent versatile kit. Foot knights. 5/10. At first I was really happy to see another plastic kit but the more I look at the kit, the less I like it. A lot of the crests look stupid which is saying something in a game full of stupid hats. The musician with the open visor and a colourful doll on his head is my least favourite. I far prefer the new Lumineth helmets to these. I also don't like the bib style tabards some of them are wearing. They also expose the problem that rank and file has with great weapons. They make the unit look overly busy. I do like the armour, the shields and the basic robes. Maybe I can reverse the trend and put some Stormcast heads on them. New lady. 8/10. A great sculpt. Loses a point for the tactical flower and another for the resin. No tomb kings, army book, core book or launch box info 1/10. I know there's another preview show coming soon but the 40th anniversary of fantasy battle is the perfect chance to show off the full launch line up.
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