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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. Any bets on us seeing how the Lore of Manifestations works tomorrow? I want to know because if it does let you summon the universal endless spells, I need to pick up a box of Malevolent Sorceries, and the Forbidden Power box from my local mall, where I can hopefully pawn the terrain off on someone else who likes doing terrain.
  2. I feel like the loss of the BoC has really impacted the narrative this edition- The setup for something as good as the Broken Realms series exists, but it feels like they didn't commit to it because the plotline needed to set it up was scrapped. You can see this because I'm pretty sure every codex covers how the faction handles Incarnates, but the Incarnates themselves weren't ever used as a plot point outside of Thondia. (Speculation) This was probably due to both leading up to a BoC refresh and a different story than the Dawnbringer Crusades that probably focused more on Kragnos, . I think the only major through lines I can think of for the crusades that are actually starting to pay off are the CoS, FEC, Skaven, S2D, and the OBR of all people (Specifically the "Mysterious Hooded Speaker of Nagash's will" is literally Arkhan, the OBR battletome says that this is just what he's doing currently). It feels weird, I think is the main point of all of this.
  3. They don’t seem to be particularly interested in looking into why certain units aren’t taken- Why would I take a Morghast Harbinger, a unit which is anti-synergistic with the core Bonereapers mechanic (Relentless Discipline makes Deep Strike units actively harmful to take), isn’t around for getting buffed by our spells and Ossifectors, and frequently drops in unsupported, when for the exact same price and a single command point, I can have the infinitely better Necropolis Stalker, or 10 points more and I can bring the infinitely better Morghast Archai. This thing would need to be way cheaper for me to ever consider bringing it.
  4. Yeah, reviewing the battlescroll changes there are some odd or funny changes to the OBR- The Soulreaper wasn’t being taken at 110, so why would it be taken at 120? Deathriders to 200 points- Just bite the bullet and make Trample The Defiant harder, because these guys were already pillowfisted at 180 and at 200 they’re literally just there to score Trample and then die violently. Arch-Kavalos Zandtos to 170 and the Liege-Kavalos to 190- Congratulations Zandtos, now they’re not even pretending you might be better or even remotely as good as your generic counterpart. Mortek Crawler to 160- It wasn’t worth it at 170 and it’s not worth it now. It has an unreliable tactic, poor to mediocre at best shooting. If you want to make it worth bringing, let its stele bypass Look Out, Sir! and give its midrange shot a few more attacks, or something to not suck completely.
  5. The only surprising change is them increasing the cost of the bloody Soulreaper- Was its usage rate of 0% too high for them?
  6. Well, they’ve put themselves in an excellent position to expand OBR, FS, IDK, and KO- OBR square off with Skaven in the Prime Innerlands (Hopefully with Nagash’s return bookending the edition), FS fight to stall the Skaven coming from the east, the Idoneth wreck havoc on their navies, and the KO fight the Much-Great Sky Kill-Armada in Chamon.
  7. I’m still seeing Nullstone Cache, but I’m on Apple, so that’s probably what’s up. Can you see what changed?
  8. They may not have had a Big Stabba, but they DID have players.
  9. I just push my mortek up in a blob and it’s never too much of an issue when my guys are already packed in like sardines.
  10. Please god no, unless this will speed up Thunderer shooting.
  11. “We’re removing Sacrosanct to fight bloat!” Looks inside Battletome Bloat
  12. What plot is there for Arkhan? He’s the lich that shows up, speaks Nagash’s will, then vanishes. I could’ve told you he was doing that since the OBR got their tome.
  13. No, but Half Aelves are apparently common enough that it wouldn't be particularly scandalous, except if the child is a male and sent to live with their father to avoid having their souls drained, and Half Ogors are mentioned in Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear where they're cast out of the tribe to die for being the runts.
  14. Yes. Sources are “Covens of Blood: A Snake Sheds Its Scales” and “Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear”.
  15. The answer to this, in case anyone is curious, is “Yes, at least with Khainite Aelves and Ogors”.
  16. The Bonereapers have a cavalry subfaction despite only having 2 real cavalry options, and Arkhan, who can/want to use it. Either it’s getting dropped or they’re getting more cav, that’s the way I see it. So you very well might end up with just Kruleboss on Gnashtooth and Vulchas in that one.
  17. I’d feel worse about this if the Ossiarchs didn’t basically already only have 4 subfactions. I also would probably feel worse if this didn’t give me hope for an Idoneth formation that doesn’t just buff bloody Namarti.
  18. Oh, looks like we now know what some keywords are: Crit (Effect), Anti-Infantry, Charge, and Companion
  19. Idoneth are salivating looking at Counter-Charge. Now they can activate Wave Riders even if they don’t go first.
  20. The Curseling is the plate-armored dude with the magical buddy. You’re thinking of The Changeling.
  21. The Teratic Cohorts are perfect for Warcry because it’s the only way Parrha Caste units would see models.
  22. At the very least, Arkhan probably ships it. Mostly because he thinks Nagash and Sigmar need to come together in order to truly stop Chaos.
  23. That’s honestly not the worst combination. Thematically they’re very good foils.
  24. Oh god, what dumb idea are they doing now? Dropping Idoneth into Lumineth? Souping Nurgle and Tzeentch? Making another bloody Incarnate?
  25. Warcry has some balance issues, yeah, but I think that they are definitely solvable, and even in 1.0 they still had rules for AoS models (Including Eltharion and Arkhan, albeit in story missions). My only concern is when the Idoneth and Bonereapers are getting their stuff during 4th edition, especially because I think I have finally gotten my resin bases right and can start on the rest of my Idoneth.
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