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Tango Trooper

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Everything posted by Tango Trooper

  1. The black sorceress on dragon won't mesh with lumineth. You can use any model as a place holder for lumineth models if your oponents agree though. The rest of the army doesn't really fit either but I feel the archers could be an okay fit. I forget the rest of your list. I didn't copy it before edit. really this us a forewarning for us all when it comes to model cuts.
  2. Shadowstalkers on the way out for 4th? Been informed they are classified as no longer available by my supplier.
  3. I like the ideas in general but I will wait for a solid release of the water faction before I fall either way.
  4. Yes. I have done the maths. Prior to the points changes I was at 3000 points with Emerald Lifeswarm and Hyshian Twinstones for the Endless Spell Victory Point. After these points changes I am at 3000 points with army intact but I've lost my endless spells. Thus, no endless spell victory condition right now. Thank you.
  5. I haven't seen/found any leaked points for Lumineth. I'm still fielding my Ymmetrica 3000 points army. My 3000 point Daughters of Khaine Army has been noted to have changed so I've lost a unit of Heartrenders.
  6. Took my own advice and switched Lyrior for my Enlightener. Lyrior only offered one free command point a turn but the rest was rather finicky and not used often. I can still get the free command point from Enlightener in the Shrine Luminor but the range is much reduced. I'm quite a fan of Scinari Enlightener and find she is excellent.
  7. Also, if your cathallar is a total eclipse mule I'd suggest you get a Shrine Luminor for the Cathallar to sit on. Shrine Luminor is 0 points.
  8. I guess you use the Lord Regent to make the sword masters mortal wound on a 5+ instead of a 6+. It's not so bad in my tests but the sword masters are designed for horde decimation anyway. The sword masters have no rend which can be improved by the mortal wound improvement. I would still make the Switch to warlord and then also to Zaitrec. The +1 to cast will make your army flow better because you are very reliant on single source magic. If you take the spell lore enhancement you can drop one source of protection of hysh and give the Regent Consumate Warrior to reroll a save roll once per turn.
  9. You lack a vanari unit to best use iliatha. Zaitrec would serve you better and I'd even state a warlord battalion would work better than a battle regiment. Is there a reason why you have vanari Lord regent over a third wizard? The sentinels can use power of hysh against the Lord vanari regent.
  10. Enlightener can cast 2 x speed of hysh on two stoneguard.
  11. On a side note, my DoK Army has lost the stonemage and Avalenor. Much improved change because the combo with morathi was grim. My armies are 3000 points if you wondered. Edit: Crippling Vertigo with Shroud of Despair is still beast. Combined with a Cathallar too and the NPE can be said to be back lol. We can even use Darkness of the soul and crippling vertigo for a double chance of pinning an enemy unit.
  12. Woohoo, GW listened to my email/question regarding the ymmetrica rend ignore. Seems I showed the potential. Cheers ears.
  13. The hardest parts are the highlights and the details. Most of the hardest parts to reach are primed/washed. Good tip is to do large then small.
  14. Also, if you move from the caster then you could lose models to death if models with 3 wounds have 2 wound damage and the 3 wounds drop to 2 again.
  15. In what way would you buff the spirit of the mountain? The stat lines are almost identical with Avalenor apart from the number of attacks but the cows use a two handed hammer compared to two hammers with Avalenor.
  16. Found a cheat: Krondspine in wild form with three harukan units in the back lines gets the harukan victory condition. The harukan victory condition is easy to achieve if you get the last turn against another but when the opponent gets the last turn they can deny the victory condition without krondspine. I apologise for double post.
  17. Msu is good for board control and helps with a staggered approach now we can't use the hit and run function with Helon. The hurakan victory condition also states 3 units must be within 6 inches of the same enemy unit at the end of the game. I feel msu would work better in these circumstances. However, it is better to have bounty hunter on 30 models than 15. The tactics relate to Mortek Guard MSU style play. I realise Mortek Guard are better in melee but we get the extra attack within 6 inches now. I will have to play around with the two setups and see which style suits my particular play styles. Difficult to decide without both options being tested.
  18. I'm just waiting on my battletome to see if we get Daughters of Khaine or Cities of Sigmar as allies. I hope for Cities of Sigmar for another who wants a Frostheart Phoenix. Do you think MSU would be best for windchargers - 6 units of 5 rather than 3 units of 10? I've watched some games with Windchargers but the player wasted them and didn't get a shot off. I was disappointed with the performance. I think he was Zaitrec at the time though.
  19. I'm running an elite ymmetrica force around teclis for the FNP. I might switch in Idoneth Priest with Bless for the FNP. I checked out the battlemages and I do love the look of lightning chain. At the moment searing white light is my main magical damage. My army only has 19 models at 2000 points. My stoneguard are ultra buffed but in units of 5. I will see how well the cohesion lasts because 19 models is a tad on the slim side. The army has a total of 82 wounds right now lol.
  20. This is an important point as Lumineth Realm-Lords armies can now select allies from Stormcast, Cities of Sigmar, Sylvaneth and Idoneth Deepkin! I haven't received my battletome yet but the reference is from: https://spruesandbrews.com/2022/10/08/new-battletome-lumineth-realm-lords-2022-review-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/
  21. We can have cities as allies. As well as the other order factions.
  22. Yeah I think Helon gives the +1 attack when in 6inches of an enemy unit. I considered 3 units of 10 Windchargers with 12 inch range, 2 units of 10 sentinels for 30 inch range and 3 ballistas with 36 inch range for a fully ranged army. With scinari general and 5 blade masters for bodyguards. Would be a general mess around Helon list lol.
  23. Yeah. I've been dicing with windchargers myself. I love the new ward ignores for the windcharger bows. Still not convinced I want to drop from 24 inch range and lore of hysh on the sentinels to 12inch range and no wizards in windchargers though. However, windchargers have a plush movement unlike the sentinels and stoneguard so it could be an excellent counter balance. I've taken into consideration all of the wild claims on reddit about unit combinations which trash lumineth armies. For the most part the -2 negation to rend from the stoneguard counters a lot of those issues. The days of suicidal lambent light casters have gone. There weren't high tactics in the sentinels spam. I also ran Alarith Temple Battalion with no sentinels back then. I was gutted when Alarith Temple Battalion was removed from matched play but the changes to alarith in the newest battletome has put my mind at ease. We can still save stack to +1 for stoneguard but it's not the default play, it's a special case when faced with -3 rend attacks. The weakness in Alarith Temple Battalion was not the limited movement per say, but, the lack of ranged counter play. Hence why I mixed in sentinels and windchargers instead of a Mountain Spirit as soon as Alarith Temple Battalion was removed from match play.
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