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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. It depends. The advent calendar ones for example get resolved quite quick.
  2. Who is this ET mentioned in a couple of posts? While this ET that comes to my mind could match the TK aesthetic I really doubt it is him
  3. It was handy for me to detect an improvement to the site. I enjoy the REs, but I understand that some would prefer to receive the kind of videos we got recently where whole minis shapes are shown and you can identify what is better. Maybe that could be an interesting tweak to the RE.
  4. 478 days. We are still midway to the longest one to be resolved 😅
  5. The one on warhammer + that they added today.
  6. Yes. As I said some of the changes might not be up until tomorrow morning.
  7. Hi! I've built this Rumour Engines tracker site inspired by WarbossKurgan and his awesome blog. https://rumour-engines.netlify.app/ I am currently working on some feedback I've received, so feel free to drop any crazy idea you have in mind. @HorticulusTGAback-to-top The placement of the back to top button is there now next to his brother. I also thought about this, but thought about leaving it next to the filters at the end: For the recap page, I am going to prepare a Grid view that is clickable only when the Unresolved ones are showing: @DoctorPerils Sorry about those filters. I am a lazy ****** and I hide them in mobile to avoid styling them. I was hoping most of us would see them at hope on big screens, hehe. I am putting them back and making them pretty now. They are quite obvious to miss them 😅: @Matrindur Those links should be opening from now on in a different tab. Another idea. As I saw a couple of comments saying how long has been since the last unresolved I think I could follow the same approach to the solved ones and put how long we have been waiting for the unresolved. Do you like it? All the mentioned changes above could not be up online immediately, but I hope to have them ready for tomorrow morning as last. Dinner time now!
  8. Yep. The new thread would be the best as I was not expecting to have too much engagement tbh. Seems there are more sneak peeks nerds like me than I thought
  9. Nice idea about opening on another tab. It is an easy one that I would implement. I think I am gonna pass on the other one as it is a crazy amount of research work. There are close to 450 images if I am not wrong and I've managed to get the reveal dates just thanks to the Rumour Engines blog. Otherwise, it could have been crazy. An option could be adding them from now on (or some articles back that are easy to track).
  10. The Rumour Engines site is done for the moment. I hope it helps us to navigate between the ton of content released during the years: https://rumour-engines.netlify.app/ Any feedback is welcome.
  11. The FS warband is irrelevant as we already got a FS harbinger before. So that faction has its tick anyway. About Gorgers, I am not counting them in.
  12. If in the end Duardins are coming soon would be interesting how the overlap between AoS and TOW works in the end, because presumably for TOW you would need the same minis but at larger prices, so their box should have the same but a bit cheaper in comparison... maybe the end of ed faction is the dispossessed renewal?
  13. They said at least 12. Let's see what happens in the end. Btw, just finished the filters from the RE compilation site. We only had 3 Skaven RE. Both are for UW. A couple for the same warband in 2017 and another one in 2021.
  14. It is supposed to be at least 12 and we got so far: Nurgle FEC Gloom FS IJ SCE Sylvaneth SBGL So 8/12 unless I am missing anyone from the top of my mind. To that we have to add the pretty rumored S2D and Khorne. On the maybes side, we have CoS with Callis and Toll and OBR with the Morghast from the RE.
  15. Australian Dollars. For euros is 206 the Bret box and 230 the TK one.
  16. The next book is supposed to be the Chaos one, so maybe a new hero in anticipation for the next ed box as this has happened before with other factions like Nids.
  17. I was looking at a video that analysed the prices and compared them with the old WHFB boxes and the conclusion was that the big boxes are worth and are even cheaper than the old boxes were, but single boxes. Meeeeh. Price skyrocketing detected.
  18. I highly doubt we will have more new miniatures anytime soon. From the warcom posts I saw Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne on one of his first introductory posts using the classic mini where the rider has a falcon. Old World Development Diary – On Bases and the Barons of Bretonnia - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) So if we follow that pattern I would say we would have him using some sort of classic mini. The other option would be one of the three builds that the new pegasus lord has: Warhammer Day Preview – The Kingdom of Bretonnia Revealed - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) Imo it would be represented by this last one. All of the above would leave us well covered in terms of representing him. EDIT: Just checking again, look at the heraldry that he is using in the picture. It is clear to me now.
  19. Joy Toy is producing new 40k-based items like crazy lately. Is there any rumour about them giving a go to anything from AoS or WHF/TOW?
  20. Those hard-cover ones have one of the pretties cover art for the whole warhammer. I would love that approach for some AoS books. Btw, I ended up ordering the Bretonia box 😅 I hope this supports the game, and I plan to sell everything apart from the Pegasus.
  21. Even if some didn't like the outcome, as campaign it was, IMO, the peak for WHF. It's an awesome, long, well-rounded campaign with its equivalence in really nice miniatures.
  22. Since 2016 some weeks have been missed, especially since 2022.
  23. While I agree a world where nothing is black or white and everything is in greys is the most interesting setting for us (adults), I think the approach followed with Goods vs Bads is easier for younger ppl, and maybe that's where it is coming from. Especially when nowadays all that is looked for is quick stuff without the need to go deeper into something to understand it. Said that, it feels a bit weird if that has been the approach since TOW doesn't feel welcome to newer generations at all, IMO. From its ranks gameplay and the old sculpts. Feels like one approach or the other is clashing.
  24. What is it about then? I do not have a deep knowledge of WHFB, but what has been described sounds epic and rings a bell for me. What would be the focus point for you?
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