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Everything posted by Luperci

  1. New seekers with the updated mounts that slickblade/blissbarbs have please
  2. If warcry units get cut from battletomes that'd be pretty dumb. I think you have to remember that AoS isn't WFB though, not every mini in a unit has to be identical and rank up and if it bothers you so much you can proxy them, get 2 sets and group the fully armoured guys into one unit and less armoured guys into another.
  3. I think the colour scheme ruling was understandable for like, space marines since their subfactions have as many players as some other full factions. Everyone's marine armies were all of a sudden white scars or iron hands etc. depending on which rules were better. Stuff like tau septs where even GW gets the colour schemes wrong between books though is silly
  4. If you count brood brothers rules then they have access to more non heroes than you might think, having cheap specialist characters is also part of their gimmick though too.
  5. It's always been this way for new GW, can't imagine them holding stuff back and not releasing anything for like 3 full months. And to be fair, most people who buy GW products care about minis first and rules second so they know people are still going to buy this box out on preorder day
  6. I feel like they would've revealed a new grombrindal by now if it was happening unfortunately
  7. definitely very esoteric looking, feels like while sacrosanct are the wizard chamber, ruination are the priest chamber. Also I really need to get to know someone that works in printing and binding so I can get my hands on some of this stuff we keep seeing early haha
  8. For the next KB release it'd be cool to see a hobgoblin warlord hero
  9. Krethusa and morai heg have a great lore token for lazy writers, because she can just be anywhere doing anything and it's manipulation the strings of fate so morai heg's desired future will eventually come to pass. The LRL riverblades were doing stuff in the recent DB but I don't think that was at the behest of teclis or tyrion? Not sure though
  10. Hopefully we'll still have the forge lord guy with mechanical stilts so they can still compensate for their small stature
  11. the murknob banner supposedly nas the tongue of a miredrake impaled on it. A swamp dragon monster would be fun to see, maybe with some breaka clan handlers, that way between the breaka boss and monsta killaz you could have a solid army archetype
  12. Maybe they want to create that feel by making coalition rules for LRL, KO etc. instead, that way they'll get you to buy into 2 armies instead of 1
  13. I think it'd be cool if they gave us sculpts for units of aelf and duardin steelhelms and then you could mix and match with the humans, but that's realistically a waste of store shelf space and design time from GW's perspective. I'll settle for unique units of duardin and aelves in the new CoS uniform/aesthetic. The mixing of model sizes within mainline aos units feels unlikely outside of warcry units that carry over.
  14. Really :// this forum is not the place to discuss whether you think inclusion and diversity belongs in the setting so please don't make jabs at people who do.
  15. Given harlequins just get strands of fate, I guess IJ and KB will all get a few generic killy battle traits and you'll have to take the formation to get more stealth bonuses for KB or charge bonuses for IJ? God I hope that changes for the BT if that's the case, unless our main battle traits are actually fun and flavourful
  16. Probably just some other kind of buff, maybe fall back without penalties?
  17. Hopefully we see KB get something relatively early like how necrons got something early 10th edition and nighthaunt got something relatively early 3rd edition. Maybe a box with new cav and foot hero, with some older stuff thrown in too, I would say maybe a vs box like nighthaunt got but they haven't made any of those in a while now.
  18. It makes sort of sense for OBR because you have a cav unit to take a bunch of, whereas KB just have heroes, tbh I expect it is just KB getting the short end of the stick with 1 dedicated formation until our BT. Maybe I'll get some of the new brutes if mixing is more worth, I've been eyeing up that kit for a while they're really nice
  19. I imagine for most armies there'll still be a clear best option, the variance will come from unique heroes giving special regiment bonuses I expect, ie. Krethusa is strong and buffs X units but you can't take her and morathi in the same list who buffs Y units
  20. If they were lore accurate then the celestial vindicators would get attack bonuses against other humans
  21. That'd be a fun army concept, you could have a ghyranite CoS army where all the greywater fastness and living city troops hate each other the whole time
  22. Yeah, I imagine pushing people into buying into the new castellite archetype is also so that less new players buy old dark elves etc. and get upset when they're eventually culled
  23. Combined army list then? Ironjawz focus, kruleboyz focus, pigs, and combined forces?
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