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Liberator (1/10)



  1. I'm mostly going to be collecting them anyway, for the sake of painting and displaying them! So if the model looks kinda cool, and I can display them, maybe play casually sometimes, I don't think I'll stress out that much on how they are in the meta.
  2. The spearhead stuff sounds like exactly what I wanna try, I'll probs wait until 4e then.
  3. Hey there! I'm probably going to buy OBR minis to start my collection, is this a good idea? Is there like a cheaper box or starter set I can try out?
  4. I would have said Ossiarchs would be a cool Starterbox, but I do get that it's harder to paint segments of bone than plain single pieces of metal
  5. Hey! So I'm Faerro, been consuming Black Library books the past year, ever since I played a bit of Realms of Ruin. Didn't like the game that much, but got really curious in the world! I'm kinda thinking of collecting models soon hopefully!
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