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Everything posted by Luperci

  1. that's definitely true but also a lot of the more stubborn oldhead gamers we don't have in aos, since it's just a newer game. Either way most people in both communities are pretty chill I've found, like if you walk into a gamestore irl, odds are you'll find some awesome people
  2. I will say, reimagined "dragon ogors" would feel right at home with new firebellies
  3. Ah I didn't know about those mechanics that's pretty cool
  4. I massively agree, I've found vanilla space marines actually pretty hard to go from beginner to intermediate level paint jobs just because of the large flat areas. They're great if you just slap down base colours but edge highlighting that stuff is way harder than a skaven clanrat or Tyranid termagant with lots of textures all over
  5. Tbf if the design was better, fluff should be reflected in the rules and reward you for playing thematic armies, but we'll see I suppose
  6. Giving the factions that don't have any their own set at last would be nice Edit: if that is happening what will KO get I wonder, since they don't have any priests or wizards afaik, don't think there are any other factions like that
  7. I think in an ideal world you could have, subfaction flavour rules, and then pick a battle style army ability, but we know by now that that's probably too much complexity to balance. And also idk if aos has the design space to come up with subfaction traits that would be equally compatible with all the army styles.
  8. Slightly off topic but thousand sons seemed to me one of the more interesting indexes in terms of flavour and army rules.
  9. I'm also pretty excited about a lot of the changes, honestly I didn't get the impression that magic was losing loads of flavour from today's article, we've yet to see any full spell lores it looks ok to me so far. The ritual points thing for priests is an interesting way to differentiate them from wizards too.
  10. tau only having 4 detachments and 1 of them is for kroot is embarassing quite frankly, they're all flavourful but even then it's half the amount we've heard will be coming for csm, hopefully with the faction packs starting with 4 each, they'll have to at least have 1 or 2 new ones for the full battletome
  11. It is fitting I suppose, I'm not sure what ranged units the IJ could get, archers would feel out of place, crossbows and cannon too high tech imo.
  12. from what I've heard that's just not how GW works, if the rules writers want less guns, they'll make them weaker, not stopping new models from having guns
  13. I meant that models are designed far in advance of rules being written and rules writers don't have an input on model design
  14. Models design and rules design have a big disconnect, if we see less guns it won't be because of a game design choice, it'll be an aesthetic design choice
  15. It determines whether you can take archaon, kragnos, nagash or uhh gotrek
  16. A mercenary warband of pre vedra reform freeguilders that have been cut loose would be great to see
  17. I've noticed this before on the GW webstore, it's inconsistent across all the model ranges, I wouldn't take it to mean anything
  18. I would definitely like if we jumped around the realms more throughout the edition, you'd get the feeling that everwhere really was just at war at all times.
  19. the scale is definitely something they struggle with, I think it'd be ok if they didn't always try to do these grand narratives that include every faction. For example over a quarter they could release a few army books and a campaign book that included all of those factions. Instead of having a crazy amount of books over the last 6 months of an edition, spread them out a bit more so the narrative feels more continuous?
  20. Ah I see, I wonder if darkoath that worship a specific chaos god exists, can you give them god keywords in the current s2d book (savagers, warqueen etc.)
  21. I don't think it's their disdain for monotheism, moreso disdain for "craven" Gods who they perceive as hypocrites
  22. "speeds up the game" followed by an entirely overwhelming and unnecessary chart to memorise
  23. There'll still be abilities like nagash has or the stormcast core faction trait that lets you bring back whole units that will give an incentive to take reinforced units of expensive stuff
  24. tbf I imagine in-universe, melusai are very quick, the only thing it wouldn't make sense for to me is like, a nighthaunt, how do you touch a ghost, let alone turn it to crystal. In terms of health characteristics, imagine it like the melusai can't overpower creatures with a more vital lifeforce? That's how I interpret it, outside of game balance stuff
  25. Hopefully TOs won't be too antsy about unit coherency where it's physically hard to fit them, in a more casual setting I imagine you can be a bit loose with exact distances on the coherency. Sucks if you wanna do some crazy modelling stuff though
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