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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Definitely Duardin. Here is the only official reply to a guess so far.
  2. In the previous books the agents of sigmar were looking all over the realm of metal for the duardin but were unable to find them. There were also little snippets about lights in the sky. The earlier rumours of duardin with jet packs look like they are true. I think we will see an army of steampunk duardin with lots of flyers. The realm of metal is the number one contender for the focus of the next campaign with Tzeentch being the primary antagonist. If I was a betting man I would predict that the next two battletomes will be the duardin and the Tzeentch Arcanites. If they want to continue the technological theme they could do a clan Skyre book too. It has been a very long wait for new info, but next year is looking very promising at this stage.
  3. The new set does seem to be identical which is interesting as the old one was £125 and the new one will be £100 apparently!
  4. There are a few mentions in the campaign books of lights in the skies of chamon or something similar. Sigmar is looking for grungi's Duaridin on chamon but has not found them. It is easy to guess that the reason is that they are above it. It is all but certain that Tzeentch Arcanites are the next big release. Chamon is the realm where Tzeentch is strongest. My theory is that the next campaign will start out in chamon with Tzeentch, new stormcast (hopefully human auxiliaries) and the new Duaridin.
  5. Those prices are actually a little cheaper than the other standalone heroes. Stormcast and fyreslayer heroes are all £18 each.
  6. Next weekends preorder will be the heroes from silver tower in individual clam packs. £15 or $25 dollars US each.
  7. This is sure to cause some debate here. From the November white dwarf, the bale wind vortex and Magewraith throne will be returning. There will also be some hero bases. No news of minis or battletomes☹️
  8. It's cool to see Magnus and 40k finally getting some chaos love, but I have been patiently waiting for a Tzeentch Arcanites book to drop since May. My best guess at the moment is the Stormcast hero on Saturday. Prospero game on the 22nd, Magnus on the 29th, 3 weeks of thousand sons in November then bloodbowl on the 25th. That means no major AOS release until at least December. I suppose that gives me plenty of time to finish painting Archaon but excitement about what's coming is a major hobby motivator for me.
  9. It is an informed opinion. Sad Panda never came out and said it but he was speaking as if they were different products, Hastings also inferred they were different. Finally the kit itself. A Lord of change wears robes not armour and has a different body. The only point of similarity is the wings. I also think they want to make the primarchs as distinct as possible. A kairos fateweaver loc combo is much more likely. It would just need a head and weapon swap.
  10. Sad Panda who is never wrong popped up on Dakka recently. He talked about the Tzeentch design library and specifically mentioned a new loc.
  11. I think the smart thing did with fyreslayers etc was make it clear that it is a small faction. If you want to play fyreslayers here are the units, here are the minis. That's all you are getting. If you want more variety do a grand alliance army. Whereas with the Stormcast it was clear from the beginning that more was coming. Look at these mysterious chambers. I wonder what they could be?
  12. The news comes from l'astropate. Retailers get their product info today so it is very likely to be true.
  13. Hot news! Coming next week we have warhammer quest arcane heroes (Sorceror Lord, grey seer, knight heraldor, skink starpriest, and sorceress) for €45 and warhammer quest hero cards (44 cards from the app) for €20. Will be buying both of those. Glad I held off on the app.
  14. Yup. Would put money on that battle report being Sylvaneth vs ironjawz. Arcanites in December then?
  15. The thing is, with just a little extra effort, I would have been much more ok with this. Had they put the white dwarf in a little presentation box with a physical silver tower card and storm of chaos style aos card, I probably would have bought it.
  16. The new white dwarf IS just the unforged repackaged. What a bummer.
  17. this comes from bols so take with a mountain of salt but they claim that alongside the kill team game a new white dwarf miniature is going up for preorder on the 27th.
  18. This forum has been an extremely pleasant place to visit so far. Don't spoil it. The rumour thread is not the place for jokes at others expense. Edit to clarify. Deliberately posting false rumours is not a good idea.
  19. It is likely that we will get Kharn and the boxed set up for preorder this weekend. Although GW is continuing with a weekly release shedule, they seem to be returning to the old way of doing releases, so each system gets a month. If that holds true we will hopefully get something new for AOS up for preorder on the 3rd of September, releasing on the 10th.
  20. Chikout


    My cauldron of blood. A fantastic model. Really fun to paint.
  21. It is nice but nothing you couldn't convert. As it is unlikely to go on sale here in Japan, I am glad it is not better.
  22. I was initially dubious of the September steampunk Duardin rumour but if what adhoc says is true(and I think it is) then the 40k stuff will come in August, leaving a space in September for a big aos release. I imagine the next horus game will follow in October. That would have Tzeentch coming at the end of the year. Sad panda mentioned that this was a possible timeframe for a new Lord of change to come out. Somewhere in the midst of all that bloodbowl will come out. I wonder if this week's Wd has a hint in it. It is the last weekly white dwarf so it may not.
  23. That is probably my favourite bloodbound model and I will happily paint it up, but I was hoping for something new.
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