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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. It's always subjective of course, but when someone gives an answer like this, I'm curious how much they've read. Lethis is one of the more interesting cities in the realms. It is the beachhead of Sigmar's effort to build a kingdom in the realm of death, the home city of the Anvils of Heldenhammer and was the prison of Katakros. It has history that has actually played out in the course of the game. I also find the realm of death fascinating as it was essentially the Discworld's afterlife before Nagash took over. Now the entire realm is gradually being consumed by a mini blackhole in its centre. That's way more interest to me than any location in the old world but as you say it's all subjective.
  2. I do think that the AoS lore is good. I'd go so far as to say it's better than the old world in many ways. The problem is the ways and places it has been presented. There have been about 90 AoS novels so far. That's about 10 a year. Fantasy got 150 novels in 30 years so about half the release rate. A major difference though is the lack of series in AoS. Since the Realmgate wars the only ongoing series has been Gotrek and even there most side characters only hung around for a single book. Fantasy had many longer series. Nagash, Teclis, Orion and others all got trilogies dedicated to them. Give us a Gordrakk trilogy or a series of books focused on Katakros. It's been a couple of years since they introduced two new characters complete with a book and a mini each but neither has had a follow up. There has been lots of good content in White Dwarf covering the different realms, but I definitely echo the point about collating it all into a series of coffee table books. There's also a lot of good stuff in the RPG but again it's spread out across many books and a lot of them are naturally intermixed with rules and campaigns for the game. It's a lot of money to buy those books just for the lore and most people aren't as crazy as me. It would be amazing to see all the cool art and lore they've already done, mixed with new material in a series of volumes. There's a huge amount of potential there.
  3. Oops. Forgot about them. Guess I'm more like GW than I knew.
  4. Just a random guess based on the fact that Skaven are the only chaos faction that doesn't have a warcry warband and the fact that I'd really like another cities warband. Plague monks Vs flagellants would be pretty cool.
  5. My prediction for next year. Late Jan or early February FEC full release Dawnbringers 4, two death heroes. February Lumineth Vs OBR warcry. Soulblight underworlds warband. March Dawnbringers 5 with 2 or 3 Darkoath units and 2 chaos heroes. April ???? May 2 warcry warbands. Skaven Vs cities??? June 4th edition Skaven Vs Stormcast
  6. Just noticed the Dawnbringers hero isn't in the app. So yeah, they will lose one warscroll which is odd unless they do the underworlds thing. @DoctorPerils More models would be a cool surprise but they like to announce everything before the box set pre order. They did the same with Cities, Seraphon, Imperial Guard etc. It's highly unlikely there's anything else coming for FEC in the near future.
  7. If you take all the new kits and add the old ones except the Vargulf, you get 27 warscrolls so it's safe to assume all the characters made from units are staying.
  8. One thing is that definitely true is that one of the designers who worked on the Tomb king dragon left in April. Wrote the rules in an afternoon sounds like typical hyperbole. There's a really interesting interview with Rick Priestly where he said he wrote all of third edition by himself over a Christmas break so fast turnaround of rules isn't exactly unusual at GW.
  9. This may be true but Hastings, the source of that rumour, has already been wrong. He claimed we'd be getting a tomb kings chariot but we got the dragon instead.
  10. I just went back and did a quick skim of the chat. There was one person who made a couple of negative comments about the old world. There were way more people slagging off AoS in the FEC segment. The user 'apologising' was one of the people attacking AoS.
  11. I doubt we'll get more multi model units. I think an OBR hero is a possibility, especially with that rumour engine. It is possible that we get a book without any minis though. The first broken realms book didn't come with anything.
  12. This profile shot makes the dragon look much better. The various elements look a lot better balanced and the pulpit doesn't stick out from the rest of the model so much.
  13. No. They said at least 12. So we have at least 5 more to see.
  14. Here's my quick thoughts. 40k- Solid sculpts but entirely predictable. The deathwing terminators sure do look like slightly nicer versions of the old ones. Same goes for the Nightlords. FeC. Not my favourite aesthetic but there are some really terrific sculpts there. My favourites are the new Vargulf and Ushoran himself. Saying book 4 is the next book and not the last book all but confirms we will see at least a book 5 which is exciting. Tomb kings. Lots of really cool individual elements but I don't think it hangs together as a model. What's the fascination with putting everything on stilts recently? Underworlds. A fairly standard warband but those are some really nice gutrippas. I actually like it when a warband is just some really nice versions of the core models. I will probably pick the box up.
  15. This is the point I was making. If a Mortarch describes them as a type of being rather than a title given by Nagash, then it doesn't matter what Ushoran does. He will still be a mortarch even if he is in full rebellion against Nagash.
  16. What kind of title is mortarch? Ushoran was reassurected by Nagash to be a mortarch but then rebelled. He would still be a Mortarch then. Would Nagash even bother to strip him of his title? An exiled prince is still a prince.
  17. There's an ongoing joke that the Dark Angels are actually a traitor legion hence the chaos comments.
  18. I wonder if the retirement of John Blanche had anything to do with the recent exodus. The good news is that we still have at least a year of art from these artists to look forward to. It's definitely sad to see them go though. 3rd edition AoS art has been great.
  19. I think there's three big releases left that have been rumoured for this year. Killteam, admech and Necrons for 40k and now FEC. There are three unannounced pre-orders left before Christmas so that lineup is possible. The big question for me now is whether we get Dawnbringers 4 with FEC or later.
  20. Underworlds Destruction warband. There were rumours of a Kruleboyz warband but I'm hoping we finally get a plastic butcher. AoS FeC reveal but only a teaser for the summer king himself. Book 4 2 heroes and confirmation of a book 5 next year. Kill team vespids. Old world Tomb kings but annoyingly not a full reveal. Underworlds new vehicle Horus heresy plastic assault marines 40k Kroot and the last necron character. The one from the boo
  21. I'm pretty sure that all gw resin kits are now made with the same resin as Forgeworld stuff. This will definitely be true for TOW as it's being made by the same team who do Horus Heresy.
  22. Yes they are canon. Several black library writers contributed to them. That said black library itself doesn't necessarily follow the lore exactly. They have a certain amount of freedom to create their own things. I think the RPGs are actually more closely controlled by GW.
  23. I believe that @Nezzhil already teased the remain factions suggesting they would be Khorne, Slaves, Obr, Cities, DoK and Skaven for a total of 13 factions with Dawnbringer minis.
  24. This would be my guess too and it broadly matches with the rumours so far. @Nezzhil Have you heard whispers about a 5th book or is all this getting packed into book 4?
  25. My heart says new Witch Hunter. My head says 40k thing.
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