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Everything posted by Glutos

  1. Man I really feel like this has potential I’m hopi g each codex release gets a new spearhead, and things like army’s of renown could be changed into spearheads of renown later in 4th when new campeign books drop
  2. Ionis had a similiar box with a dragon guard acompanying him it’s still a good deal!
  3. Is malal no longer a thing in warhammer? He fits chaos against chaos
  4. great reveals, sad there isn't a nurgle daemon warband in the underworlds box though, the FeC warband feels somewhat safe to me while normally underworlds warbands go all out. Maybe one of the 2 seperate warband boxes will have some juicy daemons though. The new chaos character is cool, I'd just wish all these characters had a generic character option too, same for Ionis it'd be cool to make your own character on a giant beast, I know there's kitbashing. but It would have been cool to have seperate rules. Liked the trailer but its a bit of a dud for me without a single model reveal, stormcast seem to be getting bigger again, a sad thing for me seeing I liked the slim approach 3rd edition had. Also really hoping 5th edition (whenever it may arrive) feuture a different faction then SCE
  5. Just a wishlist, though there was an engine that had a sylvaneth feel to it could be nurgle though
  6. that's a weird silhouette, I understand people saying CoS but it feels a bit off for a human to me
  7. how do you guys feel the availability ill be with the new box set? leviathan is sold out everywhere but I can still find dominion copies
  8. ah man I'm so excited for tomorow! I have only dabbled in underworlds and am hoping to make myintroduction into AoS with 4th edition. All I want is for the box to be cool enough to tempt me (or else for a great spearhead to do so) do you guys know if there's an introduction pamphlet for the game inside the box, scenarios like in the get started kits? how did they do it in leviathan, was it starter friendly? HYPE!
  9. this was an underworlds teaser for deathgorge All it's warbands have been released, addepticon will tease the next setting so I don't think Icebone will arrive anymore
  10. I doubt we’ll have 3 new armies next edition, there more then enough fleshing out that needs to be done first why would gw take a risk with silent ones when a tzeentch update would be a smaller risk with higher possible payout?
  11. Expected the new warband to enter the deathgorge next week but the rivals box is a surprise, luckily I don’t want any of the warbands in it so I’m saving my cash really feeling nurgle or khorne daemons for the next season box, with the one of the two not in it to be one of the forces for the following one and then maybe a full daemon update in 2025? Warbands have been teasers before (the dread pageant for slaanesh range). And the daemon range is almost 20 years old
  12. This looks pretty good ib my eyes, only one faction in the red!
  13. They are witchhunters from an aos book series they got a mini anouncement at the last event
  14. we;ll still have some underworlds and warcry to look foeward to underworlds has 2 core boxes and 4 extra warbands to speculate about
  15. I care, he's a cool character with a nice backstory, every chaos faction deserves a named hero or two would love it if the model had an alternate sculpt for an unnamed daemon lord, but I doubt it
  16. I think it’s gonna be the nurgle daemons warband from the new underworlds core box
  17. the kroot will be widely available outside of the launching fomo box You are the skaven guy (or one of many at least) have patience, adepticon will be here sooner then you think and if they aren't the new starter army the kroot'll be there
  18. I like the masked and armored lumineth but the ones without seem less cool think they'll have different stats? being a squire-like addition to the cool ones?
  19. maybe we'll get a CoS army box with book 5?
  20. they also had an underworlds warband in the deathgorge corebox
  21. Wyrdhollow came at the end of april, so you can expect the next core box of underworlds to do the same no runir, bur I’m feeling some khorne or nurgle daemons being a part of one of the two warbands
  22. Slaanesh is already involved, why do you think there’s so many skaven around?
  23. Looking at the kruelboyz, they had about 7 different kind of units in dominion as seen here followed by a seperate release of 5 new models and an expansion upon the 2 regular troops as seen here that would be the 12 boxes you'd like @Aeryenn but seeing that a lot of those boxes are heroes or huge monsters, I'd doubt they'd be able to flesh out all the clans
  24. we have 4 death armies, I think there's enough space for 2 plague armies Skaven is a tough design point though, like many armies (CoS being the best example) they would really benefit from several waves to flesh out all the clans But there's a lot of armies that deserve a bit more flesh,, it's impossible for GW to work that fast though my hopes for skaven are more skyre stuff, I think the chaotic rat scientist are the most unique and fun of the skaven roster, add some abominations created from Frankenstein like experiments and I think we'd have a nice start
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