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Everything posted by StarFyreXXX

  1. OMG another KI player! love KI. still IMHO the best fighting game of the last generation (and the best netcode helped). sadly no info on a follow up the more i read this thread, the more i realize i have no idea what ppl are talking about. been out of warhammer too long hehe SF
  2. the look though is not due to size. the actual design- not a fan of the head design. i love the ark of sotek or whatever its called now SF
  3. As i just mentioned in my other reply, i mainly paint/contests and play D&D. so larger monsters, dragons, demons, dinos, giants, etc fit well for my D&D games. So i care more about the showpieces. Rank and file. ya whatever. just dont saurus knight them and make them look bad. Brodd made me sad. i let the hype get to me and i really believed a warhound or reaver titan sized plastic set would come for him and it didnt my fault for expectations. SF
  4. Apologies - when i said army of dinosaurs i meant the lizardmen/seraphon. like the fact they use dinosaurs to support their armies, you would expect them to have some of the larger dinosaur models. Ie. the lore talked about them (again, before age of sigmar era) but they never got models for any of them. im fine with not having them, but then dont mention them or draw them in the art IMHO (ie. like that awesome skink priest riding a couatl in the 7e book) i dont want an actual army of dinosaurs, but have forgeworld make the Thunder Lizard even if just for collectors/painters (i mainly do painting contests and D&D so big dinosaurs/monsters i get for D&D). Make a plastic dread saurian or an arcanadon or the couatl, etc. I always thought the bastiladon looked kinda poor. not saurus knights bad at least. its probably just me being old. i like that image of massive saurus legions, flanked with stegadons, skinks scampering all over and would just like another, newer, big dino to be added every decade or so but, im also planning to redo the few liz i have, for TOW (and buy the new models and find a way to make them work) SF
  5. i was actually not impressed that they made the king as a mod kit for the regular gigant. i thought he was supposed to be much bigger Sorry Brodd SF
  6. Ya that my thing too. I remember when the first steg pics leaked in October 2008 (for the Feb 2009 7e release) and it looked so cool . It was just the head. After we got that though, skaven got the new screaming bell and then later the hellpit abomination. Orcs got that dragon thing I think in 8e, etc. Stuff that back then was on that newer larger base. Above the monster base. Now there's the gargant army or whatever it's called etc. And the army of dinosaurs, while it looks nice model wise, doesn't really fit what it should imho. That art in the 7e army book should be the template 😛 but that's me. Sf
  7. when we heard new cold ones were coming with Lustria, i remember us liz players at the local store were happy. then we saw the models... i liked the ones that came with the 2002 lizardmen armybox. (thats how i started my lizardmen back then). at first i hated them, but then i saw the updated ones... when you look at the current heads: and compare to that ogre hunter: and the rumor that that head may be the new cold one designs going forward. there are some similarities. like i can see the above one being a proper design upgrade using the old one as a VERY rough starting point. Even the art in the 7e/8e liz armybooks were bad cause when you see an art depiction of it as if its real, its even worse. SF
  8. krox maybe.. but why would anyone want the current cold one knights? SF
  9. I like characters as being part of the unit box, like tiktacto in the 8e terradon set or kroq gar in the carnosaur box, cause I'm greedy. I'm hoping we still get a big new Dino. Something bigger than the steg and carnosaur. The more sets that release, the less chance imho. I don't see them doing like a 10 or 12 box update for seraphon/lizards. Unless it's something super special like a lord kroak or nagash I'm not a fan of a box just for a character. It always seemed like an overpriced, waste. Most characters aren't unique enough or grand enough to warrant that imho. A mazdamundi.. sure. But even in 7e I hoped the maz optional parts would have been in the stegadon box. So I'm not thinking in terms of cost, ease, etc. Purely whatever this max number of new sets is.... and sadly stuff like the asteolith Bearer or Skink star hero take away what could be cooler,more impressive pieces. Sf
  10. im sure they will be updated. hopefully the saurus knights box can make the character as opposed to wasting a seperate 'slot' on it SF
  11. I'll say all 3 are part of new knights with the weapon we think is kroxigor could be for like a unit champion/alt weapon Sf
  12. i think they have to update the cold ones... they are just so bad looking. i want a massive dinosaur, (i care more about models than the games, even back when i played a lot) but i just cant let the cold one riders go...the original 6e ones IMHO, did look better and the lustria update to the current ones was just ... sad. they looked bad when they were released. sf
  13. i cant imagine that. even GW cant be blind to how much of an abortion of a model the current cold ones are... and that head on the ogre model does look very much like a nicer, more organic head with some similarities to the current brutal one. I do hope there's still 3 or 4 more things to see - and not just foot characters. SF
  14. really was hoping for a big dino it does look nice though SF
  15. From rumor ppl, expected are now cold one riders/cavalry and kroxigors. We don't know if there's a surprise such as another big Dino... Sf
  16. apparently GW said something about that head and maybe we'll see what it belongs too in the future (when this model was first shown) so im guessing new cold one head. SF
  17. I wanted to see a 2.5 - 3 ft tall 40k warmaster titan from fw sf
  18. I guess if we want to play TOW it's just more important to test fit/rank the models to get the pose that works... Sf
  19. you folks do all realize... after all of this speculation, hoping, theorizing... they just gonna show a new space marine captain , right ? SF
  20. Thunder lizard baby!!!!! (Just wishlists...I doubt they would make it) Sf
  21. so i didnt know but someone said he died in the end times lore. so we wont see a model, most likely in AoS. but yeah, maybe forgeworld makes a nice showpiece of him in resin for TOW... SF
  22. Oh I thought old world was being made along with the forgeworld team. I just assumed that many new sets would be resin... Sf
  23. thanks for making me feel old. i remember us at a pool hall late on a friday/early saturday morning May 7/May 8 1999 and then randomly we decided to go see a movie and we saw The Mummy. So much fun. wonderful film SF
  24. It does say and more... maybe one seraphon model ? Sf
  25. From the TGA forum, scooper Captaniser says gw is making a new lizardmen/seraphon model called a 'proctoporus titan'. Model is rumored to be a sauropod based model 😛 😛 SF
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