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Everything posted by GloomkingWortwazi

  1. Oh, I'm sure there will be more supplements. They love selling us physical books.
  2. A horribly over-aged soft cheese marbled with mold and warpstone pop-rocks. 🤮
  3. It's really just semantics. It's marketed as part of the game, but it is different enough functionally to be questioned. Doesn't much matter how we refer to it as our label doesn't influence their product.
  4. Or maybe he is the fig to go with the battletome release post launch?
  5. Oh yeah... I totally forgot about this little guy! Post launch wave I guess 🤷‍♂️
  6. Oh, I should clarify, I am a long time gamedev professionally 😉. C/C++/C#/lua/rb/lisp (the dark arts)/etc. and lots of HLSL shader work as well as LL stuff, and lots and lots of meshes. 2D and tex are just something I don't do often because I don't enjoy them - but I am practiced. I also do a decent amount of engineering 3D that crosses over with it. I'm also from the console reverse engineering scene for fun 😅. But for my dev and 3D you won't find me by this name. I appreciate the offer though. 😀 Seems there are a few of our ilk skulking around here lol. Yeah, definitely a June ender. I'm pretty pumped to dig into this edition. Especially with 40K being as lackluster as it is currently.
  7. I am your dark mirror. Mr. mesh and tech art/shaders reporting in for 3dsmax to blender converts camp 🤜🤛 So are we betting on the starter boxes post launch having additional terrain bits that match the launch box ones?
  8. I agree with you on the art style for the old one, but I like the representation on the new one more. It maybe does a better job at illustrating scale.
  9. Seconding The Combat Company. I mainly buy from them and Gap Games. 💓
  10. Semantics... Point still stands, its 4 small pieces I don't want to have to pay for and most established players will already have to play a game mode. It's for people who either just want it (that is totally fine, it looks good), or people without it to play a new mode. I understand your point, it's a complete game-mode in a box. My point was I wish it was just AoS without the new mode I have to pay for and don't need. It's not that strange of a take. I'm just wishing into the breeze that I didn't have to either get less plastic in a form I want, or pay more for plastic I don't need (same cost outcome). 😉
  11. So not an issue for all of us, and not an issue for anyone who's got some D6 games kicking around but maybe for absolute newbies... does it not have dice in it? Is that a GW thing now to not have a handful of dice in the launch/starter boxes for total newbies?
  12. I'm pretty excited to replace some of my old Skaven models however. Looking forward to getting my hands on those Rat Ogors!
  13. I'm happy for the £ buyers price, but I am stinging at mine. It's going to cost an extra ~£80 here (half of the box price more!) [MSRP] 😢
  14. I thought we might have got a little more of a preview of stuff being released after launch too like we did with Dominion but uh... guess not? That was a quick show.
  15. Man that Gryph-stalker is so nice. Beautiful sculpt. Looks like I just sold my Nighthaunt army so I could replace it with Stormcast again haha 😂
  16. It's one of the things I hate the most in any game. 😅
  17. Hm, maybe but it looks chunkier to me? Maybe it's a post-release wave release that's got pics in the book.
  18. Spearhed: Twist deck 🤮 god I hate global random effects in games like this.
  19. *coughs in boxes full of 3D printed terrain* I like the idea for newbies, I hate that it's at the cost of minis.
  20. That didn't look like a lot of terrain either.... like 4 little pieces...?
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