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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. That's not technically true. When we started the ed with Domion I remember some FLGS saying they ordered X and received 2X instead. So GW gave them more than they asked for. Another topic is how you manage that, and I have no clue if you can send them back or not.
  2. During this discussion Dogs of War has been mentioned. I guess this doesn't count as a faction per se, right? If so, do you guys expect to have some sort of mercenaries range , that is outside of any faction, available for AoS?
  3. Would be a bit weird if we don't get one, right? It is one of the biggest events.
  4. Made to order on a later date for the least core minis. The rest would be in the catalogue, but from a later date, imo.
  5. Checking the data for my Rumour Engines site I've noticed there's quite a decent number of "old" (launched 2-3 years ago) AoS minis that are currently locked inside Vanguard Boxes or even not available at all, like the LRL Alarith Stonemage. Did any of you notice if this is something that happened as a side effect of the site rework? Or is it something that is happening nowadays within the AoS range? An example of Vanguard that includes minis that you cannot buy separately: Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine (warhammer.com) -> Melusai Ironscale
  6. I am not repeating anyone, I think it is a fact as I saw a lot of places listing it, still nowadays, with a 50% discount. It is the first time a ed launch box last for so long with such a heavy discount.
  7. Are they? Dominion is understandable because it was overproduced, but I cannot find Leviathan copies over here. Their long-lasting boxes are the starter sets, not Dominion or Leviathan.
  8. This would fit on the latest trend about having small pets in lot of warbands.
  9. TOW I guess is the date announcement, if the rumour about it being launched on the 6th is right. For 40k I have no clue, Dark Angels date? And for AoS has to be Dawnbringers 4.
  10. Is there anything else apart from the next year's "leaks" that usually happen around the new year?
  11. Are you ok? If someone is forcing you to type that blink one eye.
  12. Whitefang also liked this river temple one and the following. Both river temple related. 🌊
  13. I saw Whitefang reacting to the 4-5 months wait for Skaven, my dear @Garrac. There's your precious signal.
  14. Some don't add much value using the same pattern, but better than nothing I guess... After doing this, the NH seems to be a flag bearer to me.
  15. Not so detailed, but some extra stuff: Seems he is shooting two guns.
  16. Did they say what was the process? Just brightness/ contrast?
  17. It is clearly Callis and Toll combo. They look like the Hammer and Bolter episode.
  18. Callis and Toll seem likely to follow the Ven Dest launch. A Dawnbringers 5/6 box with them and maybe something else. So early 2024 indeed.
  19. IMO it is too early. We could even have a dedicated RE for them, like what happened with the Dominion launch.
  20. The weapon style could also be Hedonites. It is kinda their look.
  21. This one solves the RE that we thought was Kurnothi legs.
  22. That first silhouette s Callis (or Toll, always forget which one is each).
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