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Everything posted by GloomkingWortwazi

  1. Still, nice to have a Beast Snagga box to go with the other Ork Combat Patrol now.
  2. This is the board that the store staff built from the 14 day long community lore input for the Belconnen store's Free City, Minnarkis:
  3. I don't see it changing for skirmish games personally. Fingers crossed.
  4. People are definitely of two camps on the WYSIWYG combined arms profile thing. It's only natural. I for one welcome the opportunity to arm my models with what I think looks best and not worry about liking swords better for looks but gimping myself severely for not building spears.
  5. Yup. Infinity, Legion, etc. all online, all free. I hate that rule books are part of GW's business model, especially as a method to manage updated game pieces, game balance and rules errors.
  6. I'm thinking something more quiet, maybe a little chitinous 🦂
  7. Because we want something that isn't a large hungry human or an angry green boy 😂
  8. He's pondering his orb with the greats now 😔
  9. Normal, our stock levels here are atrocious lately. Local let a few of us know allocations for this one and the KT box were tighter than normal.
  10. I'm using my daily power! Yeah, I hadn't noticed but you're right. It is very reminiscent of 4E power blocks/power cards. Ref image for the uninitiated (random from web, can't be bothered to go get my books 😅 )
  11. It's no worse than a coin toss and thinking, "Why oh why didn't I pick tails?". It's all 4+'s, baby.🤷‍♂️ Nagash take the wheel!🙏
  12. A little extra info for AU: Belconnen (AU) - Minnarkis (Gyran, 14 day long community lead input on all lore aspects and an in store board build to match it) Sydney Flagship (AU) - Gheist's Harbour (no realm, very little community interaction)
  13. I absolutely agree with the sentiment, as I largely play more WYSIWYG games, and some games with firing arcs and things like that. It's important to have the information. I suggest to anyone who might feel like they're in the "people won't know boat" to explore base colour lines, a unique colour splash on the champion, specialist, etc. to denote it better. Then you can tell your opponent "all my x are this red here".
  14. Everyone will have different ways of taking the rules in, but I think eventually it will feel like playing MTG and seeing a half red, half green orb with a little flame and a little tree and going "red or green mana" (for those that makes sense to). At least I hope! EDIT: Like these all immediately registering for players (and some of these even have subsets of icons).
  15. Wonder if it will have consequences, or it's just a gloss over.
  16. I just finished assembling some I picked up recently. I concur, they're cool and I'd love a proper unit of them, an elite 5 man or 10 man group of some kind.
  17. Having said what I said before... it would be nice to get the vargs/honkers/flayers kit removed and replaced with new ones where the vargs are replaced with 3 new Vargskyrs 😍.
  18. Oh! As much as I'd love more Vargskyr sculpts... probably not 🙁.
  19. Unlikely unless they get a rework due to the sprue:
  20. Honestly, better off without them rules wise. They were obnoxious to take in a list. Love the models though. Glad that I picked some up for conversions etc.
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