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Mortal Wound

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Everything posted by Mortal Wound

  1. Kragnos is very much still a part of the Kruleboyz background. He is name-dropped both in the article and on actual warscrolls.
  2. Well yes, that's how new edition launches go. June/July for the box and rulebook, Autumn for the box set factions. _Maybe_ a couple small faction releases early in December. Army releases only speed up from January onwards. It's funny how it's been a pattern for a decade in both mainline games and yet it still sneaks up on people 😛
  3. The Gloomspite faction focus specifically names Spiderfang as one of the four Battle Formations for the army. Beasts of Chaos still exist, they didn't poof out of existence in the universe. They will still show up in background material. They ceased being playable and are an 'NPC faction' like Wanderers. The origins of Tzaangors specifically, and Beasts of Chaos in general, has always been a mystery, even going back to old Warhammer Fantasy. No one knows for sure where beastmen come from, though there's a lot of colorful speculation in-universe. The Warhammer Chronicles Archaon novel even mentions daemons getting busy with livestock as one of the theories.
  4. The Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount does not have any Varanguard synergy in the current ruleset. He works with Knights and Chariots.
  5. That entire 'all weapon options rolled into one unit profile so you don't have to worry what you assemble' thing didn't last very long, didn't it...
  6. All abilities are elective unless they are Passive or it's otherwise stated that using it is mandatory. You can just elect to not use the 'More More Warpstone Bullets' ability the same way you can elect not to use a 'Charge' ability for a unit in charge range. Cf. the 'Bad Moon's Orbit' ability from the Gloomspite faction focus that includes specific wording that makes the ability mandatory.
  7. Yndrasta maxes out at 27 damage to a monster if she rolls perfectly and all saves are failed. Kragnos maxes out at 36 _mortal_ damage against a monster... Before he even starts attacking. Not really that great of a comparison.
  8. It was my assumption that the boat is magical and weightless and just floats in the air on its own, because you know, elves. And the birb is just dragging it along. So when the birb lands the boat just floats in place and the guys can jump off. Presumably while singing 'fa la la la'. Because you know, elves.
  9. Thank you for posting this. BTW, can you still chceck new release prices on GW's independent retailer website? I haven't been able to find it since a while back and I'm wondering if they moved it somewhere or they changed to only send that info out to stores directly.
  10. Doubtful they are clued into GW's plans this much. It took them almost two years since the boardgame release to do a Cursed City tie-in sourcebook...
  11. I would expect AoS articles moving to a weekly schedule in place of 'Heresy Thursdays'. Having daily or even every-other-day articles between now and 4th ed launch (that is supposedly late June/early July) is simply unsustainable even if they liberally sprinkle lore stuff into it.
  12. There were rumors of the GW LotR license going away in light of the Tolkien Estate being bought by the Embracer Group a couple years ago. Embracer is a 'final boss of capitalism' level holding company that also owns Asmodee amongst other stuff, and through Asmodee, multiple companies already specialized in producing popular IP tabletop games like MCP or Star Wars Legion/Shatterpoint. It stood to reason that the suits at Embracer would not have an interest in extending the license when they could be doing a competing product essentially in-house. This was congruent with the fact that GW released a new LotR starter box/edition to great fanfare and then immedietely went radio silent on the entire game. The supposition being that said starter box and edition were already produced when the Embracer news hit so they didn't want to scrap it, but were already preparing for the license yoink. Renewed releases for GW's LotR miniature line coincide in time with reports of financial troubles at Embracer and business cuts/layoffs at Embracer subsidiaries. It is therefore a plausible scenario that Embracer is not in a position to do stuff with their newly acquired LotR property at this time, changed their mind and either renewed the license or promised to renew the license for GW. This is of course all pure conjecture since no one in the general public is privy to such high-level corporate chicanery and people privy to it would likely be bound by mountains of NDAs, but it seems like a logical way to put all the puzzle pieces together, at least to me.
  13. The Redeploy command has the 'Run' keyword. Too early to tell without more info about the rules, but it could indicate that it is mutually exclusive with charging, as Running traditionally does in Warhammer.
  14. There's Embergard emblems on the walls of the city in the trailer. And if Hollywood can't be bothered with astronomy in Star Wars if it contradicts a cool shot of Starkiller base blowing up planets, I'm sure no one at GW is bothered with imaginary geography if it contradicts a cool camera pan over ocean crags. They demonstrably don't read their own preexisting books when writing new stuff so I can't see them meticulously pouring over maps. Additionally, I'm pretty sure they flat out called it Embergard in initial marketing material but later redacted that since it's technically a spoiler, however few people actually care about the Dawnbringers narrative and didn't see through it yet.
  15. We know one city will fall and the other will prosper. We also know that the city in the trailer for AoS4 is Embergard, shown to be a quite built up metropolis so presumably the trailer is set years after the events of Dawnbringers. I have a suspicion the Dawnbringer books were hit with massive delays and the trailer was supposed to land after Book 6 was already on people's shelves as to not spoil the entire crux of the narrative. Then again, we also had the Aqshy crusade headed by Tahlia Vedra and Pontifex Zenestra, prominent named characters with models, while the Ghyran crusade was led by generic stock characters. From the very start, this wasn't exactly an impenetrable suspenseful mystery.
  16. I think the paradigm has shifted so much that you really can't make predictions like this any more. Two weeks ago Sacrosanct would be firmly SAFE and stuff like Dracoths or Vanguard would be endangered over them. Back up a few months or a year and objectively speaking, Flesh Eater Courts would seem way more endangered than Beasts of Chaos. They could just as well rework the entire Fyreslayers line in a month (I mean, you would only really need to re-do two kits to give them pants and better proportions) and drop half of the units in Hedonites down the Mariana Trench (I mean, they have four different cavalry units on the same exact tongue snakes...) We're in uncharted territory.
  17. Mentions are sprinkled in the second edition battletome. You might have missed it because that battletome is... let's say a bit more nuanced and less direct in its lore section than the 3rd ed one.
  18. And to me it just doesn't make any sense with previously established background. We already had Stormcast that had too many reforgings, we even had a specific name for them: the transfigured. We even already had entire armies of them, going on Relictor-led crusades Death Company style, like the Ebon Circle. Finally, we even already had a 'transfigured disposal system' in the form of Star Bridges, where Stormcast that were reforged too many times would heroically sacrifice themselves to have their soul-stuff power conduits to Azyr that sped up the reforging of their brethren. There was no need for the Ruination Chamber to be a 'too many reforgings' retirement home, that story beat was already covered and that coverage is now being tread upon and soft-retconned, like many other aspects of Stormcast background recently. If they wanted to explore that concept, fine, I'm alright with that. Say the situation is so dire there's more transfigured around than even and the need was so great they are pushing more transfigured to the front line. Do a new Thunderstrike Lord Relictor and transfigured versions of existing units. But there is thematically no need to open another chamber that's presumably always been there all along for this sort of thing but Sigmar just forgot about it until now, and mechanically there was no need to bloat the model range with completely new elite troops and foot heroes and lords on gryph-chargers when they literally just now cut a bunch of those exact things supposedly because of range bloat. Between this Ruination Chamber thing, the Blacktalon cartoon and 'ooooh big deal guys, Sigmar Lied', it's really uncanny how much of their background they managed to contradict or flat out retcon in just nine years. In 40k, this sort of thing takes decades of incremental changes. It's like the writers don't read their own stuff. Or worse, like they did, but the people that wrote the old stuff are no longer at the company so the new guys purposefully kick their sandcastles over out of spite.
  19. This really would be the least of the established lore incongruities they have done recently regarding Stormcast...
  20. While I would like to know a bit more about them in terms of narrative (even if it's in that cringey Warcom lore-talk where everything is a remarkably clever joke on the level of a local station radio host), we know quite well how those look like from the trailer, they were featured quite prominently and there's only so much posing you can do on a model with an axe and shield. I'd prefer a look at Prosecutors, which are only shown in glimpses and gonna have spectral wing 'particle effects' and flying poses that both may or may not look convincing on a physical model. A confirmation whether they come in units of 3 or 5 would be nice as well, since the trailer shows five of them in a camera shot that feels quite deliberate. Failing that, the gryph-stalker hero (because while we have quite detailed artwork, you can do a lot with posing on a large cav model like that) or, in a perfect fantasy land of rainbows and unicorns that will never come to pass, one of the foot heroes that's absolutely gotta also be in the box that they haven't shown at all.
  21. It's not an error. It's a means to reduce the amount of dice rolls by consolidating the ability activation check and the random effect into one roll. For that ability, you roll one d3. On a 1 nothing happens, on a 2 you do 2 Mortals, on a 3 you do 3 Mortals. It will take a bit of getting used to but it's a great example of smart streamlining. Genuinely quite impressive bit of game design.
  22. No, I'm going to put Raptoryx, Furies, Spawn, Darkoath Horsemen or whatever else is cheapest/fastest moving in front of my Knights, and then charge through them if moving through friendlies is allowed like in 10th 40k. If it's not, I'll just have the screening unit end its move at an appropriate angle so that it can be cleared while staying the closest target for Covering Fire.
  23. It's not, it is way easier to screen against because it now goes against the nearest unit, after movement is done but before charges. As a Slaves to Darkness player living in an environment oversaturated with CoS players that all love their fusiliers, this new command made me breathe a huge sigh of relief. Just put a chaff unit in front of my spiky lads and bam, no more getting shot off the table (or rather, no more getting shot off the table an additional time). Takes me back to Warhammer Fantasy days when the no1 rule of playing Chaos was 'you always put Warhounds in front of the Chaos Knights' 😄 I mostly agree with your other assessments, but felt I needed to point this out because I love this change.
  24. Presumably because charging is moving, and moving out of phase allows for objective control shenanigans. Or think of it this way: if getting an extra move (Redeploy) is worth 1CP and getting an extra attack (Covering Fire) is worth 1CP, it stands to reason that getting an extra move AND an extra attack (Counter Charge) would be worth 2CP. Not to mention that with the right unit, you can then Power Through and charge something else on your turn... Sounds nasty with chariots or heavy cav, though CP-intensive.
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