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Everything posted by Luperci

  1. Why would they drop the teratic cohort or chameleon skinks, they're part of their associated armies fully, unlike the realm associated chaos warbands. I suppose now thinking about it, this is solid point against s2d splitting into darkoath and chaos warriors.
  2. Hear me out here is it possible that GW is just a corporate mess and people don't talk to each other so the events planning people don't know about model range changes because it's not their job.
  3. Most if not all marine players I knew at the time were all over primaris in a good way, either way it never felt like that big of deal to me, they made a different kind of plain white bread and told everyone it was better than the previous kind.
  4. I understand end times but was 40k 8th fluff bad? At the time I don't remember people disliking the narrative of the great rift, plague wars setting for dark imperium was cool and I enjoyed the vigilus campaign books, psychic awakening was a bit of a nothing burger but I liked the set up for 9th and the necron null space zone by the end. 1st ed aos fluff wasn't bad either reading it now, I wasn't an aos player back then though. It just needed a bit more history and background to flesh it out, which realmgate wars did a decent job of.
  5. Yeah telling people to just not be upset that their faction is being cut from the game? Not sure what they expect tbh
  6. GSG were one of the top factions in the game in 2nd I believe, they're really popular
  7. ? Is skabbik not a hero, and also the verminlord corruptor still exists
  8. I hope the warcry warbands are reboxed with warcry cards, I'll be sad to lose those kits
  9. I was thinking something mortek crawler sized, but maybe something like that would be better placed in one of the duardin armies
  10. What about a big artillery piece that launches thunderbolts, like that magic spear in d&d that causes lightning to strike at the point of impact
  11. If named characters have special regiment options, maybe gotrek gets to choose and mix KO, FS and dispossessed. Or he just gets put into FS
  12. I feel like that's a pretty bold jump, my interpretation was that most leaders won't be incredibly restricted on the units they can take in their regiment. For example, I would think a clawlord/lord castellant/killaboss etc. would just be able to take anything from the whole book. I can see it going both ways tbh, with the rat ogors and giant rat mount in the starter box I can see a lot of skaven units being clan agnostic, which is how that would work if master moulder gets cut without a replacement.
  13. If they do have auras they should be "pick X units within [range]" to stop unit placement getting silly
  14. ??? Gutrippaz, hobgrots, boltboyz, killbow, sloggoth, monsta killaz, hopefully some gnashtoof cav coming soon too
  15. Gonna be honest I much prefer a "hero tax" to any kind of troop tax, so much less effort to get painted and table ready. Also you'd hope for factions that struggle with having different leaders or factions that go chaff heavy that their leaders unlock more unit slots for infantry or something like that
  16. I expect OBR will just have a special points system and separate list of commands to spend them on if they want to keep them different from command points. Ie. Generate one discipline point each turn or whatever, spend that on a discipline command as you would command points on regular commands
  17. It's only a problem in 40k because of space marines really too, I do think people made too much of a fuss about it over there though. It will have the same result, people will just pick the best subfaction traits for the models they own. Also yeah herohammer is back which isn't a bad thing necessarily, having limited leaders in 3rd has been one of my main problems with building lists at 1,000 points, I'll appreciate being able to take more
  18. I actually really like this change for regiments and I'm looking forward to seeing the formations with cautious optimism. It's a shame to cut battlefield roles though
  19. I can't really show it but it just wasn't there on my android, doesn't matter though I've pulled it up on PC now
  20. out of reacts but yeah, I was considering it until I saw the price
  21. I think it might be an issue with their mobile formatting? Still not seeing it on my end.
  22. with the level of granularity that GW unfortunately seems to stick to, regular humans would be a much better baseline imo.
  23. I don't disagree but that can become a problem when they're the baseline the game is balanced around
  24. I had a look at their store because I need a proper display unit, the fact that they don't list the actual dimensions on the product page is very annoying, unless I'm just thick and couldn't find it lol
  25. I assume you meant to reply to screech instead? But yeah, I always love seeing cool new minis, GW designers, sculptors and painters are all insanely talented and it's great to see the stuff they put out.
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