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Everything posted by Luperci

  1. If that does happen will big waagh still remain and in what form I wonder
  2. KB only have 3 so this'll be an upgrade unless they decide to only give us 2
  3. They released the online indexes throughout the week before launch iirc
  4. They're SCE so it feels appropriate imo, they're all rounders with good deployment shenanigans, I expect we'll see a draconith battle formation that's more interesting maybe Yeah, stormcast have 4 main faction battle traits, and they have 4 battle formations to choose from which grant an extra trait
  5. Each faction has 4 battle traits and an additional trait from your chosen formation then? Interesting that if you pick the extremis chamber formation, it seems you won't have any passive battle traits. Also is Strike first one of our missing weapon USRs? Edit: I do hope KB and IJ have different faction packs at least, having half the formation choices of every other faction will be a pain if they both suck, given the fact that they said every faction pack will have 4 formations
  6. What would they even put in the starter box though, they had 2 massive refreshes in the past few years, their infantry is all new plastic afaik, as are their characters besides the psyker. I'm not coping because it should've been EC or dark mech I swear Despite being an aos orruk player I kinda hate 40k orks, the mad max aesthetic is really uninspired and looks too silly for me
  7. I had a quick look but could find anything, only a few of the designers have active social media presences and showcase their stuff unfortunately. Your best bet would probably be a white dwarf from like 3 years back if no one here knows off the top of their head
  8. I would say that that's insanely predatory and no way they'd ever do that, but that's nothing new for GW store staffers unfortunately
  9. Box of wizards would be fun, I was thinking a non named hero witch hunter, it just felt weird to me that we have 2 named hero witch hunters now and not a multi build generic hero. I do hope the second wave isn't just all humans, I'm happy the first wave was but if they just go for like 4 or 5 more units of humans with different weapons then it'd be a big wasted opportunity imo.
  10. So in the first CoS wave we got -Command corps -Marshal -Cavalier marshal -Tahlia Vedra -Zenestra -Alchemite warforger -Fusil major -Steelhelms -Fusiliers -Greatcannon -Cavaliers -Wildercorp If I were designing the second wave I'd probably put in -New collegiate arcanum wizard hero -Sigmarite priest hero -Generic witch hunter/order of azyr hero? -Duardin ironweld engineer hero maybe with retinue -Named hero marshal Iscilla Thorian -Updated steam tank -Cogfort we already know -Freeguild naval corps (dark elf corsair refresh, elite melee infantry) -Wildercorps outriders (wanderers refresh horse/deer archers light cav) -Sigmarite flagellants -Freeguild heavy cannoneers (dispossessed refresh, heavy infantry gunners) -Warcry unit bonus option - Dispossessed surveyors/prospectors? Naval auxiliaries (ogors and human corsairs?) Sigmarite plate armour greatknights?
  11. Also aelven naval corps(refreshed corsairs) and maybe something derivative of the wanderers/old wood elves
  12. I could but also I'm gonna use the underworlds shroud queen for my second and idk if I need a third unit of them lol, it's ok
  13. I wouldn't think it's a guarantee at all, sequitors are the most iconic sacrosant unit and the celestar is the only stormcast artillery piece. The way warcom phrased it I don't think we're seeing any sacrosanct for a while unfortunately. I'd love for them to just throw us a thunderstrike exorcist or ordinator at the minimum but I don't think it's happening.
  14. It seems to me like often the choice on what to spend your 4 CP on will be relatively obvious as to what's the best command, depending on faction. For kharadron for example, you'll be using your CP on firing your big ships during enemy shooting phases and repositioning them advantageously most turns. Ironjawz on the other hand will take their biggest thing and counter charge it into weaker enemy units every turn where possible.
  15. Ah yeah that makes more sense, so there's: Anti[keyword] Crit Charge Companion I think the remaining 3 could be Critical wound (name is long though so I'm not sure, I feel like crit would be crit hit instead maybe) Some equivalent to blast (bonus attack for each 5 models in the enemy unit) Indirect fire? Ignore cover? This is just going off of the 40k USRs though so who knows Edit:another trigger could be stationary perhaps, could replace the hasty shot and aimed shot for boltboyz or similar abilities
  16. I expect to see anti monster too, not sure if anti fly or anti cavalry etc. will be too niche to be a keyword
  17. Oh I missed that, the new aos weapon USRs seem a lot better than the 40k ones, much easier to comprehend at a glance. (The lack of strength vs toughness is also a factor I'll grant) Edit: thinking about it now, do we think KB will just have all their weapons get Crit(mortals) and lose the poisoned blades faction ability
  18. Nagash doesn't have anything that uses command points so I'd be inclined to think that there aren't unit specific ones
  19. Bringing back up to 6 chaff or even just 1 big multiwound infantry model feels pretty strong idk, I'd have to play with it and see though
  20. You can charge through at the end of the combat phase though right, if you charge then you want to be fighting anyways
  21. Having fewer auxiliaries was already looking to be massive with them all counting as individual deployment drops, therefore more drops, less likely you get to go first/dictate turn order. This is actually kinda interesting in the way it encourages you to reinforce rather than take multiple of a unit as to take up less space in the 1 or 2 regiments you want to be running
  22. I'm glad they're making effort to make melee armies stronger against ranged weapons, I know they already said, but it's cool to see
  23. Rally seems the most powerful by far, counter charge is fun though, does this mean no more unleash hell?
  24. I think it's probably too early to say anything for sure past the launch box for now. I'm definitely expecting a second wave for kharadron, and a warcry warband for them is all but guaranteed in the next few sets
  25. I expect 4th ed khorne BT will have a plastic herald on juggernaut since he's still around despite being finecast
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