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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. If Stormcast heads fit so well, deffo the cavaliers gotta match the other way around, as they are noticeable bigger than the Steelhelrms. Marshal with Cavaliers helmet look a bit more chibi than this one imo.
  2. Also about the King. Brets by that time weren't together, were they? So the figure of a King makes no sense if that's the case. I guess that' why the focused so much in Baronies.
  3. My bet is that King Louen Leoncoeur mini won't be released, for obvious reasons. He was not alive. The Green Knight is a super dope mini. So who knows. Imo there's such a big question still around the minis that maybe we don't see any more Bret minis and they get the focus on releasing a bunch of minis from all the core factions. And maybe later on (based on sales) they expand that range including some missing ones.
  4. I think Brets won't have any more minis revealed before the launch. If I am not remembering wrong when they got their range reveleaded the article said that was all.
  5. I think this is a good guess. Maybe from the new Kroots.
  6. Making it bigger clearly adds lot of missing details...
  7. This can be anything. Even not a GW product
  8. I have nothing against it being the model you liked the most, but I think the overall feedback I saw was the worst among all the new TOW stuff. PD: I think Tau is one of my top armies from 40k 😅
  9. What are the chances of a late released BT during an ed like CoS or FEC to be one of the early ones on the next ed? That would solve possible books mess, but that would be too close for a new wave, imo.
  10. Jelsen Darrock is now in Legends, and Callis (or Toll, I always miss which one is) is not a Witch Hunter. I don't think it would be that bad. Also, seeing how the Grymwatch has been phased out of the FEC battletome, we can see this as a case of Hexbane being removed at some point. If you check AoS released content only, remove moved to legends minis and sum my point above about WHU minis, we only have 4 named characters right now. That's why I don't think it would be that bad.
  11. My bet is Callis and Toll covering the AoS slot, as it has been kinda hinted by Whitefang.
  12. Yes. And that was a plan made by Kroak if I am not wrong.
  13. Skavens werent. They were in the middle of a civil war or recovering from that. I am not sure about Ogors.
  14. Would be weird, as he is in Ghyran. What about Kroak? He could do something trying to stop Kragnos.
  15. I think the Archregent is a particularly easy one to find, as it was part of the Mortal Realms premium kit 1.
  16. No way... the bret hero is quite a nice sculpt as well. Even better imho.
  17. But then this limits you to play during a period before the humans knew about them. So kinda mess around with the theory of moving between period. At least partially. They can always change the rules later, but...
  18. Cogforts for 10 mm and 32 mm. Cogforts everywhere, please.
  19. Yeah. Someone mentioned that. That's why my guess so far goes following that path.
  20. Yeah, looks to me that this advent calendar is focused on the Krieg plastic release. Lets see what we get today.
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