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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. Generally I find them tedious to face. You can either close the distance and try killing their ships (Probably eating an Unleash Hell in the process), or they Fly High and now are halfway across the board, where they will probably charge in with Strike First on everyone who disembarks. My opinion of them is also definitely colored by our local player being generally unpleasant to play against though.
  2. The Bonereapers came out too strong, but they definitely live up to their fantasy. It just so happens that they also have a subfaction perfectly suited for the current GHB, and, minor alterations aside (Like dropping Vokmortian 10 points, dropping Kainan’s Reapers between 10-20 points, raising points on the Archai by 10 and swapping the prices for Zandtos and his generic counterpart) I’d say they’re in an alright spot at the moment. I’d personally give “Worst Tome” to the Kharadron.
  3. I feel like Indexes probably wouldn’t hurt the Bonereapers, if only because so long as we retain Relentless Discipline, Ranks Unbroken By Dissent, and Katakros’ signature ability doesn’t completely bite it, we’ll probably be able to weather any changes with relatively low discomfort.
  4. I hope if we get Indexhammer, it’s better balanced than what 40k got.
  5. There’s also a Tzeentch Endless Spell, Bolt of Change from a Magister of Tzeentch, rolling a double using the Magister’s +1 Cast ability and the Changeblade artifact from DoT. If anything, Chaos Spawn are more Tzeentch’s thing.
  6. I think the more likely problem is the seasons probably would’ve had their own Incarnates, until the Incarnate bombed.
  7. I believe everything outside of the faction terrain and Endless Spells were produced in Britain. Why it’s this way? 🤷‍♂️
  8. Maybe while Kragnos is out hunting he can also find a reason for us to care about him.
  9. The only problem with this is that Arkhan’s soul is still very much active- He lacks a body but can manifest out of a massive sandstorm, and probably wouldn’t be too keen on working with the Lumineth unless they stay out of Shyish.
  10. Arkhan The Black, Bearer Of The Only Working Brain In The Entire Alliance
  11. No way. There’s no bloody way they’re gonna do Nagash dirty with the Skaven AGAIN!
  12. It might be that the Era of The Beast doesn’t end this edition but extends into next edition. It’s unprecedented but Dawnbringers doesn’t seem like it’s setting up the end of the Era at the moment.
  13. If we’re predicting who’s getting a Wave 2 in 4th Edition, my money is on, in no particular order: Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Bonereapers, with Destruction getting a full update for the Ogors and maybe an update for the Bonesplittaz.
  14. I’d settle for AoS 4 or 5 giving some much needed reinforcements to the Bonereapers who have a 20 unit range. Any Death faction beyond that either just got a bunch of stuff (FEC) or isn’t nearly in need.
  15. That balance rumor is someone malding about the Bonereapers, because I can think of no other reason they would raise the points on the Harbinger, a unit that’s already outclassed by every other hammer in the faction.
  16. If it is an anti-Death weapon, it’s either unbelievably powerful, or designed to kill the FEC, since the Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, and SBGL don’t much linger in Aqshy to the best of my knowledge, at least compared to other realms. Most likely it’s analogous the the Tower of The Damned on Baal where the Stormcast Death Company is kept.
  17. That’s not exactly a good reading either- I think only the Direchasm->Modern Day warbands have been stand-alones, with Ylthari’s Guardians and the Wurmspat being missing as well.
  18. I think it would set a bad precedent, because if another army begins to sell poorly, the question of them being next on the chopping block (Especially a smaller range like my 2 armies) is now no longer beyond doubt.
  19. I hope you’re ready for shenanigans because if the trend continues, EVERYONE in Death can enjoy bringing Katakros and Arkhan, with the former probably getting Countercharge and the latter getting to keep his Null Myriad aura. Edit: Also, you can finally bring Katakros and Olynder together and reenact invading the Arx Terminus.
  20. She should’ve used a darker gold as well- Her skin is pale so it’s bright on bright, when dark on bright would probably look better.
  21. DoK and Saviors of Cinderheart. There could be 1 more (Dawnbringers 3 had the CoS refresh, Belthanos, and Ionus Cryptborn) but it’s equally likely to have none (Only 2 models for Dawnbringers 4.)
  22. No, apparently they just get rules with Dawnbringers 4. I would trade all 4 that I get access to for a single new Bonereapers unit that isn’t a Hero though in less than a heartbeat.
  23. “Every Death faction gets something” -GW, on Dawnbringers 4. If that’s just “Every faction gets access to these Regiments that are probably gone after 3rd edition is over, I’m gonna lose it.
  24. I only will consider myself to have too many minis when I can no longer contain them in my glass cabinet and my wall display case. Which will probably be after I’ve finished painting my Idoneth and moved.
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