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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. I am not sure, honestly. I guess so, but it could be tricky as most of the catalogue is not ready to be ordered in their stores and you have to contact them via whatsapp. As a reference, I checked once for a Domion box from Belgium because it was with a 50% discount, but when I saw the postage cost it was not worth it anymore when I could find it with a 20-15% discount over here. I am going to ask about orders from outside Spain just in case.
  2. Sent. If anyone else wants to know feel free to reach me.
  3. I can ask my retailers for online-only products and I still can get a 25% discount from a new store or an 18-20 from my usual place. Can't you do that?
  4. In the end it is all about the random currency exchange GW does for us because those 155 pounds would be 180 €.
  5. Isn't it better now over there? Here in Spain it is easier to get stuff like Forge since they joined the webs.
  6. In the end it is a bunch of Combat Patrols. Maybe GW is trying to push quicker games where you need fewer minis to play as a way to incentivise newer players.
  7. Ushoran + The serpent Vampire. So we have 2 so far.
  8. Maybe one more. The rumored OBR. Even if have ROR for every Mortarch I am not expecting one box for each of them.
  9. I think it is happening across the whole catalogue.
  10. A pic of the new 40k. What do you think if the next AoS one follows the same approach?
  11. And a few RE engines solved! The Tau one has at least two. The sword and the pot.
  12. If that's the case it is not that bad deal. Would be nice for AoS to get that kind of bundle. Simply ace.
  13. Made to order does not appear on the sheets.
  14. I am looking for the EUR ones as well but I cannot find a single prices sheet on that page 😅
  15. So it is likely the one I posted was not a fake in the end? Wow, prices going surprisingly early.
  16. This is moving around WhatsApp groups. I have no clue if it is fake or what the currency is: If it is USD it is quite a decent price 255$ for the Bret box. 290$ for the Khemri one is quite a noticeable increase.
  17. That was the announcement. It was not specified it was AoS related. Maybe we get something tomorrow and 1st of the year tends to be a mini reveals day.
  18. IMO it was not said in a single text, but it was easy to get to that conclusion by reading between the lines. Just the fact that HH wasn't that popular before the second ed and that is Forge the team behind limits heavily the number of minis they can produce for the game, and after seeing the Brets range reveal it was easy to see that not a single big named character is going to be reworked for the moment. The focus seems to be generic heroes instead.
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