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Posts posted by EthanolMuffins

  1. 3 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Because being swole with perfect skin in the Mortal Realms and not being a Stormcast probably means you’re Slaaneshi. It’s easier to remain undiscovered when you’re the twiggy unassuming nerd. 

    Tbh with the models it could be anything but nurgle as the BoK models are swole with good skin and the Kairic Acolytes for DoT

  2. 32 minutes ago, MythicKhan said:

    True. I've stopped using all hobby reddits now because they just end up being dominated by the negative crowd!

    Agreed, I use them for paint scheme and kitbashing discussion primarily but now its all negativity overwhelming it which is disappointing

    • Like 1
  3. If people think Kragnos is bad, wonder what they will think when we see Archaon’s warscroll


    Kragnos will be balanced by a high points cost and the game is also seeing a general points increase as well if the preview games are any indication, its like what 15-25%?

    • Like 1
  4. With so many armies not everything is gonna be a smash hit with flavor and rules sadly, but so far none of the armies have been “misses”. None of the armies shown so far will suffer like admech, death guard, and votann did at the start of 10th. And here is to hoping none of the remaining ones are bad. Just want everyone to have fun and enjoyable rules

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    No, no, fight each other - mankind for the win!

    Idoneth need another wave (sounds fitting), KO too and especially FS need more. I'll exclude DoK as I believe they'll get a big release once Malerion hits. FS apparently got horrible sales numbers, so if GW doesn't support them now, they'll go the way of BoC. And if GW supported BoC, they wouldn't have gone away either. 

    GW's idea to break up factions and release mini-armies has to be one of the stupidest decisions in a long, long time - the idea itself isn't necessarily dumb, I mean it was nice to have a couple of new forces fast for AoS but the execution most certainly was. They should've known that most people nowadays are unwilling to wait 5+ years for a range extension. I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

    The things I would do for an IDK wave, their models are so pretty they need more asap

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    All this talk of faction splits, I still think the best outcome for Destruction would be for KB and IJ to stay together. GSG to get some kits, Ogors a big refresh, a new kit for SoB and make Drogrukh (lead by Kragnos) a 5th Destruction Battletome. 

    I mean following the cycle, death is next big bad, I wouldn't expect new destruction faction until 6th when it comes back around to destruction

  7. I bet the elves wait til 5th, 4th feels like it will be dwarf focused to me. Idk why, just a feeling


    Here's what I think we see for 4th: Fyreslayers update, Chorfs, COS 2nd wave, Seraphon 2nd wave (cause cmon if you gonna update the lizardmen, whats a better time to do it then when they go against their main foe the rats?), and Ogors refresh

    • Like 3
  8. 20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am not a great painter (well, I only painted a section of scenery since I rejoined the hobby), but I totally aspire for something more than that. This seems just like some contrast layers. To me, they look more like a way to sell another GW product (contrasts) than the minis themselves.

    Since these spearhead pics are likely promotional material that will be used to promote the spearhead boxes it also likely doubles as a way to let new players know “Hey you dont have to paint them in any official colors, paint them however you want and do what you like” 


    Especially with the rules changes not directly tying battle formations to specific subfactions, it further encourages players to do what they want and gives them thematic choices rather than directly tying their own creations to a sub faction in the lore

    • Like 10
  9. 19 minutes ago, Stormy1486 said:

    I know I am late to the party regarding the map, but the Hashut forge city is a nice teaser for some variation of chaos dwarves. Probably too much to expect them 2024 though. Lets hope for 2025.

    I lack of a teaser for Malerion or tyrion is a bit sad, given the aelf gods were announced what? 7 years ago? 

    A lack of a roadmap by now is also dissapointing.

    I expect 5th to be all about Shyish and Ulgu with Malerion stuff and more death stuff personally


    So we will probably see it in 5th were I to guess

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    I am just looking forward to the shocking reveal when the Fyreslayers gain all the Ur-Gold only to revive a very surprised and awkward Malerion...  

    Not quite what you were talking about but iirc the fyreslayers believe that when they bring back grimnir he will be riding vulcatrix


    Grimnir and Vulcatrix will make an amazing god model and could be great for a wave 2 of fyreslayers


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  11. 57 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    That's mean.


    I hope Malerion will be mixed into DoK though. DoK needs some freshness and that would definately help.

    If they merge they should rename the faction tho, cause DoK would not be accurate at that point

  12. 7 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    We will know the next week faction focus today ? We only know about CoS right now 

    They only reveal the next faction focus, so we wont learn Tuesday's until we get the CoS article tomorrow


    If I were to guess though I imagine this week will be: Cities -> Slaves -> Orruk Warclans -> Soulblight -> Seraphon or Lumineth

    • Like 1
  13. All that matters to me is that the game is fun and flavorful which it very much seems like it will be, at least in my eyes. It also seems much easier to digest, which is a plus for a new player like me. Hope they can manage to have all the armies somewhat balanced and flavorful so everyone can have a good time.

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  14. 39 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    If I had to speculate:

    -Eshin warband for Warcry 2024-2025

    -Separate foot plague priest for Skaven BT on 5th ed

    -Pestilens warband on 2028-2029

    That sounds like it would be accurate and I hope its the case


    Maybe we get another underworld skaven bit too?

  15. 59 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

    Having seen most of the faction rules and warscrolls made available from the preview games I am starting to get a bit concerned that individual army rules are going to feel overly stripped back and somewhat lack the sense of strong individual themes created in 3.0. So far the core rules look great, but I’m not as excited about the pattern that seems to be emerging regarding individual warscrolls and faction rules based on what we’ve seen. I’m hoping that once all is revealed it will make more sense, but I’m feeling slightly less enthusiastic and a bit more apprehensive than I was a few weeks ago. 

    It is worth noting that most of the rules shown so far are only for spearhead which is stripped of most rules and complexity of the game, in favor of being faster. So I would not judge these spearhead rules insofar as a judgement of the whole game but rather the spearhead game mode.

  16. 2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    I would imagine Beasts of Chaos will stay around for the first rule set of Spearhead. They are supposed to be getting index for at least a year and you figure they will try to push whatever remaining stock they have of the BOC vanguard box.

    The store page for BoC is empty except for tzaangors, chaos spawn, and chaos gargants so I don't think they will be getting one

  17. With faction focuses beginning next week, who do yall want to see first (beside stormcast because we know they are first)


    I'm hoping to see the Seraphon and Ossiarch stuff this week, especially Seraphon. I'm curious if they will keep the Cosmic Power Point summoning for the starborn in 4th and if they do, how different it will be from 3rd

    • Like 3
  18. 6 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Same. Based on the spearhead stuff that’s been photographed, I’m really liking the rules and where 4th is going.

    Still not in the FOMO zone for the boxed set but AOS 4th edition is looking great. I’m trying my best not to go crazy getting spearhead sets and focus on what I have!

    Spearhead stuff def gives me hope, I am still somewhat wary due to getting burnt by 10th ed 40k but I have a lot more hope from everything they have shown so far.

  19. 57 minutes ago, Garrac said:


    Looks like faction focuses start next week. Probably monday on stormcasts, tuesday for skavens, never for beastmen.

    Excited for the faction focuses, hope they give us flavorful rules for each army

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