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  1. I'm just hoping they keep separate profiles for Warcry. I'm optimistic given they separated cryptguard.
  2. Very nice. The Hallowed Knights colour scheme looks so much better than the Hammers of Sigmar too IMO. I wonder if they'll keep the same weapon options. Wouldn't surprise me if the launch box and starter kits are just hammer and shield but hopefully the full kit will still have variety.
  3. I'm surprised they can. Seems out of line with the outcome of the chapterhouse lawsuit (based on my incomplete second-hand knowledge 😄) and the lamassu in particular cannot possibly be claimed by any company surely. Or are they just throwing their weight around against smaller companies that won't stand up to them? To keep it rumour focused... I wonder if this action suggests that they'll be sticking to their WFB theming fairly closely. Wouldn't be much point if they were going to radically reinvent them.
  4. Going to make a prediction as a long-time lurker that Ossiarchs won't be facing Kurnothi in Warcry. The lack of WF likes on Kurnothi posts is telling. If it's Sylvaneth I'd prefer something weird like Gnarloak/meat tree Sylvaneth and to save the Kurnothi for a proper range expansion.
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