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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. Celestant Prime won't be renewed. Otherwise it would have been in THE LIST.
  2. Soon will be uploaded to the resources site: Resources - Retailers' Network (games-workshop.com) An interesting note, I was looking at it in case it was ready to be downloaded and I found out they have over there pics of 12 Spearheads! They are: - DOK. - SOB. - KO. - Nurgle. - Silvaneth. - HoS. - Khorne. - OBR. - SG. - GG. - Ogors. - ID. If we sum up to that those that we know already have one (SCE, Skavens, CoS and FEC) we have 16 factions and we can have a pretty solid idea of the early released factions for 4th, maybe? So: - FS. - LRL. - Seraphon. - Nightaunt. - Tzeentch. - S2D. - Warclans. EDIT: Appeared pics of the Spearhead boxes for Warclans and NH on WHW.
  3. You can like it or not. That's subjective, but one thing is clear. GW launches box after launch box always trying to improve. Both in the sculpts and variety, and the number of minis.
  4. Precisely looking at your example I don't think Steelhelms are less customisable than those, but I get your point. Steelhelms is probably one of the most customisable kits they've released recently, and both can be mixed in the same way. Heads, hands, shield... even with Steelhelms you can customise more the body. I think they can charge more for two reasons. 1: Their IP placement, and 2: Their sculpts is ages above the Victrix one.
  5. So it is just one sprue of terrain: Do you expect more terrain on the Start Here boxes? They tend to go a bit bigger than that for the scenery, and it should be AoS focused rather than Spearhead focused.
  6. Or maybe the other way around. The ones getting a new packaging as they are the ones that will be waiting longer to get a replacement.
  7. With the clan rats being just 2 parts minis, how many sprues do we expect for the 20 of them? Maybe 2?
  8. Judicators for sure. Maybe a replacement for Paladins. I think with that all/ most of the removed stuff from 1st editions is covered. So the rest will be new stuff.
  9. 3 Books? Which one is the 3rd Book? Core, Fire and Jade, and?
  10. Btw, what is the consensus? Do we follow here tomorrows' preview (30 and 40k) just because it is a preview and could solve REs? Yay or nay?
  11. Yeah. This was mentioned earlier in one of the #NewAoS posts.
  12. It makes sense. A story on the announcement week and the last story on the preorders week.
  13. SoB Spearhead is the box with the 3 small giants.
  14. Dawnbringer Chronicles XXVIII – The Hidden Hand - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) Thanks, Workshop.
  15. With the hype I didn't realise it is Friday and... supposedly DB 6 is going to be announced this Sunday, so... GW, WHERE IS MY DAWNBRINGERS SHORT!?
  16. Tomorrow's preview will also be a recorded one? I don't think so. I think it will be a good ol preview.
  17. We didn't get this one solved yet: Probably it will be part of the new Judicators.
  18. I agree about missing Centerpieces, but just for the SCE. Skaven has 3 (5)! The Clawlord, the Gatling and the 3 Rat Ogors.
  19. It is like a disabled guy with his assistance dog. He even has the stuff to look where the Skavens are.
  20. Minis are easier to sell than terrain. Especially something so "small" in terms of terrain, IMO.
  21. They mentioned Rat Ogors are highly customisable. Maybe a bit that they didn't show us yet?
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