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Everything posted by Grunbag

  1. Im still waiting for more about kragnos and gobsprakk in dawnbringer
  2. ok thanks . so my guess according to RE and book : khorne , OBR , DoK , kruleboyz obr and Dok because of RE khorne and kruleboyz because all factions mentioned in the dawnbringer got a mini or a army of renown (or both) and khorne and kruleboyz are still the one who haven’t get anything yet
  3. Just to make sure : they announced 12 models for dawnbringer or 12 factions ? because fec and Gloomspite got 2 dawnbringer models for exemple also does IJ are part of the dawnbringer count ? None of their box are entitled Dawnbringer . if i count the faction that had a so called dawnbringer we have : - fyreslayers - nurgle - Gloomspite goblin - Gloomspite trolls - fec hero - fec summer king - sce - sylvaneth
  4. They are just good gutrippaz proxy but maybe we can hope some viable rules like gloomspite warband have ? about bonesplitterz it was the best opportunity to give hope again for the BT releasing a new warband . I even found myself thinking it could be bonesplitterz this time . But there is absolutely no sign of hope for them anymore
  5. I think this guy is a spoiler of next kruleboyz unit (in a similar way that morgok krusha had a spoiler model for weirdbrute wrekkaz)
  6. Definitelly this is the end of bonesplitterz .
  7. No , just quoting @Nighthaunt Noob who said this . Roadmap says Destruction anyway
  8. Next Warhammer underworld will be kruleboyz then vampire
  9. If it happen that would maybe lead to a war between the clans and give a lore reason to squat bonesplitterz . I can’t wait to see what will happen now
  10. I don’t believe we will have a centaur faction neither . I just hint it was a possibility . But something between kragnos and kruleboyz is coming , and this is possibly what can cause the BS to be squatted ?
  11. I don’t know what will happens maybe nothing , maybe the other orruk will get mad at kruleboyz if they know what he did to kragnos and start a war between the warclans , or maybe kragnos will find the other centigor and we will have a new faction with them ?
  12. Yeah but that would kill big waaagh too much as they mostly perform well due to those tactics .
  13. Im curious to see how they will nerf big waaagh without nerfing also IJ and kB ?
  14. They ended in uglu or chamon? Can’t understand exactly
  15. No he’s right it looks like orruk skull . Who knows which orruk . If its bonesplitterz It could really give more hope for them .
  16. That would be nice if @Nighthaunt Noob confirm what he said . So we can have a clue
  17. Well BS are often rumored squatted . If they don’t get anything here it will increase the rumors . I started to hear from some ppl like THWG that they will be squatted in V4 . And it’s all about profit, atm kruleboyz or ironjawz are far more popular than BS , unless they resculpt them , I don’t see ppl playing or buying BS . Their target are both underworld player and AoS player with the underworld releases . But again I would be really happy to see some winter bonesplitterz that would open a new hope for them . But I seriously doubting they will . BS are missing from most metawatch , battlescroll , releases , and even missing from warhammer world championships prices.
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