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Everything posted by Grunbag

  1. Yes and not mention they always been balanced as separated faction in all the metawatch, at the opposite of GSG for exemple . Now I’m starting thinking that maybe they were meant to be separated armies from the beginning , they simply didn’t had enough model to run on their own , and due to logistic issue they couldn’t release the ironjawz second waves before so maybe they souped them as a place holder until they release more unit for them .
  2. I don’t play sob but wouldn’t it be better if they drop all mega gargant stats by 1/4and the points cost by 1/4 so you can play one more mega gargant in the list ?
  3. More mancrusher sized unit would be cool rather than another mega gargant . So they can improve spearhead
  4. Not entirely true . More type of unit means you have more chance to adapt through the seasonal rules . But I agree that better rules are more important that more models
  5. They ride magmadroth why can’t they ride smaller ones ?
  6. Here my bet for V4: stormcast skaven Ogor refresh kharadron 2nd wave : 1 new hero ( kharadron engineer?) , 1 faction terrain (sky port) , 1 new gunhauler size ship , 1 melee elite unit Fyreslayer 2nd wave : 1 named hero on mount possibly warmaster unit , 1 cav unit , 1 monster unit , 1 infrantry unit Chorf release Dok refresh cities refresh if they split orruks , 3 or 4 new unit for kruleboyz (1 hero , 1 cav , 1 elite foot unit , faction terrain) the other faction will get their single unit release with the BT . SoB unit could be a mancrusher size new unit to increase possibilities with Spearhead . If they split orruk then ironjawz would get endless spells (foot of gork, fists of gork ..) GsG will have a new gitmob unit .
  7. And kharadron second wave cos already have a lot of kit and warscroll . Why are you so sure they will get a new wave ? Unless you mean some unit resculpt ?
  8. So faction focus seems to be is this order : order , chaos , destruction , death So we can expect something like this : week 1 : order , chaos , destruction , death week 2 : order , order , chaos , destruction , death week 3 : order , order , chaos , destruction , death week 4 : order , order , chaos , chaos , destruction week 5 : order , order , chaos , destruction (split orruk?) or chaos (BoC?), death
  9. Top of the warscroll said ironjawz warscroll as faction name . So I don’t believe it’s an errata .
  10. Not only keyword missing , the faction name is literally Ironjawz
  11. I know , joking. But I’m still 100% convinced we will get split. We will see once they show it . If you keep them under orruk warclan it means they will have some rules to play them together , and if you add rules for play them together you will have again same difficulties to balance them separately.
  12. You mean kruleboyz by orruk warclan right ? Then ironjawz the next week
  13. We will know the next week faction focus today ? We only know about CoS right now
  14. That’s my wish for next edition . New model of gordrakk . And then maw krusha will have a megaboss version (current gordrakk) and a monster version (current megaboss on MK)
  15. I hope for a spiderfang rework , based on those Blanche artworks
  16. Why specify warmachine Gloomspite gitz unit is there isn’t any ?
  17. Non warmachine gloomspite gitz unit . Interesting . Does it mean some warmachine unit are on the way ? Gitmob chariot ?
  18. didn’t they mentioned that BoC and BS will have their index separately from the other factions ?
  19. 24 faction , looks like orruk warclan still in a single book . Unless they donc count BoC
  20. Alright thanks for the information . So it’s 24 with second stormcast and what it’s the 25th ?
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