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Posts posted by wargames101

  1. 22 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Part of this issue is because GW doesn't explains what AoS is.

    Most people only know AoS by "weird realms with stargates, sigmarines, magic stuff everywhere and stuff with gods fighting gods". And the worst thing is that none of this is playable appart from SCE.

    But the setting is similar to Mad Max, just with a fantasy flavour. With canibals, orruks and stuff like that everywhere. The main civilizations survive behind city-state walls, flying in the sky, under a mountain or in the middle of a jungle. We play our armies as if they were expeditions, crusades or as the last stand to defend our city.

    But no one knows that unless you are already invested in AoS. To me, that's a big fail from GW.

    And once you do spend a little time digging into into the lore, you're not rewarded with some satisfying a-ha, but rather, the feeling that you've invested dozens of hours into reading a crappy retcon hastily written around calculations made around sunk cost mold CapEx.

    "Oh, so these gold guys basically can't die?"

    "Yes, but every time they do they lose a bit of their essence."

    "So they're basically going to turn into Chaos Sigmarines?"

    "We'll it's been ten years and we haven't seen it happen, but there have been some cryptic allusions to it in the margins of a codex!"

    "Eh, that's not my faction. These lizard guys look cool, I assume they come from some tropical realm in this fantasy land."

    "That was true when these models were used in another game, but now they're actually space aliens that just happen to have Mesoamerican styling."


    "Ok, their lore doesn't make sense either, but the Flesh-Eater Courts are so cool, they're basically monstrous vampire beasts who are cursed to believe they're Arthurian Knights."

    "Oh cool! Ok, I'm into that. So I imagine there are all sorts of ways you can customize the vampires?"

    "Well no, they haven't actually had a new kit in 15 years or so, but you can kitbash some of the Stormcast bits."


    Anyway, like I said, I like the game and models, I just wish they'd spend more time crafting better lore for the great models, and investing resources into the great lore they have.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  2. On 10/2/2023 at 11:02 AM, CommissarRotke said:

    the lack of sell-through was an overproduction issue, not because Stormcast were in the box?

    WHF also had no true poster faction like 40k has always had, which is something that IMHO has always been a strength for the fantasy IP. I love Stormcast but I'd rather them not become the entirety of the game/setting like Marines are.

    I don't think most of BL novels are "breakout hits," however Soul Wars is the most recommended first-read and is a Nagash/Stormcast book.

    As for the 10 years thing, well... how many of us only know the difference between Space Marines because we read over everything as teenagers? Would we put in the same amount of effort now as adults? Do you keep up with 40k because of a genuine interest or because it is nigh inescapable if you're into wargaming? I know personally I often don't have the energy to be reading, or there's something More Relevant to read first, and I have more 40k-interested friends than AOS ones so I hear about 40k whether I want to or not. And even though almost all of them agree Marines get too much spotlight in 40k, most of them are still... painting Marines.

    IDK, there's a lot more context to be had here. "Keep Stormcast out of starter sets now" because of a perceived flop feels like it misses that. GW itself could maybe actually understand that making Stormcast into Marines is a net negative on the fantasy IP side. 

    "Overproduction" is just a more charitable way of saying "lack of demand." GW "overproduced" Leviathan, which meant that you could still buy it on the webstore on Tuesday after launching on Saturday and not selling out in 15 minutes. Dominion has been 50% off for nearly *three years.* 

    My guess is that they'll address this lack of popularity in 4.0 by keeping SCE as one of the factions, but reduce the production levels so the boxes shift faster. My wish would be that they stop trying to port the 40K model of having a Marine stand-in in every edition, embrace the strength of their creative team instead, and give more production slots to other armies that may catch on organically with the fandom.

    I love the AoS models, but the lore has just not caught on after a decade and I think a big part of the reason is that they're trying to shoehorn these bland superheroes into what is fundamentally a fantasy universe. GoT has arguably been the most popular media franchise during AoS's entire run. The fact that they haven't been able to capture any of that zeitgeist is, IMHO, a reflection that they need to think about things differently.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 2
  3. My hope is that Dominion's lack of sell-through led them to reconsider including Stormcast in the 4.0 box. The slower than expected sales were immediately obvious, even if they were still solid in absolute terms, so it is possible even if unlikely.

    We're coming up on the 10th anniversary of the release of Stormcast and they're obviously not filling the Marine-equivalent role that GW intended for them. So far as I can tell, none of the novels have been breakout hits. I'd be shocked if most GW fans could explain the difference between Hallowed Knights, Celestial Vindicators, Anvils of the Heldenhammer, or Knights Excelsior either aesthetically or lore-wise.

    I think the models were almost all great designs, but Dominion was a meh-off between redesigns of then five-year-old models and emaciated ork variants entirely new to the setting. That's why you can get the launch box for less than the cost of a Vanguard box six months before the new edition. Fingers crossed that we get better for fourth edition!

    • Confused 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    GW is the most predectible company I have ever met.

    We know that the next window is between October-November and, without Epic, they must release:

    Space Marines

    Cities of Sigmar





    December is a small month of releases and they sometimes releases Army boxes and Christmas content like Almanacs or gift packs.


    I'm expecting one or two kits for Kurnothi of they are gonna be released during the next months. If you are expecting a medium or a big release then It must be released during March-April. The main problema of the Kurnothi is that we are waiting for content of at least 7 more factions and the size of the books is limited. You are expecting more content than Arks of Omen and Broken Realms together and that's impossible.

    There are +-10 more release weekends in 2023, not counting the Knight release next week. There are at least seven major releases promises, the 5 @Nezzhil called out, plus the new HH box set and the start of the new KT season. If they do manage to get LI out, we're up to eight. 

    - 40K Space Marines
    - Cities of Sigmar
    - Warcry
    - Underworlds
    - Battleforces

    - Horus Heresy Box Set
    - KillTeam


    Maybe WarCry and Underworlds will share a weekend, but I'd expect the other two weeks to be filled with filler – MTO, BL specials, etc. – more so than a big new release for a faction that hasn't been previewed yet.


  5. 1 hour ago, CDM said:

    Seems likely a hermano y hermano big event in fourth. Tyrion and a new temple, Malerion and a new faction

    Anything but Stormcast would be welcome. They've tried polishing that golden ****** for three editions, it's time to cut losses and go another direction. I hope the fact that you can get Dominion boxes for less than the price of a Vanguard box six months before the release of the new edition woke some folks up. Elf vs. Elf would be great. Elf vs. Ork, Human vs. Ghoul, anything but more SCE.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 8
  6. Great post and an important thread. "Pile of Shame" posts pop up with shocking regularity and highlight some uncomfortable truths about the hobby, namely that there is a reasonably large portion of the customer base with a tendency towards hoarding. I don't think this is unique to GW. I've seen a lot of scale modelers have this issue, with widows trying to unload a basement full of unopened boxes. Funko Pop fans are much the same. There's a certain personality type that just loves the idea of amassing huge troves of plastic tchotchkes. 

    For many, this is a manageable compulsion. It's their hobby dollars and while a weird use of funds has no further impact. I get the sense that for many others amassing these collections is a kind of coping mechanism. I've certainly spent time in my FLGS as a form of retail therapy. Much like OP, I've recognized that this kind of behavior is unhealthy and taken steps to limit it.

    As a community, I think we should discourage hoarding. I don't think folks posting their piles of shame should literally be shamed, but nor should their clout chasing be rewarded. I'd wager that many of these folks are dealing with much bigger issues and using these posts as a form of cope. If nothing else, I'd suggest whenever someone posts their pile, that they be sent this video which does a great job diagnosing the underlying issue and offering some proactive remedies: 


    • Like 7
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  7. I wonder if AoS just gets skipped next summer in favor of The Old World reboot? They first teased W:ToW back in the summer of 2021 and the lore previews have been picking up recently. 

    If AoS 4.0 launches Summer 2024, will W:ToW arrive in Summer 2025?

    I could see a 40K/Sigmar/30K/W:ToW pattern emerging over time. Or maybe they'll shift 30K or T:ToW to the November release window usually reserved for boxed games?

    When you add in BB/Necro/WarCry/Underworlds the release calendar gets very full, very quick!

  8. 11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Updated list!

    Escher bikes
    FW Models


    Warhammer Underworlds Gnarlwood


    Horus Heresy
    Liber Imperium
    FW Models
    Land Raider Proteus + Few FW upgrade kits


    Kill Team
    December unknown Box


    New Warcry Box - Sundered Fate (Seraphon vs X)


    Warhammer 40k
    Votann Codex + Votann kits (2 weeks at least) + Datacards + dices
    6 Battleforces
    Templar special model


    Age of Sigmar
    Enlightener blister?
    Ogors BT + Vanguard? + dices? + Warscroll + new Hunter blister
    Behemat  Wasrcroll cards
    Tzeentch Curseling Blister?
    Sylvaneth Vanguard?
    Slaves to Darkness Armybox
    4 Battleforces

    Lumineth BT + Vanguard + dices + Warscroll cards
    Behemat BT + dices? + King Brodd kit + Mancrusher kit + Mancruhser mob

    Other books
    Blood Bowl Almanac?

    There is also a heavily rumored Guard box set/release wave to be announced next week.

    It's easy to imagine these being the anchors with some of the blisters, vanguards, and accessories mixed in (with 1-2 potentially having two-week windows.)

    + Votann
    + War Cry
    + Kill Team
    + StD Launch box
    + Gnarlwood
    + Battleforces

    If the IG box turns out to be real that's basically the road map to EoY in some order. 


    There are only 8 or maybe 9 release weekends left in the year after next week's pre-order.


  9. I wish they'd have a few categories – best centerpiece, best unit, best solo – and then award a best mini of the year based on whichever got the most votes.

    Size has historically dominated with big models winning 4/5 times, but I think that's because the bigger sculpts tend to be more notable even if they're less impressive in design terms. E.g. IMHO, the Necron psychomancer is a better 32mm sculpt than Belakor is a 120mm sculpt. I think we'd get more varied winners if the smaller models weren't so heavily overshadowed.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, WarLadle said:

    On the topic of the Christmas Battleforces, here are my guesses:


    We're due for a Stormcast battleforce (they've not missed an odd numbered year so far).

    I think Order will probably get a second battleforce too (they've gotten the most 'double slots' in history, and I could see either Chaos or Destruction missing out). 

    The only factions that have never received a force are CoS, Fyreslayers and Lumineth, and I think Lumineth are the likely candidate. New, but the first half is just about old enough, and hugely popular (seemingly, anecdotal for sure).


    No solid guesses, but maybe Nurgle? Hedonites are probably a bit too new, Beasts are maybe too old, and everyone else has gotten one semi recently (last 3 years) except Khorne. Maybe Khrone. Maybe nothing?


    I would expect either FEC or Ossiarchs, 50/50. Nighthaunt have gotten two boxes prior, including one last year, and Soulblight are just too new. FEC would make sense because they haven't ever received one, and are somewhat overlooked, but well liked as far as I can tell from the zeitgeist, meaning a battleforce could clear out some slow moving stock. Ossiarchs are just as plausible, as quite a new faction (but still old enough to get bundled) with a solid range.


    Either missing out, or Orruks. Given that they got 2 slots last year, I don't expect a repeat of Gitz or Ogors, and Behemat just don't really fit the battleforce box format. An Orruk box would supply some more 3rd edition codex units in mass, but I'm leaning toward Destruction missing out on a slot at all.


    What would make sense:

    + Order: Lumineth

    + Death: Ossiarch

    + Chaos: Hedonites

    + Destruction: Sons of Behemat (Either a Renegade Knight's style double box, or a single Big Gargant with a pair of the Mancrushers.

    What I think we'll get:

    + Order: Fireslayers: Basically the one of every unit style similar to the DoK set from last year.

    + Chaos: Nugle: but mostly daemons with one of the Maggoth lords as the centerpiece, GUO if we're luck a la the Tzeentch box last year.

    + Death: FEC, lots of rumor engines point this way, why not prime the pump for a new release.

    + Destruction: Beastclaws – the SC *3

  11. 13 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Last year was late as well, it was like the last week of November before they reveal them

    That was my impression as well, but after looking up the dates of announcements they have actually been shockingly consistent, mostly within a four-day window in the middle of November! Looks like we have a month before we know what's coming.

    2016 – November 15th

    2017 – November 19th

    2018 – November 5th (Two were teased on Warcom on Oct 28)

    2019 – November 15th

    2020 – November 16th 

    And I'd honestly not be shocked if they skipped them this year given how much stuff they seem to have backlogged and the state of the supply chain. Of course, that's what I thought last year in the midst of the early part of the pandemic so who knows :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 10
  12. One goofy idea I'd like to see take hold is just painting an army a single color and then hitting it with a wash and some basing to approximate the look and feel of scenes from fantasy shows where they are wargaming using carved wood and stone tokens as pieces. E.g. Game 

    I empathize with people who have neither the time, inclination, or talent to spend hundreds of hours painting an army even to a three-color standard. Truth be told, many bad paint jobs actually take away from the quality of the models. But a simple approach like this would add a simple level of theme. I think it would work well for the Ice and Fire game in particular, but it could be a decent approach for AoS as well.




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  13. Beyond the aesthetic and grog-nardy objections to grey plastic, I think unpainted armies actually skirt into the modeling for advantage category. This is especially true when everything has been primed black. It's just harder to pick out the weapon load-outs from a distance, units blend together more, etc. It's not decisive, but it is a disadvantage to your opponent. 

    As people have said, if this is a noob building their first army, it's not an issue. If its an experienced player running a net-deck it's pretty annoying.

    Like most of the other commenters have noted, there aren't great mechanisms to force people to paint, but soft reinforcement like making it a requirement for tournaments or awarding points for painting progress during leagues provide good incentive. Hopefully, the FLGS offers occasional painting sessions or at least hosts an FB group or Discord to help new painters get their brushes wet.

    Overall, I'm with the folks who not that as pure games, GW's offerings are mediocre, it's the art that makes them worth the time/money investment. I wouldn't want to play historicals against a WAAC player and 40K/AoS are much closer to historicals than say StarCraft, IMHO.

  14. I'm kind of amazed things have released as smoothly as they have over the past 18 months. There was a brief paint shortage, and I think the longest gap in releases was three weeks near the peak of the first wave? It's pretty extraordinary given that their supply chain is at least partially dependent on China for printed materials. In the main, it is a tremendous validation of their vertical integration strategy. I get frustrated by delays and slower than hoped for roll outs, but it's worth stepping back and marveling at how well they've done!

    • Like 9
  15. I'm trying to map out what releases remain through the year's end based on what we know so far. Here's what I can recollect, with some dates being pure speculation.


    + Sisters of Battle finale
    + KillTeam starter
    + Thousand Sons/GK dual box
    + Stormcast/Orruk Battletomes


    + Stormcast/Kruleboyz releases
    + Ork Codex/Combat Patrol/model wave
    + Beast Snagga general release


    + Aeronautica Imerialis: Wrath of Angels/Thunderhawk
    + Chaos Battletome


    + Black Templars release


    + Battleforces

    Did I miss any confirmed products?


    The next two months seem absolutely packed. Unless they double up some weeks, it seems likely that the Aug/Sep releases will bleed into October.

    Beyond the things we know about, there are some logical products we can expect:

    - Battletome releases/Combat Patrol Equivalents
    - Codex releases/Combat Patrols
    - Rumored 30K Starter Box

    New Underworlds season

    - Rumored AoS Dual Box (GSG vs. BoC)
    - Kill Team: They're presumably going to release the rules, and potentially, other teams.
    - Necromunda/Bloodbowl/Titanicus/WarCry will all presumably get something.

    So somewhere between 4-6 open release weeks not accounted for. Any thoughts on what might fill them? Given the large Stormcast/Kruleboyz releases, seems like remaining time will be 40K focused, but perhaps not?

    • Like 1
  16. It's so hard to guess – I thought last year's boxes were odd choices for a couple of reasons:

    + Gloomspite got the first back to back boxes of any non-Stormcast army

    + The boxes jumped $30-40 with commensurate extra figures

    Still, I enjoy this speculation, so here goes:

    High probability

    - Ossiarch: Have a relatively large range to choose from and could mix and match leaders. Could imagine an infantry swarm, a catapult centerpiece theme, or a mixed force.

    - Lumineth: Massive range and the original wave is sufficiently old.

    - Stormcast: GW tends to do battleforce supporting new edition armies. Could wait til next year, but the speed with which they brought out the new starter sets after Dominion's relatively slow launch was surprising

    - Kruelboyz: See above

    - Sylvaneth: A reprise of one of the original Battleforces with the new HQ in the mix. 

    Medium Probability

    - Slaanesh: A mix of the newish mortals and Demons

    - Soulblight: Feels like a 2022 box.

    - Fireslayers: Just like the ogor box was a bit of a surprise last year, this could be the "why not?" box.

    - Sons of Behamet: One big guy and a pair of the mid-sized giants would work price-wise, even if its a bit underwhelming from figure count. My dream would be a "Renegade Knight" style 2:1 discount box.

    - Idoneth: They've been including centerpieces in more of these boxes, e.g. Skaven/Tzeentch so you could imagine the turtle with a few boxes of eels or something.

    - Nurgle: Lots of recent, but not too recent plastic.

    - BCR: Could redo their launch box, 2-3 of the rider kits and a box or two of the cav.

    Low Probability

    - Kharadron/Gloomspite/Nighthaunt/Daughters: All had recent boxes and not many new models to freshen up the range. Didn't stop the Kharadron/Gloomspite boxes, but still feel less likely.

    - Khorne: Sure, maybe.


    • Confused 2
  17. 10 hours ago, sorokyl said:

    The aesthetics are so different it feels weird to me to have all of these on the table together. feels like maybe some of these are for a different game system or something. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to have the rules for their minis squatted, but if I were asked to guess which currently produced sub faction would not be around in a few years... Savage Orruks are in the top 3.   If you asked me which will never get new models, probably my #1 pick. Just because everything else is just more popular/bigger existing range / more unique (not the 3rd most popular faction of their race)image.png.17d6c4d1021b741aaefd5c873642badd.png

    I agree 100% that they look like they come from different systems, though I'm skeptical the old designs will be changed dramatically, or squatted, because they seem to be doubling down on the big gorilla jaw look with the new BeastSnagga range in 40K. My guess is to the extent that we see new releases for the old orruk clans they'll just be nicer sculpts of this basic look. The Underworlds warbands show how much life is still left in this aesthetic in the hands of a more nuanced sculptor.

  18. 43 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if they start to cycle out the old Stormcast once we hit 4th edition, and I do see a certain logic to it:

    Firstly, they're going to want to unify the aesthetic. The new design for SCE looks distinctly different (despite doing a good job of clearly belonging to the same faction), and now enjoys a visual identity distinct from its "fantasy space marines" roots, which they're going to want to double down on.

    Second, the original models weren't made with a balanced game in mind, and the plethora of build options and optional weapon profiles that can be taken or added into a unit (and the resulting number of wars rolls) make them a trial to point and balance for play (especially since wargear isn't pointed in AoS - which I'm not complaining about.)

    Finally, whether we like it or not, they're going to keep releasing new models, and they'll need to free up the design space to give everything its own role and home without causing too much redundancy.

    I tend to agree with everyone here that SCE are bloated with models, and that fazing out a model range that is so new (7 years old come 4th edition) would be poorly received, particularly when there are so many other ranges that would benefit from that kind of attention.

    GW seems to be trying to find a Space Marines equivalent for AoS. They're obviously pushing it hard with SCE, but I had the distinct impression that they were testing the waters with Lumineth when they released them. A lot of the language used in the faction tome and articles heralded their arrival as a huge shift in power for Order, and the rapid release of the Wind Temple echoed the Stormcast releases of old.

    End of the day, I'm always happy to add more models to my Stormcast collection, and I don't give a fig about redundancy (though that's obviously a personal opinion that has no bearing on how others view the matter.) I just like having the build diversity.

    To stay on topic, I think we've seen most of what's in store for the new SCE. Mounted units are really the only thing left, so Drake's and pegasus are still in the running.

    The KruelBoyz are missing a "standard" cav option (the speculated wolf-cav come to mind), and don't seem to have a small elite melee unit in their ranks yet. I wouldn't be surprised by one or two more heroes either.

    Looking through the range, I don't know if a broad-based retirement is particularly likely/worrisome.

    Here's my take on the older kits in the range:

    + Liberators: Replaced in all but name. And hammers. 

    The new Vindicator/Vanquisher units will fill the role these guys currently fill, excepting if you want to have hammers instead of blades.

    + Judicators: Replaced.

    Arguably the worst models in the range. Uniform pose, stringless bows, tiny dagger for melee. Superseded. I guess they'll have some stats that make them "Heavy Archers" as opposed to mixed arms archers (Vigilors), explosive archers (Castigators), Super Heavy ( Archers (Raptors), or close combat archers (Vanguard).

    Even this unit has the crossbow build which will stand out aesthetically.

    + Prosecutors: Safe.

    Still the only flying option choice, still awesome looking, if fiddly. Same goes with the awesome flying heroes.

    + Paladins: Safe-ish.

    Hammer build will fade, but the Protector long blade will likely still fill a niche and look quite at home next to the new Vindicators.

    + Dracothian Guard: Safe.

    Dragon mounts still look great.

    + Vanguard Hunters: Safe-ish

    I think the crossbow pistols are dumb personally, but the pelts and mixed arms loadout make them a good Space Wolves stand-in for Sigmar. Probably going to be uncomfortably close to the Vigilors rules-wise, but the aesthetics are different enough.

    + Palladors: Safe

    Arguably the best looking unit in the range. Spear load out is rad, and they'll look great with the new gryph units.

    + Sacrosanct Models: All safe.

    The magic/siege engine motifs seem to be unique to the range absent new additions. 

    So out of the range the Liberators, Judicators, and Paladins might be sent to the back bench, but even so those kits have obvious niches that'll keep them firmly in the range. If the drake or pegasus mount rumors prove to be accurate, it might even create opportunities for new thematic forces!

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  19. I think it's a mark of success that "Selling out in 15 minutes" is the baseline upon which GW is being judged here. Taking a month to clear the inventory doesn't strike me as a sign the game is doomed to failure. AOS box sets have generally sold more slowly, Aether War and Shadow & Pain being notable recent examples. The AOS battleforces always hang around longer at Christmas. 

    It's a bit worrying that AoS is coming in behind Marvel Crisis Protocol given the smaller number of SKUs and lower price of the upstart game, but it's hard to argue with the IP. 

    • Like 4
  20. 4 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I have a feeling, purely based off the extra models we've seen in the background, the January coin, and the goblin release timing, it will be the rest of the Slaanesh stuff revealed at the end.

    Yep, I'm predicting it will be a "Rock the new year in with style with part planner extraordinaire (and extra arms) Slaanesh!" theme, with perhaps a Noise marine or or even Fulgrim tease.

  21. 2 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    I think the colourscheme will be able to do quite a bit for these dudes and dudess. Whenever I get around to paint one, I will get rid of the cat eyes and make the skintone more tormented to look at. Maybe even add a few selfinflicted face cuts.

    I found their faces quite silly but I felt the same with most of the Bonereapers heads untill I actually got to hold one in my hands. 

    That might be the worst sculpted of the faces – the rest capture the intent described here much better, IMHO. That said, I think a blue/purple paint scheme on the faces will go a long way towards crossing the uncanny valley.

  22. @Rodiger I think you're spot-on. "Content Marketing" is a robust discipline that can be delivered in a variety of ways – WarCom has chosen a fairly hidebound, sales-focused approach. It's fine, but as you note, can burn some goodwill.

    I'd diagnose the key problem is they're not embracing the obsessive nature of many of their fans. They've got a sizeable audience of fans that will go 80-pages deep into a thread discussing some detail on the leaked picture of a sprue. Lore obsessives who can name 943 of the 1,000 Space Marine chapters. Fans who will spend thousands of dollars constructing amazing custom armies. Yet, the modal piece of content is the digital equivalent of the spiel a store manager might give a curious 10-year-old.

    A few thoughts on how the site could be improved:

    + Create more value than you capture. I don't think anyone begrudges GW making a sales pitch, but it would be nice if they didn't feel the need to capture every penny of profit in their ecosystem. E.g. It seems like GW forced Darren Latham to shut down his YouTube channel which got to 40,000+ subscribers in record time. This is a huge loss! Maybe he was losing focus at work, but assuming he wasn't, let the man moonlight and earn a few bucks on the side. Or point people to Richard Gray's Patreon as the next step after 'Eavy Metal. Other game co's have figured out how to harness their creative customer base, but GW has kept theirs largely at arm's length. 

    + More series in the mode of "Mind of Mengel." There are many brilliant hobbyists in the community who would be keen to get the exposure that WarCom provides. Give them a platform!

    + Create a "print" version of the "Hobby Roundup" stream. It's the best part of their Twitch offering IMHO and an act of true "service journalism" in that it rounds up the best painting projects shared across social media in a given week. I always come away with 1-2 new people to follow on Instagram as well.

    These are obviously focused on my interests in the hobby side of the game.  And I might be biased in that I get no value from the various comic strips they produce, nor the new meta features they're doing. That said, I agree with OP more in sorrow than anger – WarCom is good, but frustrating because it could be GREAT. 

    • Like 6
  23. 4 hours ago, zamerion said:

    I'm happy for the gargants, but i was expecting a preview seminar announcement for next week... :(

    Anyone want to speculate about this year's Battleforces?

    Ossiarch Bonereapers - Seems like a lock, similar to the Gloomspite release last year

    + Mortek Crawler
    + Mortek Guard
    + Gothizzar Harvester (Could also see Kavalos Deathriders)
    + Arch- Kavalos Zandtos

    Lumineth - Might be too hot on the heels of the poorly selling LE box

    +Avalenor, the Stoneheart King
    + Alarith Stoneguard X2
    + Alarith Stonemage

    Other potential candidates

    + Beastclaw (Good sons of Behemat allies)
    + Ogors (Ditto)
    + Daughters of Khaine (In support of the new campaign)
    + Daemons of __________ (Any of the factions could work, Nurgle or Slaanesh seem most viable model-wise)

  24. For sure, at some point it comes down to "de gustibus non est disputandum."

    My central issue is that at a certain point it would be cool to have a couple alt builds that introduce some variety, if desired. It's increasingly common among the Primaris line where similarly well-disciplined troops are modeled to display reloading, and it's not hard to imagine it in the LRL. E.g. One of the archers could have a loosed arrow still crossing the box, while another is being grabbed with Legolas-esqe speed. 

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  25. 12 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    If I look at the Escher Necromunda sets (2017 and 2020), they are both dynamic and give lots of build options. I believe other sets also have that. So there is precedence for a best of both worlds.

    I'd also point to the Putrid Blightkings as an exemplar. It's pretty easy to build a block of 20 PBKs in such a way that it's difficult to tell that they're based on five basic body types.

    The Idoneth warrior sets have two strong builds each so that you can field 20 unique models, minimally. The poses are also wonderfully dynamic.

    I think part of the reason the LRL line has felt underwhelming is that many of the models feel like copy/past jobs. Aside from the heads of the LRL archers, it's hard to see what's unique? They still look great, but definitely feel more like a throwback to mid-90s pewter design constraints than the modern plastics.

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