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Everything posted by Luperci

  1. Oh that's actually super interesting, the more you know
  2. I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol
  3. As an orruk player I'd be fine with bonesplittaz taking up a smaller part of the warclans roster but to lose them altogether would be a shame. I'd like to see them reimagined slightly to be a link between the IJ and KB, I don't love the madmob minis really(aside from the squigsnake).
  4. "Fish are friends not food" ~ogor alliance with idoneth
  5. I'd say kharadron I suppose but not sure of the relevance here
  6. Maybe op is suggesting that 4th will set everyone to indexes like 40k 10th?
  7. I feel like they already would have if they were going to for the latter
  8. It's possible I suppose but it's definitely more interesting if he isn't, having infighting within grand alliances makes for fun narrative stuff.
  9. Yeah I think it's a pretty good looking kit, the posing on the zombie dragon could be better but if I was a FEC player I'd probably prefer to see something new. Edit: the dragon in the battletome art is gorgeous wow
  10. If it's 40k I could see it being part of the kroot stuff we've seen before
  11. Yeah I doubt we'll see expansions after so long but maybe a new Warhammer quest box is on the way. From what I played of BF it was a really fun standalone game, shame they both have such a high barrier of entry. If the boxes were a bit cheaper then I think they'd be better at pulling in new players.
  12. I saw someone point out that the new necron codex cover has a lord/overlord that looks a lot like nemesor zahndrekh, not sure if that RE would fit anywhere on him though
  13. I think they've done a good job making chaos space marines distinct and unique compared to how they used to be. But I won't go any more off topic. Is there a precedent for fallen stormcast in the lore at all? From what I've read they're all super loyal to sigmar until they go kinda crazy from reforging
  14. There's definitely potential for an OBR 2nd wave or maybe an expansion to some of the non vampire SBG(grave guard, black knights, bonerattle command box type unit, heavy zombie unit maybe ogors or troggs, new necromancers) if that doesn't happen throughout 4th. I have no idea what a new death faction would look like though, unless the silent people are undead bug people.
  15. In the story about the fyreslayers exile he talks about how his magmahold was overrun by skaven. Pretty clear foreshadowing for what's coming I'd bet
  16. Warcry does have rules for the kruleboyz killaboss on great gnashtoof, there's also the centaurion marshal. Could be more I can't remember off the top of my head
  17. I thought they'd be like a warcry warband, blacktalon is a character and the rest you have to take as a unit with her? Maybe lorai will be a separate character for IDK though
  18. I've never seen the celestant prime mini irl but from the pictures I've seen his magic tornado thing looks too chunky would be my main critique. Restyling his armour to be similar to newer stuff would be a big improvement too imo, along with getting rid of the magic wings. I'd like to see the high fantasy magic tech aspect of the sacrosanct merged with more gritty and realistic (?) Thunderstrike stormcast and I think that could work for an updated prime. Maybe have him not riding but accompanied by a chosen son of dracothion, see teclis and celennar but executed better.
  19. Alongside the all new, lord arch celestant prime. Now with even more hammers (/s)
  20. Hopefully a potential cities second wave will have some duardin, aelven or halfling units. I do like the fantasy dark elf and dwarf sculpts but I'd like to see them reimagined with similar design motifs to the new humans(and ogor). Any new destruction or death faction that's a different flavour of duardin/aelves feels like a waste to me though, there's a lot of wild and cool stuff in aos lore it feels like a shame to just have more of the same but slightly different. Give the nighthaunt a cool dwarf unit sure but I don't think we need a whole faction of that.
  21. It's really random, we've had RE that get fully revealed within a month and others that have been like a year+ into the future.
  22. Honestly I'd say not worth subscribing, better to buy individual high value issues from LGSs or anywhere else that stocks them. That's what I've done with this and the 40k one a few years back
  23. Shame I'm not in the US, I don't go to GW events so haven't been able to get any of the KB event characters Maybe one day they'll go on MTO like they did for a few 40k ones a while back.
  24. DoK should get a new monster or two imo, giant snake/basilisk? Maybe something that replaces the god awful(imo) bloodwrack medusa.
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