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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. The Krondspine was so broken at launch it killed 4 things IRL! 1. The concept of Incarnates 2. The BoC Range 3. The Bonesplittaz 4. The Season of War books.
  2. He very much could. He outright did it for Chaos Dwarfs and right now, I figure it’s best we don’t get our copes up.
  3. Except they aren’t. Olynder is active, Nagash is rising again, and they’re still the best weapons against Daemons. The Sacrosanct withdrawing and saying “Mission accomplished” neglects to mention that literally every Nighthaunt character besides Reikenor are currently active
  4. They kind of painted themselves into a corner. They've basically used everyone that anyone actually cares about from Fantasy beyond minor characters, Tamurkhan, Nagash, Thanquol, Elspeth Von Draken, and Neferata. You won't find people enthusiastically gushing about Vladimir DoesntExist for Kislev because until Warhammer 3, they weren't really that expanded.
  5. I believe they are Parrah caste units (Though I'd need to check their emblems), who are canonically sent into exile to basically die as outriders and expendable scouts for the main army.
  6. Alternatively, if you want to play Nagash now, the mod for him is excellent.
  7. They absolutely should tell us what we can expect- Are Ogors staying? Are the Idoneth staying? Can we expect that the 2nd Generation Warcry Warbands will be sticking around long-term? If not, then what are the plans for updating the Gorgers long-term, and the Chameleon Skinks? This is a huge blow to my certainty that I would buy two of Briar and Bone because I wanted 2 of the Teratic Cohort, because if I can expect to see them dropped 2 years from now, there's no reason to buy more than one (Because I am neurotic about certain things and completing my Bonereapers are one of those things. The best thing they could do now would be reveal what is getting replaced, what's getting fully dropped, and what the lifespan on Warcry Warbands should be.
  8. The weirdest thing about all of this to me is that they're completely dropping support for the Warcry warbands. Not even "You'll be able to use them and maybe we'll do limited runs of them eventually", just full-stop "Nah, you can't use them in AoS or in Warcry". Which is a shame because the Splintered Fang and Tarantulos Brood look like they'd be fun to play in Warcry.
  9. They’re not gonna axe Gloomspite. Massive sales figures, new model support, actually narratively relevant in every. Single. Edition. If anyone’s in danger from Destro, it’s the Ogors, not arguably their favorites.
  10. Plus, for all the talk of Bonesplittaz having loads of fans, nobody was bringing them to tournaments, and people will bring armies with awful rules to tournaments simply because they like them. Them getting axed is spectacularly unsurprising.
  11. And now we know what Skaven are getting from Warcry, because I doubt they’ll squat the Mawpacks (Gorger replacements), or most of the new ones who serve to refresh older models. But I won’t fully be certain until we see confirmation. Mir Kainan isn’t getting banished to the Shadow Realm yet, but now that doubt exists, and they might axe the new Teratic Cohort for some reason after 4th edition which makes me wary of buying a duplicate.
  12. The Skaven are winning their popularity poll because they can cast the strongest spell in the game: Instant Vaporization Of You And Everyone In Your General Vicinity
  13. My thoughts: -No more Battleline: As a Bonereapers player, this barely impacts me at high point games. But in low points? Maniacal laughter as the sounds of an unreasonable number of Morghast descend on people -Command Points being rare: The OBR are probably getting 2nd Edition Relentless Discipline Points with 3rd Edition Ossiarch Commands. The removal of battleshock will probably be more impactful, as it possibly frees up an entire trait for us. Still curious about these new commands, because I’m still not big on the All-Outs. Not adding heroes to units: Thank god, aura buffs are kind of our whole force multiplier besides spells. These changes largely seem good, at least for the Bonereapers. But we’ll have to see everything else first.
  14. That's 2 units of clan rats, who are the chaff to end all chaff. 40 clan rats is about what I would expect.
  15. I feel like at this point, if you have more than like, 30 units and don't need a full-on refresh, you shouldn't be getting much new for at least a bit (Warcry and Underworlds excluded, although the S2D could take a break on the first for a while and several armies could stand to go a while without an Underworlds band but that's neither here nor there) until most other factions have caught up (Excluding SoB because Hyper-Elites don't play by the same rules as everyone else and will always be smaller). You should be getting your old stuff replaced, but beyond that, you have enough stuff to go a bit without a major overhaul or another wave.
  16. Who would the Bonereapers be splitting? There’s less than 20 bloody models!
  17. We know Warcry is this week because someone accidentally revealed their video review for Pyre and Flood a few days ago.
  18. I want Nagash to just get fed up with and start absolutely beating the hell out of them by hand out of spite. “I cast ‘These Hands’. You cannot unbind them.”
  19. God I hope the end of 4th involves Nagash command grabbing Skreech Verminking or another sufficiently important Verminlord through the biggest Skaven belltower in the realms before Hand of Dusting him. It would be nice to see Nagash get a no-holds-barred win for once and god knows the quotes we’d get would be excellent.
  20. We don’t actually know if Bones And Boughs is the last one. That’s just speculation.
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