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The Borumancer

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Everything posted by The Borumancer

  1. I advice you to not overread to much anything that community manager has to say. That's the standarized answer to keep people looking out for coming releases. Ask them about marines or some kind of a strange creature that appeared only in a novel, and they will answer probably the same.
  2. I LOVE Trugg (just check my nickname 😅) maybe he is my favourite miniature since Dankhold Troggoth. But I understand that certain parts of his design dislikes some people: antlers, his goofy face, the altar on his back... for just saying some. AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.
  3. The defeat of Nagash and the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred could be considered as the first step for Soublight Gravelords but, yeah your are right, the current campaign has the equal chances to lead a new army or not. I would never follow the novels as indication for future releases, even they show units and factions end up with real miniatures. I mean, writers can be very imaginative and GW usually allow them to write new concepts. I think in the novels as the universe expanded of AoS but nothing else. A bit... dissapointing. No Swampcalla, no Mirebrute or Snatchaboss... There are Dominion still around and Stombringer will bring a lot of units for a cheaper price 😱
  4. I have been thinking whole day about the last launch in Spring, before 4th Edition is coming, could lead to 2 scenearios (IMHO): - 1st Kurnothi With the "Lifequake" of Alarielle, all magic and mortal races have been affected in one or other way, like unleashed Incarnates of pure realmstone magic, stormcasts and orruks mutated by them and acquiring bestial features, Kragnos being free from his prison, and a lot of factions being more active and/or getting new bestial units. All of these events take place in Ghur, but what happens in Ghyran? We know that Cities have launched a crusade and wanderers is no more in its battletome. Whitefang hinted that 1 o more kits of Kurnothi would come at some time in the future. Well, I think that Kurnothis are the secret weapon against enemy forces of Order and they could save the Dawnbringer crusade of Ghyran. In this way, Sylvaneth would have a similar treatment as Soulblight in 2nd edition: renovation from Legions of Nagash but as a "new" army, with new kits of Kurnothi (taking a similar rol of Wanderers) and old kits renovated, like new dryads. - 2nd Chaos Duardin / Oathbreakers We have all kind of hints from CD since 3rd edition, even before (that treachery against Grugni and Grimnir), like Hobgrots as middlers between orruks and duardins, or Horns of Hashut as the vanguard of them, and Be'lakor tells us that something or someone could be happy with the return of Grugni. With this in mind, I see Chaos Duardin as the main threat for the Dawnbringer crusade of Aqshy and its the perfect opportunity to them to get into action. Maybe in the same way that I said before with Sylvaneth but with Slaves, or as stand alone battletome. In any case, we should have opened eyes for any hint in current campaign and new from warcry and/or underworlds. We will get Kurnothis and Chaos Duardin over time.
  5. I voted AoS because its the "main" game but I'm in a painting & collecting phase right now, so no playing. I would like to collect some scenery and terrain for Gloomspite and Kruleboyz but with Warcry in mind because I prefer a skirmish format over big battles. Maybe in some months my vote could change!
  6. According to the Nova Open article about him, he has been sleeping for a loooong time in a deep cavern of Ghyran. In the middle of his nap, an entire kingdom crumbled and an altar of arcane power got attached on his back. I don't know if his antlers are a consecuence of the Ghyran magic of the altar itself or the natural property of troggoths to assimilate anything they consume (in this case, absorved magic) and adapt their body to it. In any case, I don't think these details are a coincidence. GW likes to put hints in miniatures for future armies, like boneshaper and megagargants. Maybe Trugg's antlers and the paints/scarifications of his body (deer specifically) are hints of the incoming kurnothi miniatures and/or how some of them get their bestial attributes.
  7. This night, we have dined very well my fellow Destruction players. Trugg, new Ironjawz minis and rules, Gorgers with an astonishing scenery... And that just for Destruction! The preview had candies for everyone: marines in 30k/40k, new starter for Underworlds (that squid!), vampires in Bloodbowl, and that Fulgrim, wow. A very good preview indeed. I will sleep tonight as the happiest troggoth in the Mortal Realms.
  8. I was waiting to the ending of preview for sending a quick mail to a modder for that exactly petition Throgg is very cool but we are in the Mortal Realms and the throne is ready for a new king!
  9. Release the Trogg Hype Train! The next step... my wallet 😂
  10. I was waiting just for my trogg buddy but... a new squig?! I'm totally in.
  11. That's the main problem with Frontier games. They are very beautiful, realistic graphics, with awesome and fluid animations but... nothing else. I'm not meaning they are bad games but their mechanics and gameplay are pretty average and repetitive. When the interviews and previews were releasing I was worried because designers were more worried about animations than gameplay and looks that RoR will be another case of the problems I already mentioned. I hope it will be enjoyable to AoS fans at least.
  12. Wait wait, it wasn't "Reign of the Brute"? In any case, it's a very welcoming notice
  13. Maybe I overread the comments of @Elarin and mix them with new concepts of troggoths from Harbingers book that some fellow users were talking. In any case, I feel very happy and surprised to have another new miniature for Gloomspite in the form of a giant troggoth monstrosity.
  14. I always try to temper my expectations with any hype but if I'm not wrong, there are rumours of some new troggoths (in PLURAL) coming, right? I say this because... wow, my head is working every day with multiple concepts of new troggoths: - New sourbreath troggoths ressembling the mirebrute troggoth in some way. - Remade fellwater troggoths but better adapted to deep caverns with a mix of axolotl and abissal fish traits. Even they could ressemble lovecraftian nightmares. - SPIDER TROGGOTHS! No no, think about it for a second... Troggoths like sloggoth but with multiple legs, arms, and/or eyes. They could vomit spider web, bring some grot scuttling with them... Terrific. And of course, the big one, Trugg (I suspect thats his name for the box "Trugg's Troggherd"). Could it be the rightful heir of Throgg? A (VERY) smart, giant troggoth... Dude, I really REALLY want that.
  15. I think that Path to Glory section of each battletome should have its own Anvils of Apotheosis, like that whitedwarfs with thematic anvils for Soulblight, Flesh-eater, Khorne, Tzeench... I understand similarities between warscrolls of the heroes of all battletomes because GW wants to standarize some balance, but in Narrative or Casual games, players should have more options to personalize their heroes and the narrative of their army.
  16. The shields of the skeletons have the same partern of the Cursed City/Soulblight ones, so it will be an AoS miniature. The question is: What army? Soulblight/Death related or something that likes "kill" skeletons.
  17. I have been thinking about the multiracial concept of Cities since that Community article telling what units stay in the battletome and what would going to The Old World. With the whole battletome revealed, my suspicions are becoming true: IMHO, regular duardins and aelves will dissapear in next editions from Cities of Sigmar battletome BUT they will stay in the lore. What I mean with this? Two things: - Duardins and aelves will be usable as proxies of the human units, and this can already be noted in units like the new Warforger Alchemist which it has similarities with the Runelord. Cities is a faction that welcomes all kind of conversions, and GW knows this. - Duardins and aelves will have their own armies (or already have), like Wanderers to Kurnothi, "dark" aelves to "umbraneth", or duardins to any plan that GW has reserved to Grugni. In any case will be happy and angry people about these possibilities.
  18. If the FeC battletome will release in winter, a battleforce for them is very pausible (and very profitable for GW because they can clean old leftovers in the warehouse). It was a similar case with Gloomspite: GW released a battleforce for them and months later the battletome was released. I think we could see the first battleforce for Sons too. There was one for Imperial Knights, why not one for our big fellas? For Order, Fyreslayers looks interesting if they will get some new kits in the incoming future. and for Chaos... I don't know, Nurgle with a Maggot Lord and some mortals maybe?
  19. Whitefang, a very reliable rumourmonger if you don't know him, hinted some news for Orruks in the incoming future. This is relatable to the new warcry band for Kruleboyz and the big pig for Ironjawz, and of course, the second book of Dawnbringers looks it will have a strong narrative around Orruks/Destruction.
  20. I see them as reinterpretations of the classic Killaboss and Swampcalla Shaman but like named characters for the Kruleboyz Campaign. I wouldn't expect new miniatures from RoR before GW release them for AoS, like the rumoured new Orruk Warclans wave.
  21. Maybe you are looking for them in the wrong setting. Don't get me wrong, I love the classic dwarf style from Fantasy but I wouldn't expect more of it in the future of the mortal realms. Proxying and/or conversion will be always there, of course.
  22. Hello everyone! Some rumours about troggoth stuff brought me here and I thought it was the perfect moment to join this fantastic community. I love troggoths, I love Gloomspite, and I enjoy the setting of the Mortal Realms as much as the Old World. So I hope that we can discuss and share everything that this hobby contributes us.
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