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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. This must be for Spearhead, because Soulreaper would be stomping on the Boneshaper’s toes if this were the case. The Harvester however may work the same between the two games, since this combines the strengths and flavor of the early 3rd Edition Harvester with the drawback of having to wait until the end of the Combat phase from its later incarnation. Personally, I’d prefer if it was at the end of the Phase, but if this means we get our ability to actually *harvest* back, I’ll take it!
  2. I’m assuming FS get low save but high health, or alternatively get a mediocre save but good health. Or a Ward.
  3. OBR, Seraphon, and Idoneth. With the changes to Battleshock and Command Points, OBR are down 2 entire faction traits, and with the changes to Retreating, I hope they write in an exception to taking damage for IDK and NH which are ABC cycle charging armies, or at least the poor Storm Eidolon. Please let him be good this time!
  4. What a coincidence, they have it, and more
  5. They haven’t been released yet, unless you mean unrevealed ones.
  6. Briar and Bone/Teratic Cohorts vs Twistwyld Sylvaneth
  7. So, it looks like points are increasing this edition according to last night’s 2k demo of Skaven vs Lumineth. I’m of two minds about this- 1.) It’s good to tamp down on hordes now that Battleshock isn’t as much of a threat to their numbers because you can only kill so many of them in a turn and they can now bring a lot more attacks to bear without the guaranteed finisher of Battleshock. 2.) It’s going to be borderline impossible to play an Elite army at 1k points, because it’s already fairly difficult to do, and their smaller numbers may only exacerbate this.
  8. I don’t want it because there’s only two appealing things and those are the Core Rules and the GHB.
  9. The minis are cool and all, but the real hype for me was finding an old Forbidden Power box for 50 bucks. I get the rest of the Death themed Endless Spells AND a piece of terrain that might be fun to paint, for the price of the Endless Spells? Way more hype. If it goes well, I might actually get around to clearing my old Warcry terrain from the ol’ backlog.
  10. It seems to be fixed at least locally. Any low quality now is just the image.
  11. More info on 4th from Dallas, courtesy of a Discord server I’m in.
  12. I’ve had time to mull over the previews and I can confidently say that it confirms what I already knew- I’m not buying this box set because I simply do not care about either faction or wish to add them to my backlog. Honestly I was more excited by the details about how Manifestations will work than this.
  13. It’s weird because Nagash actually isn’t responsible for this- The “Nagash impacts reforging” is an in-universe rumor, the actual cause is more to do with reforging itself.
  14. “They secretly like Nagash” Bull. NOBODY likes Nagash except Arkhan.
  15. So, box art guy is called a Lord Terminis.
  16. For once it’s not in the middle of the night for me. So I’ll be there.
  18. He should’ve filled a narrative role similar to Nagash in 2nd, but it turned out that that wound up getting filled by the Dawnbringer Crusades which yes, nova is right, should’ve been launched way earlier. Kragnos should’ve been the side story.
  19. I think part of 3rd Edition’s problems was that, with relative certainty, I don’t think anyone actually cared about Kragnos even a fraction as much as Nagash, who headlined the prior edition. He’s a fairly nothing character with no development, doesn’t offer even fractionally the same raw strength of personality that Nagash has, and his end goals are largely ill-defined and he doesn’t have any real plans on how to achieve them, something that Gordrakk, Skagrott, and Brodd had far fewer issues with. Basically, Kragnos shouldn’t have headlined- One of the others should have.
  20. Yeah, they’re also blonde and far too human looking.
  21. Thank god, I’ll take Embergard getting dropkicked by the Vermindoom over the more interesting side of the Crusade just getting wiped out to bolster the reputations of two characters I literally have no reason to care about (Zenestra and Abraxis)
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