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Everything posted by GloomkingWortwazi

  1. Just when I thought my gitz collection was all done...
  2. I don't care one way or the other about Hastings being the original or not but I concur, they aren't the original. However, I would like to add for objectivity that I think judging anyone by pre-release Old World rumors isn't a great bar to measure with. That project was rescoped and tumble dried a few times. Information and planning could very easily have been leaked to those who were in hindsight wrong (and there were a few rumour-mongers) and have been correct hearsay at the time (or some time before). I would stick to judging them by other items like their AoS and 40K rumour reliability (which, is also provably a poor result). Seems a touch more reliable of a unit to measure one by.
  3. Now as for rumors.... if that isn't a Temple Guard sculpt, I am eating another old clanrat model! We need more of the elite troop choices updated for these holdover armies, oh my god. I really hope for the lizard people among us that it is a Temple Guard unit đŸ€ž Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖
  4. To anyone that might be thinking about getting into resin printing from someone who has been involved in the process at a business level for many years: Just don't be a bozo and get the correct PPE, especially a respirator with appropriate filters (ABEK2P3, e.g. 3M 6099) not just for the resin VOCs, but the IPA/denatured vapours. Wear eye protection for splashes. They happen. Better yet, combine the two (3M 6800 mask + filters). Ensure you are using tough nitrile gloves and do not touch uncured or semi-cured resin ungloved. Repeated exposure leads to allergic reactions that will essentially never go away. Some people can expose themselves for a very long time before it happens, others a few. Don't be a macho-man back in my day boomer about PPE, or just leave the room and go smoke some asbestos. Make sure to have it in an isolated and ventilated space in a position that is easy to clean down as needed. Practice safe materials handling procedures and invest in not only a printer, but a cleaning system as well as it will reduce your time, stress and mess greatly. Remove waste material appropriately to your areas rules for disposal. Don't put this stuff into the waterways, or your drain that you pay to get fixed. Treat it like a tool and process that requires reverence and respect and you will keep yourself and others safe. You don't behave stupidly with a lathe or mill, so don't with the printer 👍. EDIT: Feel free to DM for questions or advice on the topic so we don't derail the living heck out of the rumor thread.
  5. If we're getting a new army this edition I just hope it's something new, not an offshoot of an existing idea that is already in AoS.
  6. The audacity of GW canning Longstrike and Badrukk in the only just released codexes then doing a made to ordering for them 😂. Absolute wads. Dawnbringers 6 is starting to feel like a group hallucination at this point lol. Production must be choking up hard while they prep for 4th launch. Must be stressful in the ol' sprue mine over there right now.
  7. Jokes aside, if the name is evocative of the theme like most have been and not just kinda random like some have been then I am excited about some dank green deathly stuff. Maybe some catacombs in a dense forest somewhere.
  8. It's always a burial site or deep hole of some kind with these Underworlds people... it reminds me of something, like some kind of world where you go when you die that is underneath or something deep and spooky... I don't know đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž 😜
  9. I concur with the posts about spearheads value to us oldbeards!
  10. You just need to spend more time with the Gellar Field off 😈
  11. Yeah the value part is concerning because it balances one of two ways we keep discussing: 1. Same average model content cost + terrain cost = higher MSRP 2. Same MSRP = average models cost - terrain cost .:. less models
  12. Absolutely this. EDIT: If not, I eat one of my old clanrats.
  13. It is definitely implying a singular box for the launch. A launch box. So when they say it's in the launch box they surely mean what they have always called a launch box (the single box they announce and sell on initial launch 😜 ). It's also very much how they used to do things in ye olde times. These boxes were always essentially starter boxes. You got two forces, dice, rulers, rules, counters and tokens and what-not and some terrain (card and plastic building, or plastic corner buildings barrels and trees, or, or, or...). This trend changed with: * 5th edition 40K (2008) [4th BFM had downed flyer terrain]. * 8th edition WHFB (2010) [7th had some fences and altars]. It's a great feature for new players. It's value to established players unfortunately suffers. I am personally disappointed as my terrain collection is robust and I also both 3D model and print my own - but I am glad for the product making this change. I remember being a new player and also my friends getting their starter boxes. Specifically make me think of a friend of mine getting his 40K 3rd edition box and building and painting the trees before anything else haha. All in all it's a good thing. Just not that good for me. As for the spearhead in the box debate, it will just be lists for using models from both side (likely a limited amount from the pool) to play spearhead. They may or may not represent what gets put into the actual spearhead product afterwards (like with Leviathan).
  14. Yeah... it's making me a little nervous too.
  15. I wish they would reduce it down to a set... I hate storing these things!
  16. Time to bean people with a big spider Grecian style! That's a deep tumblr cut.
  17. Chinese based casting is possible. It does seems low in casting detail. But the paint detail seems fairly large, so it might also be smaller than it appears to be. My hope is a lightning geist, but my gut says faction terrain / endless spell / new place of power terrain.
  18. Oh, my! I LOVE these! I am very keen to see the spearhead stuff to give me a reason to keep these in the collection 😍 The angelic hoplite look is awesome and very evocative of Blanche's concept art. Love it, love it, love it!
  19. 4chan leaks jokes are always funny, but I had forgotten about the BFG rumours and I got all giddy again thinking about a reworked BFG. If I can't have decent GW ship battles, I'm fine with having decent GW spaceship battles! đŸ€©
  20. I am also cautiously optimistic. Faction BTs will not be missed by me! I like what I am seeing but time playing them will tell.
  21. I just fixed the broken images. Weird. I forgot to add this one too: The Harajuku store's free city is Barban Ford. They've got a little roster up on the wall that you add your name to and choose your side.
  22. Tangent, I know but... æ„ć‘łăŒă‚ă‹ă‚‰ăȘい! You have to stop buying your sesh beers at the konbini 😉. There are definitely places to both order and buy at sub retail new. You should check out ring-tail, they're usually pretty well stocked and priced compared to GW. You've always got Mercari too. If you're Tokyo based check out Yellow Submarine (the RPG one) and basically any of the model shops in Akiba. I'm always prowling them when I'm back over there for a while. Yodobashi sometimes have sales on older boxes too if you're lucky ✌.
  23. They have different UPCs/SKUs for the different boxes and can (do) track this sales data at their POS and web as well as retailer stock orders.
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