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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. It is nice to actually see the scenery in a proper way:
  2. Is that a battletome? Is the index printed? What's that?!
  3. I guess it depends on the age of the kids. I have 1 year and a half twins and I couldn't spend as much hobby time as you. Obviously it won't apply to everyone, but I guess you got my point.
  4. IJ. Leave KB for the very last FF as the antagonist of the 3rd edition and close the circle. SCE first, KB last.
  5. Probably worth creating its own thread for this discussion.
  6. In a world where the gaming aspect seems to look for quicker games, it wouldn't surprise me if GW opted for that approach to get fresh blood into their games. It is a win-win, IMO, younger players who are used to quick stimuli will be more in line with this and those with family and not much time for it would appreciate it as well.
  7. Plot twist, Briar and Bone is announced this week.
  8. I am lost in the conversation. The feathery friend that you are talking about is this one?
  9. Nothing has been mentioned yet, but considering the second edition one is still working and the change was not so big, I would say it will be a new one.
  10. I didn't share them as there's no AoS, but @Matrindur has them both in EUR and USD as far as I know. I shared the EUR one with him but erased all the messages so I don't have them anymore.
  11. Ah lolz, I thought it was a specific unit or something >.<
  12. He changed the avatar 2 times recently, I think something has possessed him. The next one will be a Lumineth avatar.
  13. Couldn't find much info about what Red Herring is, Geanstealers?
  14. That's a pretty good point. Yeah. And the ruination minis could look gorgeous.
  15. Talking about Syll'Esske, the next one is Hedonites of Slaanesh! Warhammer Age of Sigmar Faction Focus: Lumineth Realm-lords - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)
  16. Next one is Hedonites of Slaanesh! Warhammer Age of Sigmar Faction Focus: Lumineth Realm-lords - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)
  17. Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if that rumour have some weight. We lost the only warmachine, so having a new one wouldn't be that crazy, but coming from Ruination? That's where my doubts are coming from. Considering the lore about Ruination it would feel weird that they have a warmachine that is unique from their chamber.
  18. Interesting. I will see if I can see a video covering it.
  19. I didn't participate in Malign Portents. How it was?
  20. There's a little piece of paper with the code inside the box, and you don't even have to enter the game results, just pick the side you want to vote for. So you can vote whatever you want, but just once per box.
  21. It is looking like a promising wave of releases for AoS.
  22. I think here there are three sides. SM that will vote SM no matter what, Nids players that will vote Nids no matter what and those that don't care/ didn't pick a faction. Those are the ones that can potentially change which faction they vote for based on the influencers.
  23. The Rumour Engine – 11th June 2024 - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) Stormvermins? Soulblight?
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